why is the fh filled with caste based discussions?
Topic started by Mathavaathi Jaathivaathi (@ pool-141-151-2-10.phil.east.verizon.net) on Sun Jan 26 21:10:42 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The fh is filled with mostly caste based discussions, primarily to promote one of these castes as the better ones. Are you happy if you belonged to some caste and touted its superiority over others? Do most of you believe in casteism? Does it serve a purpose? Do you think if religion based identity such as Hinduism, Islamism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Christianity is allowed, one should also accept caste based identity? Any takers for these questions?
- Old responses
- From: Karuvayan (@ btl-b19.lib.utexas.edu)
on: Thu Jan 30 17:59:47
//This is not a hate forum //
Tell that to your zealous christian missionaries and jihadis (the only muslim jihadi i know here is Nambi who disguises as a "theoretical buddhist") and Muthu who is actually a muslim.
- From: soddharth (@ user-38lddja.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Thu Jan 30 21:22:11
What else is there. You cannot get into college even though you are more qualified than people who have got admitted, you cannot get jobs inspite of your better qualifications.Why do not brahmins accept starvation should be your question.
- From: Nisala (@ ac98336d.ipt.aol.com)
on: Thu Jan 30 21:40:30
"Every country has own caste or class system including the west."
I would agree, with some exceptions. There is no western version of caste-based violence or untouchability by birth, unless you're thinking of Western-style racism.
- From: madhu (@ ool-18bd344d.dyn.optonline.net)
on: Thu Jan 30 22:02:01
"Madhu I think this is also because of the brahmins. I think its a huge conspiracy. I think we should blame the brahmins for this too.... dont you think???? "
No, it is all because of Karma. No one should be blamed. I wonder under whose stewardship India is since 1875 AD? Our British Civil servents and later policy makers were so smart they have done miracles for India.
- From: LayMan (@ 64-60-36-99.cust.telepacific.net)
on: Thu Jan 30 22:36:43
Madhu - For once I can almost see some agreement with you...
"""No one should be blamed. I wonder under whose stewardship India is since 1875 AD?"""
We should leave the repulsive elements of our past behind, and take the positive ones and move forward. If the Jews of the world were to harbor hatred against the Germans en masse for events of just 60 years ago, there could be no peace in Europe. The Hundred Years' War was waged for, well, over a 100 years between the British and the French. Allied - Axis in WWII.... the list is endless. Dwelling in the past brings about bitterness and blinds us to the realities of today.
While other countries talk of their successes in today's world, we continue to dwell in the bitterness of our past. If this kind of bitter talk were to be put forth by the illiterate, uneducated, economically backward masses, I can understand some of the bitterness - after all, you need to blame someone or something for your condition. But to hear this kind of venom from folks that have access to the Net, and are thus presumably in a better position than most Indians, and from those who are living in the more broad-minded societies of the West....what a revolting picture it presents to someone who did not know India any better! And all our railing and ranting about Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Brahmins, Nadars, VP kattabomman etc. etc. have no material, political, social or economical impact on the cursed masses of our country.
Do keep this mind - in our country illiteracy, poverty, malnutrition, human trading (incl. child prostitution), starvation deaths etc. knows no divisions.
Too somber? That's the reality for the average Indian, not some manic daily obsession with his caste, religion or race...
- From: Santa Claus (@ crc-cache1.jaring.my)
on: Thu Jan 30 22:39:06
>>>> Would YOU allow your son or daughter to marry a Hindu and for him/her to remain a Hindu and for their offsprings to choose which religion they want to belong to?
>>you are assuming i am not a hindu. Anyways, the answer is YESSSSSSSSSS!
I KNOW that you are a Christian. Why won;t you admit that?
Anyway, if you would so what you said you would do, and it is not just lip-service, I salute you.
Of course, there will be lots of obstacles from your community and congregation. It just needs a lot of courage and faith to hold on to your principles. Best of luck.
- From: Madhavaathi Jaathivaathi (@ pool-141-151-2-3.phil.east.verizon.net)
on: Fri Jan 31 00:04:20
So, in short some of you guys are saying casteism is inevitablle. It is just what we are, humans equate with casteism, classes and races. And some of us thing the answer is, wipe out every other human that is different. Still others think forget about everything, start afresh. How are we going to accomodate differences while being fair? How are we going to be united while ensuring freedom of expression? How are we going to justify pushing oppression into oblivion without reparations?
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com)
on: Fri Jan 31 02:01:27
MJ, the only people keeping casteism alive are Christian Missionaries who want to convert, Moslems, the CONGRESS PARTY and the marxists.
If you observe BJP and the Sangh Parivar, dalits are even made top leaders like Shri Bangaru Laxmanji.
- From: ashok (@ 12-226-23-134.client.attbi.com)
on: Fri Jan 31 03:09:29
No, it is all because of Karma. No one should be blamed. I wonder under whose stewardship India is since 1875 AD? Our British Civil servents and later policy makers were so smart they have done miracles for India.
no man you are loosing your ideal here, remember you have to blame the brahmins fro everything. the fact that today there is no water collection going on in farmins is definitely because of brahmins. Yo uhave to remeber that you have to blame the brahmins for everything otherwise what happens to the draviddian movement it falls in its face.
