Chera, Chola and Pandia
Topic started by karthi (@ on Mon Aug 18 05:10:42 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I am asking the TAMIL historians, the present day Tamil pandits, Eelam Wallas the TAMIL meaning for the words..Chera or Chola or Pandia. If these words are really TAMIL, there must be a TAMIL meaning but none is available.
No one give an answer so far. Why? Are these words non-Tamil?
- Old responses
- From: Kajan (@
on: Sun Aug 24 23:35:37 EDT 2003
>I stand with my opinions as true.<
- From: karthi (@
on: Mon Aug 25 05:16:57 EDT 2003
Where is your Etymological explanations for Chera, Chola and Pandiyas?
I think you now accept my opinions.
Tell me whether you have answers for your claims first. Then you can go to Tamira or TAMRA or Tamba
- From: Thamilan (@
on: Mon Aug 25 06:27:02 EDT 2003
if Thambapanni is Pali ( According to Karthi Ka ) I would like to ask who named it. We all know that Pali is a language which originated in between Iran & Kumarikandam. Why would the Thamilar want to call Illangai Thabrabane ( or a Pali word ). Why should Thamilar take a Pali name for their territory.
Maybe the late comers from Gujarath and Orisa ( Who were thrown out of their own kingdoms for their mischief called it that, we all know who that is ).
Dear Karthi Ka Kerala is actually a Thamil state ( I can speak this Thamil language ) they may call themselves Malayalam – ( Thamil ). Their dialect evolved to what it is today from the 8th century. Even in Thamil Nadu we can see in some areas they use different dialects. In Illangai we can recognize Yallpana Thamilar ,Matakalapu Thamilar & MalLay Natu Thamilar by their own dialects.
Ohh did you know SingKalam is a Thamil word which mean Singathin Kalam. People, in Colombo in colonial time didn’t call themselves Singhala. They used to say “ We are going to SingKalam” when the used to visit the Kandi Rajayam. Now Karthi ka is putting up a very good “BAILA” as usual.
Karthi Ka- “ I always tell all these Tamil Kings were not of any Tamil origins. “
so what origin are the Thamil Kings Karthi Ka. ( Don’t tell me ( So Called ) Singhela ).
Idappam R- “You doubted to Tamilness of Chera, Chola and Pandiya. And when you were proven wrong - you went on to Madurai - yet again proven wrong. Now Thamira Barani thingy. These would go on without end.”
Before Karthi Ka say that Thamil Script & Thamil Language is not of Thamil origin I would like to say that the so called Singhala script derived from Thamil script. It is know as Thamil Ashoka Perami. Malayala Thamilar & Anthara Thamilar use this script in writing. ( As usual don’t be surprised because these suckers are good in copying others and make a small change and calling it Singhela. ).
I saw some where that Karthi Ka saying that Thamilar in Yallpanam are from Chera nadu. I would like to ask you then why are the Thamilar there not wearing Onam style Sarees but in the south & Center of the island are wearing sarees called Ooo-Sarees I wonder where they came from.
If the Thamilar in Yallpanam were bought by the colonizers to do plantation why do I not see coffee and coco growing in Yallpanam ( anyway the soil & weather are not good for these plantations, How could you say such a stupid statement as the Thamilar in the north were bought to do plantation ) . But in the south & central we see all the colonial vegetations and the people who were bought in by the Porthugese from Goa are now calling themselves Singhala. Ya right.
Karthi ka please come up with your next PURPOSE FULLY TWISTED IMAGINATION there are people in this forum to prove the truth.
Of course this will all look like BARKING to Karthi Ka since animals don’t under stand civilized languages.
Hahhahhahhah hhahahhahhahahhahhhhahahahh hahahha
- From: Idiappam (@
on: Mon Aug 25 16:24:21 EDT 2003
Karthi said:
Where is your Etymological explanations for Chera, Chola and Pandiyas?//
Karthi, my boy! These words are Tamil! I have given you the meaning on the same thread, scroll up and see!
Then you went on to 'Madurai'! I went on to quote the paripaadal Tamil texts!
Then you went to 'Sangam' and now 'Tamira' - as non Tamil words. I know you can go on without end! Then I may have to write and 'etymological lexicon of the Tamil Language for you!
You just don't come around saying things, you have to show strict proof of your claims. So, Karthi, first show me the roots of these words from non-Tamil origins!
Take the challenge!
- From: Anuradha seneviratne (@
on: Tue Aug 26 00:32:55 EDT 2003
Sri lanka there are older Sinhala prakrit inscription in Brahmi which are dated to ^ th century B.C.
- From: Anuradha seneviratne (@
on: Tue Aug 26 00:41:34 EDT 2003
Sri lanka there are older Sinhala prakrit inscription in Brahmi which are dated to 6th century B.C
There are proof that ancient Sinhalese kingdoms whch existed before Anuradhapura were on bothsides of Palk strait.
They were the first urban irrigation based civilizations south of Narmada.
- From: karthi (@
on: Tue Aug 26 10:57:56 EDT 2003
Your told nothing except qoting Pari padal but you never proved any of the names are for MADURA.
You never tell why TAMIL MADURA is called THEN( South) Madurai. Then you will know well why I tell Pandias are out siders.
You cant.
- From: karthi (@
on: Tue Aug 26 11:01:36 EDT 2003
You are just blabbering without sense.
Thabrabane is Greek and not Tamil or Pali.
Ilangai is Tamilized LANKA.
So, dont make your SAMBAR(Is that Tamil) here.
- From: Sk (@
on: Thu Aug 28 03:47:19 EDT 2003
Panni is a Pali word. Bharani is a Sanskrit word but for same meaning. ""
What does "Bharani" or "Panni" means?
