Tuluva Vellalars Origin and Customs
Topic started by NewOne (@ on Sat Sep 7 10:26:36 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Tell me about the Tuluva Vellalar community.
R they pillais or mudaliyars?
R they vegetarians?
What is their primary occupation?
In which districts we can find them?
New one
- Old responses
- From: mannang katty (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Fri Apr 2 03:51:37 EST 2004
Nila.. you are a real farter from Forum Hub and a Christian sakkili.
When did you become Vellalan? Before Christianity or after you started lickking the assss of POPE?
You cannot answer and you are a corrupt low caste sakkili.
- From: erce (@ pd9512910.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Fri Apr 2 06:53:44 EST 2004
to mannang katty;
nomen est omen!
- From: :(:( (@
on: Fri Apr 2 12:44:37 EST 2004
no manankatti - again you selective aminesia has let you down.
you are the low caste sackili weaver - we agreed on that in the "LTTE........" section
I am half vellalar and half chetti:) . I guess that means I will be always higher caste than you.
sad sad:(
- From: :(:( (@
on: Fri Apr 2 12:44:42 EST 2004
no manankatti - again you selective aminesia has let you down.
you are the low caste sackili weaver - we agreed on that in the "LTTE........" section
I am half vellalar and half chetti:) . I guess that means I will be always higher caste than you.
sad sad:(
- From: mannang katty (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Sat Apr 3 14:11:00 EST 2004
Who agreed with whom?
You are a Christian sakkili from Forum Hub.
You post messages under many names and I am not responsible for them.
Mudalis are Pallavas and Vedic Kshatriyas. Your cross breed is always lower than sakkilies.
So, you know nothing of any real HINDU or TAMIL history.
I think your sakkili POPE pays you to bark against HINDU high castes in the name of TAMIL.
Tamil is always a part of MUDALIS.
So, your rants are real comedy and degrading yourself by telling that your mother slept with many men.
What is the real purpose of Forum Hub?
You cannot achive anything by telling lies against MUDALIS.
- From: nila (@
on: Sun Apr 4 11:59:46 EDT 2004
hi mannankatti.
Your are soooo idiotic and stupid.i am higher caste than you u weaver kaikolar so you get that into your head. being a esstate worker dont make you into a pallava king. maybe thats why you write such bad english. you are from a low class/ poor background and thus were not sent to a proper school. I will be surprised if you even passed your 8th grade as you ideas are sooo weird.
i think you mother must be a prostitute, thats why when ever you see a woman you always see them in your mothers light [ some inferiority complex perhaps?]
and mudalise are low caste dummy. Its vellalrs who were your bosses. So bugger off and get a life.
- From: Tamilian (@
on: Mon Apr 5 08:29:22 EDT 2004
idiafafam, geno, manang katti, harish,suresh are all but same. They are frauds.
- From: mannang katty (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Mon Apr 5 23:07:04 EDT 2004
You are a Christian coolie and naturally cannot have any knowledge of Pallavas or Mudalis.
Further still you are unable to tell about your Christian cooli GRAND ASSSSHOLE. Tell his name and place in Jaffna. I will tell whether you are a Vellala or KOVIYA or Malayala sakkili.
Your knowledge of Tamil history is not even to the level of gr.2.
You bark here because you sakkilies became Christian coolies.
MUDALIS are fighters.
Even the last king of Jaffna was a MUDALI and he was killed by PORTUGEUSE who were aided by your sakkili ancestors and traitors.
So, dont bark here about your silly TAMIL history!
Vellals of HIGH grade in Tamil Nadu now adopted the name MUDALIYAR to follow the Kai kolars.
You are a sakkili Malayala coolie and promoted as HIGH caste by your Christian WHITE masters. Can you tell your origin in Tamil nadu if you are a Vellala?
What a funny history this Christian asssshole tell to Tamils.
- From: nila (@
on: Mon Apr 5 23:57:02 EDT 2004
mannag katti...........
Everyone knows you are a tea esstate coolie and your wife is a cinnomon coolie:). dont use your ancestrial occupation to address others.Some ppl find it very offensive and repulsive[this you wont understand as you just managed to elivate yourself into a kaikolar thus you must be proud of being a weaver ]as we dont consider being a weaver to being something to be proud of.
