Topic started by S.Sivarajah on Thu Nov 25 13:55:12 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The old kalverts at Polonnaruwa and other historical places in Sri Lanka are all in Tamil.
King Sri Wikrama Rajasinge (an) the last native ruler of the country signed his surrender agreement to the British in tamil in 1815. Where was Sinhala.
Here is a theory that I see and I wish to have the observations from others who see this
Buddhism as a religion was spread over the world by King Asoka. In Tamil Nadu manimehali is written by a buddist monk sirthalai sathanar. later Manikkavasagar and others ended the dominanace of Buddism in India. at the same time King Gemunu in Sri Lanka who wanted the Buddhist monks to stay out of his rule constructed the bronce palace and confined it to the monks to do religious research . Mahavansa was then written where sinhala appeared.The thought process behind the monks was that the religion could be best preserved if they establish a different culture and a language for the Buddists and keep them away from the englfment of the mainstram south indian lanaguage and cultre (tamil culture).
They then invented sinhala and wrote the mahavansa in sinhalese. The first victim was Gemunu himself who was named Dutugemunu the "wiked" Gemunu.
The language then stayed with the monks until later when Arumuga Navalar started on the Tamil and Hindu revival under British rule through his Hindu Schools.
There was nothing like it for the Buddist Culture and the Britisher Col Olcott started the Buddist Theosophical Society and enrolled Anagarica Dharmapala etc to form Ananda Nalanda and the Like Schools where Sinhala found it roots.
How does theory fit in with history any comments additions etc