- From: karthi (@
on: Thu Aug 28 05:00:22 EDT 2003
Panni = Bharani = leaves of a plant
Tamra means copper.
- From: sk (@
on: Thu Aug 28 07:31:16 EDT 2003
""Panni = Bharani = leaves of a plant
Tamra means copper.""
But in Tamil "Parani" means a "flowing river"
"flowing water" may be more correct.
some of the similar words are
..... there are many such words.
"Tamira" may have come from other language.
- From: nanpan (@
on: Thu Aug 28 14:54:12 EDT 2003
>> Ilangai is Tamilized LANKA.
No. Read
Ilankai, Eelam and Yazhpanam
- From: :) (@
on: Thu Aug 28 16:15:19 EDT 2003
the name of the river was porunai
thaN+porunai over years changed to thambraparani
- From: SK (@
on: Fri Aug 29 01:08:11 EDT 2003
"thaN+porunai over years changed to thambraparani"
But the word "Parani" means Flowing River.
Other similar sounding words that comes close in meaning with FLOWing, Running,Flying. are
Parani also means poem or songs which are "flowing words"
- From: rajah (@ )
on: Wed Sep 1 08:52:53
- From: w (@
on: Wed Oct 6 10:10:01
Chera is derived from Cherntha cherntha nadu and the rulers were cherar or chernthavars.
It could also be a transformation of Aera nadu-a country that lies across the hills there is a reference of Aerumai nadu around mysore.
Pawndyan-Is derived from Pann +udayan Which could be refering to Panbu or Pann which refers to poetic .
Chozhan could be transformation of Chooran achuran etc,
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Thu Oct 7 20:18:19 EDT 2004
Thiru Kaarthi please refer to the 'Is Tamil Derived from Sanskirit' section of the Thamizh Literature section of this forum. I asked this question in that section and Thiru AP MASILMANI answered it.
His explanations can be found in the previous post of the topic 'Is Tamil derived from Sanskirit?'
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Thu Oct 7 20:18:45 EDT 2004
I remember him explaining ....
Chera as the word that came from the root
Cha -> Chaar --> Chaaral (Malaichaaral) and then turned into the word Chera
He explained the word Chozha to have been rooted from the word 'Choolai' 'Valamudaiya naadu' Rich Country. He also gave other explanations for Chozha..please go read the topic 'Is Tamil Derived from Sanskirit' and click on old responses. Remember the name Mavalangkilli? (Ma=big, vala=rich, killi= Chozha Kings Family name). Vala Naadu from the Kumarikkandam map (Lemuria?).
He recently answered that the word 'Paandy' came from the word 'Paandu' which mean 'pazhamai' The Paandiyan Kingdom is the ancient of all Kingdoms. Many Thamizh Scholars will say the same thing.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Thu Oct 7 20:20:20 EDT 2004
The Word Chaaral became Chera since the Cheraars lived in (nearby) the region of Mountains.
- From: Smyya arasakutty (@
on: Sun Oct 17 11:41:22 EDT 2004
Is Tmil deri ed from sanscrit?
My answere will be "Sascrit is not a spoken language in any where, any time in the world,"
the name "Sanscrit"itself was titled in 7th century by PNINI who alone wrote the gramer.
It cotain many of the words with good sound
taken from some of the Indian langues and mainly
from tamils.most of the so called famous saints &
rishies are imaginary charectos.all the famous and
highly enriched contents of UPANISADS are from Tamil only. the language was & is used as a means
to lie on others earnings.
- From: Haribabu (@
on: Wed Oct 27 02:12:36 EDT 2004
Thiru Nedunchezhiyan,
The word Pandya was not formed from the word Paandu(if you are mentioning Mahabharatham), because the pandyan kings are already found in RAMAYAN which is earlier than mahabaratham.
Here the Proof:
the following sentance is gathered from ramayana, "nadiim godaavariim
sarvam eva anupashyata |
tathaiva aandhraan ca puNDraan ca colaan paaNDyaan keralaan"
- From: Haribabu (@
on: Wed Oct 27 02:50:39 EDT 2004
The very intresting is... the chola and pandya kings were fight against the "Dik-vijayam" of Yudishtra (Dharmar). And Yudishtra is one of Paandavas. The tri tamil king were found in the tharbar of Sita's suyamvara(ramayan). And tamil kings were found in the barath war of Mahabarath they were fought in the side of Truth.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Mon Nov 1 20:36:17 EST 2004
Ramayanam and Mahabharatham was made by Thamizhans to spread and introduce Thamizh religions and religious deities to Aryans.
//The word Pandya was not formed from the word Paandu(if you are mentioning Mahabharatham), //
I wasn't mentioning Mahabharatham as you should know Thamizh is older than any of these made up stories. I believe Thiru A P MASILMANI didn't mention the word 'paaNdu' from Mahabharatham. Anyway from what he said and what I have read and know, the pANndiyars were ancient Thamizh Rulers. The Word is Thamizh and must have been applied to these group of people to mean the ancient Kingdom or something. Anyway the 'paaNdu' could have meant Thamizh PaaNndiyan Kingdom or King since it was written by a native Thamizh!
- From: davie (@ nevarezcorp)
on: Tue Nov 2 15:50:03 EST 2004
most of the indians are not fair compared to other people in the world due to sun tanning. Dravidians are Aryans who settled quite early and so they are brown or kind of dark compard to the couunterparts (aryans)
- From: davie (@
on: Tue Nov 2 18:25:08 EST 2004
so even in olden days they were more united and equal.
so it justifies my thinking that some sect of the community like thieves were assumed the lowest class.
check back for more information!!!!!!!
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