Thank you for your answers.

Quote Originally Posted by PARAMASHIVAN View Post
The Cosmic energy within us and ever single atoms in the cosmos.
Let us leave the body and mind for now. You answered this for "What is this 'you'"? But here again, you say, "within us". So I must take that your answer says "What we are is (cosmic energy) within us". Isn't this statement suffering from circular logic?. Again, I must ask - what is this "within" and who is this "us" ?

Cosmic energy which is present in us and every atoms in the cosmos
You answered this for - "How do you know that there is a creator? ". The question is, " How do you know? ", not what you mean by the creator.

Man made belief system based on the culture and environment in which one is born, these belief systems and reality are completely different aspects.
How do you know religion is man-made? How do you differentiate something that is man-made and something that is not man-made?

I did not imply that. In my view Religion/morals/ethics good education as to how one may live "socially”, but not spiritually
Where is the line of division between social life and spiritual life? What differentiates the two?

Thanks. If you wish not to delve into these questions, its OK. But I put them forth simply because passing opinions is easily done, but thinking is difficult. Its seems to me that there is not much use by passing opinions (i.e., when we say 'according to me....'), especially on forums like this. But if you have a well thought out and logically coherent viewpoint, then there will always be people who will appreciate it and get the inspiration to inculcate whatever good things you have said.

LOve and Light.