Further understand its not everyone who comes from low caste/bad families like yours.Some of us have very good backgrounds...........again this is something you wont understand.
before i tell you my family history why dont you tell us about urs? im sure alot of ppl in forum hub are very interested in knowing your fathers name, ur mothers name, what part of tamil nadu you are from, the schools you studied in, and what deformity you suffer from:)........... may be then we can understand this lowclass/ caste mannankatti phycological problems.So first do that and i promise you ill tell who my greatgrand father was.................:)
---->the last king of jaffna was sankili. first go and learn the basic facts of tamil history you dummy before talking about it.
----> there are no high caste vellalrs in tamil nadu.If there were they wont try to elevate themselves into cheap weaver kaikolar.
----> all of us dont have a pichikara ancestors like you manna katti. so dont judge others in your families light. just coz your family switched to christianity ,it doesnt mean everone elses does so too.And your family being sackili doesnt make everyone else sakili too.
----> The SL tamil vellalas didnt originate in TN u dummy. Sl vellalars have been in jaffna for more than 1000 years. So again first learn to be a bit less "DUMB" before blabbing rubbish in forum hub.
- From: nila (@
on: Tue Apr 6 00:13:42 EDT 2004
and as you are tempting me with your caste knowledge - find me a "MAYILVAGANAM" from nallur a "VELAYUTHAM" from jaffna town a "KIRIPILLAI from CHEMMANI, A "fjhgjf" from batticolloe, A "khkjhgfk" from kirimalai,a subramaniam" from chunakam, a"jhgkhgf" from nachumar koviladi in jaffna town, and a "Rajamohan" from valvettiturai , A "sivechittambalam" from ariyalai,A " nagalingam" from KKS,A "ramachandram"
from pallali, A " kirnmahan" from Kaits, A "manampitiyan" from point pedro, A "jhgjhgdf"
in sea street[ jewelers].
Tell me who these people are, about his/her family
and what caste they belong to. Lets see your how clever Mr dummy mannankatti really is.......
- From: nila (@
on: Tue Apr 6 00:18:41 EDT 2004
and further list all the caste in jaffna in the higher archical order. Well see what you have left out and how much you know about the jaffna history.
- From: Srini (@
on: Tue Apr 6 02:03:22 EDT 2004
What is this discussoin getting diverted to Jaffna from the actual question posted by newone. I'am from Tuluva Vellala Mudhaliar, settled in Bangalore. Please enlighten me on the below:
Are they really from Tulunad? When did Tuluva Vellalars come to Tamilnad?
- From: mannang katty (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Wed Apr 7 03:19:55 EDT 2004
Thuluvas were laborers to Tamil Vellala pillais. Later they adopted their masters names as Thuluva Vellala..later mudlaiyar after Vellalas adopted the name of MUDALI which belong to Kai Kolar or Sengunthar.
- From: aravind (@ fw1.iib.ch)
on: Sun Sep 26 10:03:38
in jaffna the kallar maravar agamudayar pallar mella mella maruvi vellalar aginar.this is true.(from frof.k.sivathampy`s research books)
- From: pillai (@
on: Tue Sep 28 04:44:27 EDT 2004
In Jaffna tn#hey are dark
- From: pillai (@
on: Tue Sep 28 04:44:37 EDT 2004
In Jaffna tn#hey are dark
- From: sinkan (@ fw1.iib.ch)
on: Mon Oct 4 09:12:01 EDT 2004
Mr pillai say clearly please.
- From: aravind (@ fw1.iib.ch)
on: Sun Oct 17 09:14:40
North srilankan(jaffna)vellalars are are origin of Madappalliyr,pallar,vellalar( only 2% from TN)maravar sinhalaGoviyans.
- From: aravind (@ fw1.iib.ch)
on: Sun Oct 17 09:15:25 EDT 2004
North srilankan(jaffna)vellalars are are origin of Madappalliyr,pallar,vellalar( vellalars only 2% from TN)maravar sinhalaGoviyans.
- From: lion (@ )
on: Wed Oct 27 17:47:33
oooohhhhhh....my god
you tamils are suffering from caste factor....all of you are racist.Not only towards sinhalese, but also against your own people.
- From: hah,.ah. (@ newcomb-ftp.adsnet.com)
on: Wed Oct 27 18:53:50 EDT 2004
all Tamilians are great lions, though loongi is their dress code
- From: Luren (@ )
on: Sun Dec 12 02:43:05
What is the origin of the surname Chetty. What caste do we belong to and which town did we originate from. Please anyone help !
- From: davie (@ vgtblt)
on: Sun Dec 12 03:43:06 EST 2004
urme suck my dic
- From: davie (@ vgtblt)
on: Sun Dec 12 03:43:27 EST 2004
also tony and truth can join
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