We don’t want CHRISTIANS…..
Topic started by An Indian Christian (@ wergilb.leeds.wwwcache.ja.net) on Mon Feb 5 08:19:59 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Some Indians treat Christians as aliens and in many parts of India Christians are being attacked, killed and tortured. But their feelings are:
I want to get an admission for my son/daughter in a Christian/Convent school or college…but I don’t want Christians
I want free or better medical care in Christian hospitals,…. but I don’t want Christians
I want job in Christian organisations… but I don’t want Christians
I want to go to Christian countries (USA, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland and so many…) but I don’t want Christians
I want support and relief aid from Christians countries, but I don’t want Christians…
And I need so many things from Christians…but I want them…
- Old responses
- From: Johny johny (@ w114.z064000126.ric-va.dsl.cnc.net)
on: Wed Jan 21 13:51:21 EST 2004
It is wonderful to see how dravidians (tamilians) been raped thrice in 2000 years history.
How can we expect them to have their own culture and religion when their father/s is/are not assigned as who takes the lead in fathering tamil culture: hindus, muslims, christians or mix of all.
- From: Indianoble (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Wed Jan 21 16:11:44 EST 2004
// JJ kannada is ruling TN, //
A Tamilian is the president of the the WHOLE OF INDIA. Your point being ?
// Shivaji rao Gaekwad(maratha rajini kant) is super star in TN, //
And you northies go ga ga for A.R Rahman's Tamil-made-into-Hindi music. You Northies go nuts about Rekha. You Northies go nuts about Sridevi. Your point being ?
// Gujjus, punjabi rule every cultural scene in TN . //
saidapet doesn't really count as the Whole of TN you know.
// So fake Indinoble how about cleaning toilet in Northy houses. //
I am not quite sure how to do it. I am sure your dad can teach me all about it, being another half breed Advani lingam worshipper as the toilet scrubber for the Thampuran's garden isn't a new thing.
// India's 75% prostitution is done by Tamilians( proud of it) //
Ever heard of GB Road ? You should know ..your dear netaji's do pay a visit from time to time. Ever seen the Mumbai red light districts ? It's not just us folks ...you'll be surprised to see how many of you half breeds are taking part in this problem as well.
// India's highest fake degrees are from TN //
and india's highest cases of terrorist and communal violence comes from the north.
// we are proud of English and Tamil culture //
Unlike you Jatts who enjoy the Punjab farmland fellatio, Mughal-gangraped culture. From what is going on, we seem to be more Indian than you people sadly !
// It is wonderful to see how dravidians (tamilians) been raped thrice in 2000 years history. //
It is truely amazing to see how Jatts (dumb a$s half breed northies like yourselves) have been raped over 5 times in the course of 2000 years.
- From: Johny johny (@ w114.z064000126.ric-va.dsl.cnc.net)
on: Wed Jan 21 17:49:20 EST 2004
Okay how about the highest AIDS in Tamilnadu and how about people not knowing how to use condom , in Tamilnadu?
Throw some light Mr. Fake Indianoble, you look more like loonginoble.
- From: JOhny johny (@ w114.z064000126.ric-va.dsl.cnc.net)
on: Wed Jan 21 17:50:28 EST 2004
Please join this for your(tamilians) divine soul to rest in peace and pieces
please join our backward loongiless forum and enjoy:
- From: johny johny (@ w114.z064000126.ric-va.dsl.cnc.net)
on: Wed Jan 21 17:53:52 EST 2004
//# From: Indianoble (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com) on: Wed Jan 21 13:45:36 EST 2004
HA HA HA stoty is continuing with backward loongi lions.... JJ kannada is ruling TN, Shivaji rao Gaekwad(maratha rajini kant) is super star in TN, marwari take care of 75% of TN economy, Gujjus, punjabi rule every cultural scene in TN .