- From: AJ (@ h216-18-119-45.gtconnect.net)
on: Fri Jan 31 10:09:11
>>vous avez mûri depuis la dernière fois où nous avons parlée. :)<<<
Bonjour Père Noel,
OK, je le prends comme un compliment. Moi aussi j'ai des sautes d'humeur. Ça dépend de la personne avec qui je parle. Vous avez raison j'ai beaucoup appris au sujet des gens et des différentes questions dans ce forum.
A la prochaine.
- From: tamilan-1 (@ startelcorp.com)
on: Fri Jan 31 16:41:02
>> Of course, there will be lots of obstacles from your community and congregation. It just needs a lot of courage and faith to hold on to your principles. Best of luck.
Let me assume u would do the same. I haven't seen a RSSian do that yet. No need to reply!
- From: Karuvayan (@ pcl-b115.lib.utexas.edu)
on: Fri Jan 31 18:34:50
En Englishe, parlez!
- From: Karuvayan (@ pcl-b115.lib.utexas.edu)
on: Fri Jan 31 18:37:03
//There is no western version of caste-based violence or untouchability by birth, unless you're thinking of Western-style racism.//
There is, atleast for one in Japan if you have heard of the Burakhumins. Strictly speaking there is still a small western-style caste system in vogue. A White american would never think of marrying a Serb or anyone from the Balkans.
- From: tamilan-1 (@ startelcorp.com)
on: Fri Jan 31 19:12:32
>> A White american would never think of marrying a Serb or anyone from the Balkans.
thats not a caste issue. Asssshole, its a race issue! Get into your kudimi head this difference. what Hinduism does is, it WANTS people of its own race to discriminate each other, using caste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com)
on: Fri Jan 31 21:58:02
//people of its own race to discriminate //
I thought you christians regard hindus of two different races. But now you refer to them as one,
DAMM u hypocrites!
- From: siddharth (@ user-38lder0.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Fri Jan 31 23:05:20
Dr.Tamilian: How right you are. There is discrimination in admissions and jobs by Hindus and is supported by 98% of Hindus,100% of Christians and 100% of muslims. How else can morons get doctorate and so we should support discrimination.I do hope you are with the morons.
- From: Santa Claus (@ crc-cache1.jaring.my)
on: Mon Feb 3 23:44:30
tamilan-1 (@ startelcorp.com)
>>>>>Let me assume u would do the same. I haven't seen a RSSian do that yet. No need to reply!
Of course you don't want me to reply, since you know what my reply is going to be.
Just a friendly reminder: Hindus have no problem with their in-laws being of a different faith.
Mon frère de Srilankan
On l'a censé être un compliment. Espoir vous avez un grand futur et soyez une fierté à Tamils dans le monde entier.
Mon cher frère AJ de Srilankan.
C'était un compliment. Espoir vous avez un grand futur et êtes une fierté avec Tamils dans le monde entier.
- From: Santa Claus (@ crc-cache1.jaring.my)
on: Mon Feb 3 23:45:38
tamilan-1 (@ startelcorp.com)
>>>>>Let me assume u would do the same. I haven't seen a RSSian do that yet. No need to reply!
Of course you don't want me to reply, since you know what my reply is going to be.
Just a friendly reminder: Hindus have no problem with their in-laws being of a different faith.
Mon cher frère AJ de Srilankan.
C'était un compliment. Espoir vous avez un grand futur et êtes une fierté avec Tamils dans le monde entier.
- From: AJ (@ on-tor-blr-a58-01-552.look.ca)
on: Tue Feb 4 01:20:11
Mon cher Frère Santa claus!
Merci beaucoup.
- From: Aryan (@ webwarper.expr.net)
on: Tue Feb 4 05:35:05
- From: neo_morpheus (@ ppp-
on: Thu Feb 13 02:00:31
>> How are we going to accomodate differences while being fair? How are we going to be united while ensuring freedom of expression? How are we going to justify pushing oppression into oblivion without reparations? <<
You have a thought provoking point. But the truth is - the 'creamy' layer who have always benefitted out of the 'hindu' 'caste' system wouldn't want to let go of it so soon. coz it hath become a 'tradition' - a 'dharma' for them to be guarded, defended and practised - come what may!
They would never ever accept that what happened in particular with the 'hindu' caste system - is that their own 'alleged' brethern were to be made 'shudhras' and 'slaves' while still claiming that all were 'equal' under the 'Hindu dharma'.
Whatever and howmuchever the 'holy cows' moo , they would never ever would be able to cover-up this dastardly genocide of the 'dhishyus' in the truest sense of the word!
The forumhub has long since ceased to be a place for meaningful and open discussion. It's now infested with KKK gurus, aryan supremacists and 'holy twice-borns'.
Well, history would in course of time, 'flush' these elements out! Till such time they may continue to relish spreading stink all around 'em!!
- From: Miami (@ slip129-37-237-214.ma.us.prserv.net)
on: Thu Feb 13 19:53:52
Well said neo-morpheus
- From: ashok (@ 12-234-140-156.client.attbi.com)
on: Thu Feb 13 21:29:48
and you forgot hateful dravidianists.
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