Tamil internet technology group
Topic started by Nambi (@ cache-ink2-cro-hsi.cableinet.co.uk) on Sat Jan 25 09:45:39 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I would like to start a forum of people
who are interested in developing Tamil a modern
language. Tamil as a modern language, like any
other modern languages like English, French and German etc will be used as a medium of communication without any frustration and reluctance. The technology should be developed
so that websites are developed in Tamil, Tamil chat rooms, Tamil discussion forums, Tamil-email, Tamil-other, other-Tamil translators,
Tamil voice recognition etc.
This is an effort to bring up Tamil community as a pre-dominant community in the world. This can be
acheived by co-ordinating thousands of Tamil speaking software technologists. If these people spend their spare time and excess of knowledge in doing research on developing technologies for developing Tamil, within 50 years the world
will realize the pride of Tamils and Tamil language.
If you are interested please mail me to:
I am looking for your opinions regarding this.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Sat Jan 25 17:05:58
We tamils certainly don't want a jihadi muslim like you who masquerades as a "theoretical buddhist" taking up our cause.
We already had great people like Bharathiyar to guide us. We certainly do not require terrorists like you.
Please try to curry favour with Jihadis and Sinhala fanatics who are also "pratical buddhists" like you are.
- From: Nambi (@ cache-cro-hsi.cableinet.co.uk)
on: Sun Jan 26 07:19:40
Terrorism has become a sin after the Sep 11. When Subash Chandra bose took it, it was
not considered to be a sin. May be it is because
the cost of an American is high.
Terrorism is there when they demolished the
Baber mosque too. Terrorism was there when they
massacred thousands of Tamils in Colombo.
Terrrorism is happening every day in Kashmir
in the name of Sovereignity. Terrorism was there
when thousands of Sikhs were killed and looted
after Indira's assassination.
I am always against war. I am trying in alternate ways to find out solutions of the problems of my community. Even if people like U try to stop me, I wont give up. I will go on my way. I am trying
to organize people who are very much interested
in developing technology for the people who
are suppressed and oppressed. I am not doing this
for your cause. It is for the people who have
got less oppurtunities and less informed. If you
try to politicize this, I will get more advertisement. Thanks for that.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Jan 26 15:39:04
Nambi, you moron, don't compare our great Subash Chandra bose with Osama bin Laden. It is not enough that you masquerade as a theoretical buddhist, you also now seek to equate our great Bose with a madman from Saudi Arabia.
Mohammed was a terrorist number 1.
- From: N (@ cache-cro-hsi.cableinet.co.uk)
on: Sun Jan 26 15:52:33
You know onething. There was a hidden agreement
between British Government & Nehru to handover
Subashji if he was found alive. This was because
the British Government still believed that
Suhashji might have been alive. Many of our
freedom fighters had been terrorists in the eyes
of British Government and had been punished severely. VOC was one among them.
I am not equating Subash Chandra Bose with Osama since Osama does not seem to be having any visions
other than scarring Americans. But like
a jaundiced person, you seem to be referring all
of your enemies as hooligans in the name of Terrorists.
If you say a person as Terrorist in a right sense
I am ready to accept. In my eyes, nuclear bombing of Americans against Japanese too is a terrorism.
I never put ice in one eye and hot water in other eye. I am evenly balanced. But for u people
demolition of Baber mosque is a divine thing
and counter-riots of Muslims is a terrorism.
This is unacceptable and unfair.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Jan 26 17:29:30
It is Babri not baber. Good riddance to bad rubbish. There was a temple there much before a mosque was built. Why there is proof for the existence of the temple by Tamil poets themselves! Let us see you deny that.
Moslems = Terrorists. This is a war against Islam. Why do you think the US is profiling muslims from all muslim countries?
And they are not "our" freedom fighters. The "our" does not include you and the christians. The "our" is purely was and of hindus and other non-muslims, non-christians.
Savages! When will you all ever learn? Go enjoy 72 virgins, gays and free flowing wine in jannat as promised by your Koran.
- From: RAJESH ANNAPOORANI (@ acc924b8.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Mar 16 20:38:40
New Tamil Technology website
- From: Harish Kumar (@ 203-195-203-203.now-india.net.in)
on: Wed Mar 17 04:03:44 EST 2004
The mad Buddhist dog nambi will say demolishing baber masjid is terrorism but not the holy koran , which calls for massacre of non-muslims.
Firsts of all its not a mosque.It was an abandoned mosque.So just shut the f!!uck up.
- From: Sidambaram Hari Krishnan (@ wmu-53-167.tm.net.my)
on: Sat Mar 27 00:34:44 EST 2004
Hi freinds why we r responding for a thing that not benefit us why don't we go back to the main topic Tamilans to be better in technology.
I m really interested if any special technical stuffes in any fields will be shared among us.
- From: selvam (@ )
on: Sun Jul 25 11:53:12
Hi Folks very intersting topic.... yu can tell your fedback to olifm online radio.. Add in your MSN olifm@olifm.com or www.olifm.com all the best
- From: lafanga (@
on: Thu Jul 29 00:33:12 EDT 2004
neduchezhiyan i.p has been blocked . now no LTTE srilankans from scarborough toronto will be able to post on forumhub. so all poor tamilians of canada you will not be able to use rogers connection for forumhub....... if you need a solution let me know....... now neduchediyan is trying to forget his tamil loongi movement.... ofcourse his personal movement is still on, but no use.
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