So fake Indinoble how about cleaning toilet in Northy houses. India's 75% prostitution is done by Tamilians( proud of it), india' highest infested state with AIDS is TN, India's highest fake degrees are from TN, still we are proud of English and Tamil culture, though we cannot pronounce properly yengilichha, gemistry, mademadigs, gistory, geokrapi, baroda gurama.//
How about Northy marwari gujrati taking care of TN's 75% economy?
- From: Just a doubt (@
on: Wed Jan 21 18:34:00 EST 2004
Are Jyothika, Kushboo, Simran , prabhu deva, rajini,
sherin non-Tamilians?
- From: jv (@
on: Wed Jan 21 20:50:01 EST 2004
to tamilian-1,
i want to know so bad if tamilian-1 is a tamilian or a malayalee christian
- From: jfj (@
on: Wed Jan 21 21:07:30 EST 2004
indian christian,
who made this tamil history forum. brahmins?
- From: jfj (@
on: Wed Jan 21 21:07:37 EST 2004
indian christian,
who made this tamil history forum. brahmins?
- From: josh varma (@
on: Wed Jan 21 21:09:13 EST 2004
i belive no christian including me should write any of these tamil history forum. it only disgrace the indinan christian society.
- From: shivaji (@
on: Sun Jan 25 13:02:01 EST 2004
Muslims were just 8%( 2 crores) in 1947, today they are more than 25 crores and 25% of our population whereas rest of population has multiplied only by 3 times. Muslims have multiplied by 12 times and 8% to 25% of our population . At this rate India is bound to become muslim country in another 2 decades and hindus will be minority. It is high time we promote BJP and kick out muslim vote hungary congress.
for the sake of muslim votes India will be killed by politicians and we will not see a single Hindu country in the world very soon.
BJP may not be good , they are too corrupted but still better than Congress.
But we public will still keep on fighting with each other on langauge, food habits, dressing etc.
- From: hubber (@ adsl-68-123-198-41.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net)
on: Mon Feb 2 18:08:57 EST 2004
you admit that bjp brings religion into politics. Well, congress has no option but to play up to bjp
- From: hi (@ h-66-134-126-45.lsanca54.covad.net)
on: Tue Feb 3 02:08:28 EST 2004
Congress is only muslim voter licker and their as*ss licker. They are worse than BJP in any case.
Yes there is always difference between devil and deep sea.
- From: kamina mallu (@ 210-210-41-71.lan.sify.net)
on: Wed Feb 4 07:37:24 EST 2004
chalo chalo..ladai ladai maaf karo.kutte ki tatti saaf karo...chalo chalo
- From: kamini mallu (@
on: Wed Feb 4 16:13:08 EST 2004
Mallus reached moon first (yum, ohh. ohhh, yen)
- From: kamina mallu (@
on: Mon Feb 9 11:25:46 EST 2004
hi kamini mallu ..me liked it
- From: kamini mallu (@
on: Mon Feb 9 14:37:24 EST 2004
Then come to yum, ohhhhh. yettttt anothor ooooh.
- From: somawansa (@ cpe0080c6e7053e-cm023080006621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Wed Feb 11 20:03:39 EST 2004
JJ cannada ruling TN,but tamils are raped in cannada and tamils treated as dooooogggsss and toilets cleaners.Shame,no back bone jump in to a sea.
- From: j (@
on: Sat Feb 14 17:15:20 EST 2004
Read my writings in the forum "casteism in Christianity".
To all,
I said Tamils and malayalies are different like black and white in the forum "tamilians and malayalees should join hands" he and some morons took it as the color of the skin, Instead of the thinking and culture all that. It’s the moron tamilian took it that way and I was thinking up to then he was a malayalee who used the name tamilian just to fit in with Tamil people since he talks and continues to talk in the forums just like a regular malyalee, its a complement.
