Arya and Dravida in India.
Topic started by karthi (@ on Sat Nov 1 06:20:09 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I found that many talk about the superiority of Aryans and Dravidians. Are these groups a language group or a Racial group?
Many Indian Brahmans and North Indians tell that they are Aryans but they got kicked their assses from SKIN-HEADS everwhere. Those SKIN_HEADS tell that they are ARYANS.
North Indians are treated and identified as gypsies in Romania and other places. They never get qualified as ARYANS in Europe.
Are these Indian Aryans a FAKE aryans?
- Old responses
- From: Another mishra (@
on: Mon Jan 19 07:19:52 EST 2004
Mishraji tell me from where Biharis- the rogues came from
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Wed Jan 28 00:51:17 EST 2004
How does nedunchezian explain that Rama is black-skinned ?
- From: vedaprakash (@
on: Fri Jan 30 02:19:08 EST 2004
I think without reading "Sangam Tamil Literature", discussion is going on. The discussion should be meaningful and serious and not personal attack (verbal terrorism) and mudslinging.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri Jan 30 23:19:20 EST 2004
-How does nedunchezian explain that Rama is black-skinned.-
Listen harris i don't know whether Rama is black skinned or not or if he is purple..i don't care how he looks and the fact i think Thamizh people shouldn't pray a character who was put in a story to put down Thamizh in 'Ramayanam.' You asked as if why the Rama is black? If he is...u shoudl also ask why 'Thirumaal is light skinned ..' I don't know why. Just because Rama maybe appear to be black doesn't mean he was originally created by Thamizh people.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Sat Jan 31 00:16:41 EST 2004
--There is no life and future of Tamil language and Tamilians however people like nedunchelian fights and farts.This language is killed by Tamilians itself who know the worth of Hindi atleast in this country. And here we are talking only about India from where Tamil will vanish soon. Let it settle in Singapore, malaysia, fiji or honolulu. --
Sorry but I haven't heard of any country with the name honolulu..(u must be watching too much cartoons). Anyway ya Thamizh people lives in more than 84 countries around the Globe. Originally are from Eezham (left over part of kumarikandam "that's what the history say") Nevertheless Thamizh people inhabited now day TN and Eezham for a long time and that is their origin. Now Thamizh people live in foreign countries as refugess to people in high places such as of Thamizh people from TN living in U.S.A comparing of that 200,000 refugees from Thamizheezham living in Canada and 300,000 Thamizh people live in England and some hundred thousands live in other European countries such as France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Swiss, Norway and in most of the middle east and in Singapore, Malysia, Mauritius, South Africa and Guyana and so on. Don't think Thamizh doesn't exist because I think it'll take thousands of years to convert Thamizhans in TN to non-Thamizh well 55 millions plus 80% living in rural areas...I don't think they'll let u convert em even if the city ppl try to. Now you also made a good point and that is 'who know the worth of Hindi atleast in this country.' Yes it's true Hindi is the official language of India although there are sub official languages in India, Hindi dominates them all along with English. Now I don't know if u know some history..but let me tell you some about hindi and the struggle of Thamizh in TN.
Now if people like Indian nobles who are half Thamizh and half invisible Thamizh (meaning half keralite, if i'm right). See if i go and say hey Indian noble are you Thamizhan or Indian? The answer will be obvious and that is I speak Thamizh but I'm Indian and not to mention how awkward it would be if i let him continue answering my question... Now this is a similar answer you'll get from most of the people in the cities and we call those people 'Brain-washed' and now then you go back in time...go back half a century...perhaps to 1940's where the Congress Party ruled the most of TN, most of Karnataka and Anthra and not only that but the Congress also was a big party in Central Government and before the British left India this party was in effect. When the British gave independance to as now you call 'India' the Congress party which was in power united TN,karanataka, Anthra which was called as Chennai Province and so the Congress (Rajaji) also wanted to make sure that after uniting these places Hindi become official and that each people in the united country of India should learn Hindi...this is what the Congress tried to enforce and I think they succeeded in most of the places but when it came to TN..The Thamizh people never gave up. They went against it and The Thamizh people of TN did an anti-hindi demonstration in front of the Rajaji house in January 3rd 1938 and then after two years or so the Congress tried to enforce it and couldn't do what they wanted to do and also arrested people who partcipated in the anti-hindi demonstrations and this anti-hindi demonstrations happened many time before and after Independance of India. Now The thing is Thamizh people decided to have a country 'Thamizh naadu' for Thamizh so there is no need for learning hindi or any other languages and so Thamizh people were starting to rebel and the Indian government prevented the rebelling by brininging troops from outside of TN and open-firing at Thamizh people who participated in the anti-hindi demonstration. Now lot of people were injured and many died but how many is the question that never been told by the Central Government. The following website will provide you the information of 'Chronology of Anti-Hindi demonstration' and also has links to other stories including the death of 'Thamizhatasan' who started a rebellion group which is still active but not much after he died in 1987 by Indian Agents 'Ro' who made his death look as if he was killed by villagers while trying to Rob a Bank! I'll also put that link below.
achronology of Anti-Hindi demonstration
The true story of the death of Thamizhatasan!
Now I am telling this tos how Thamizh people in TN are after what they tried and how the Indian government politically played the game well that made the Thamizh generation to call themselves as Indians :( and think that is their idealism..and that Thamizh is just a language and that there was no nation for Thamizh and there will be no nation for Thamizh. However the thing about Thamizh people not having a country or Thamizh going to existence is already proven wrong in Thamizheezham and shall be proved 100% shortly after Thamizheezham become a country (I'm not dreaming.)
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Sat Jan 31 00:20:54 EST 2004
Oh ya I missed something and it's a quote Arijar Annathurai said and it was " If hindi becomes the official language of India then people like Thamizh will be looked down as third level citizen" which i read from the link i gave above. I think it's proven right and Thamizh fools who join hand with Hindi government or the Central one w/e u call nothing to Thamizh all they care about is their own stomache and how to digest the food through.
- From: hjkhjk (@
on: Mon Feb 2 11:51:01 EST 2004
Kumariyaru", - Kumari is said to be 'sumeru'
They are locating saraswati in afghanistan. Who knows what these names/places mean?
on: Thu Feb 5 06:31:54 EST 2004
Kumari is the proper name, it may refer to a river (Kumariyaru), mount (Kumariikodu) or place according to Sangam literature, but not Sumneru.
The location of Saraswati by "they" is meaningless, because, the Vedas have been vety specific about Saraswati river.
I would like to know who are "they" mentioned here.
- From: fsdfsd (@
on: Thu Feb 5 12:10:39 EST 2004
They = Archaeologists and historians
There is a seven river system in afghanistan. There is a 'LIVE' river called 'HARAIWAT' there.
Also the aryan homeland in avestan texts had 10 winter months in a year. Which place in india has 10 winter months?
- From: Prakash Gomathinayagam (@
on: Thu Feb 5 20:42:05 EST 2004
In Unicode system, Tamil has been allocated only 128 character positions. Unicode system is using iscii ( Central goverment's Indian lanaguge encoding standard). iscii has lot of bugs and also not-efficient for tamil (approxmately 3-times slower). please read below the articles and sign the petition. Tamil has already got lot of efficient encoding sytesm, which are already in use. Unicode is an international standard, So an efficient encoding system has to be used for tamil. So we have to raise our voice to get unicode to be re-constructed for tamil (Which is highly feasible) ...
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