- From: rajs (@ )
on: Mon May 10 20:34:18
I grew up in a Sikh family, however, at the age of 35, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Let me assure you all that it wasn’t a decision, which I took in the spur of the moment or due to weakness. Nobody brain washed me, and certainly, nobody offered me any material incentive. It was a long journey, spread over many years.
What brought about this change?
Well, to begin with, I learned that a Chammar in Sikhism remains just that - a Chammar. Whether in India or outside India, Gurdwaras have affiliation not to Sikhism but to various castes – Jatt, Naamdahri, Nildhaari, Ramgariah, etc. etc. And if the cast distinction is not obvious or, not discussed blatantly in open, then the issue will surely come up during electing officials for Gurdwaras, religious ceremonies, marriage, etc. etc.
Now, I shouldn’t really judge Sikhism and discard it because of the way certain Sikhs or, the Sikh society at large behaves. All other religions also have people who do not really reflect, as to what their religion teaches. No one’s perfect, right? There are Christians, who behave contrary to what Christianity teaches, and these people are rightly called HYPOCRITS. So, in essence, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover! (I am making an analogy here where the contents of a book represent the teachings and the cover represents people, who adhere or follow those teachings.) Following along this logic, I would like to mention one particular problem area in my life, for which I found no answer in the “Guru Granth Sahib.” And that is the problem of SIN.
Sikhism may offer answer to the problem of caste (although, Sikhs at large may not follow it) but it offers no answer to my sinfulness. It is fine to receive Guru’s grace but what about my sinful nature? If I am in receipt of “perpetual” grace then does it mean I can remain a sinner all my life?
Where did I find the answer?
This problem of sin is very real, and I might add, prevalent. How prevalent? Well, we can all direct that question to ourself. In my search for an answer I came across text in the Bible, which says – “all human beings are sinners; there’s not one who is without sin.” It caught my attention! Phew, I thought, I wasn’t the only one mired with sinful nature. The entire human race is sinful! Okay, but still no answer to the problem of sin. A Christian friend told me that God could forgive my sins because he is a GRACIOUS God. I said, “I know that!” But what happens to my sinful nature? It’s still with me? Would God in his grace “ignore” my sin? Isn’t God also JUST? Who will pay for my sins? Ah! My Christian friend with a smile on his face and a spark in his eyes said, mate, your sins have already been paid for - in full! WHAT? Incredulous, and somewhat annoyed, I wanted to know, how so? God, who is gracious, is also HOLY, my friend continued. God’s justice requires that sin be punished because He cannot let His holiness be compromised. (I couldn’t agree more!) And since, my sinful nature is beyond my control and it would require that I be punished again and, again and, again, for the rest of my life. Jesus (God in incognito) took that punishment upon him and died on the cross to redeem me from the curse of sin. (I was hooked now.) All of a sudden, this thick veil from my eyes was lifted and, the truth, that salvation is from Jesus and, Jesus alone, settled in.
I concluded that teachings of Gurus might give me some religious wisdom, perhaps make me somewhat pious too, if I tried really hard, but there is no freedom from sin. I can wear the five K’s to my grave, I can study the Guru Grant Sahib till my eyes fall out, I can recite Gurbani till my last breath, but to disinfect myself from sin I need to be born again, in some other form, which is not human. Guess what? That is exactly what Christ offers me, a new birth, which is not physical but spiritual. Therefore, the problem of sin is resolved - For there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ because he took the punishment that was due upon me and through his sacrifice I have freedom from sin.
What about the sacrifices that Gurus and various other Sikhs made?
While commendable, the sacrifices made by Gurus, and Sikh society at large, but honestly speaking, they do not value much in the sight of God. I do not mean to offend or upset any sentiments here, but you see, those sacrifices were made for Sikhism or Kaumn, NOT for sins - mine or anyone else, for that matter. Sacrifice that Christ made was for all, regardless of race, creed, colour, and I might add, caste. And I finally learned about God’s love for me that transcends all understanding.
God Bless You All
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