did ramanuja change the meaning of the shloka...shuklam bharatharam vishnum shashi varnam
Topic started by shankaranarayanan (@ dialpool-210-214-216-159.maa.sify.net) on Fri Apr 4 14:00:07 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
according to non- sri vaishnavas the meaning of this shloka is:
shukla ambharatharam-one who wears a white cloth.
shashi varnam-whit colour
chatur bujam-4 hands
prasanna vadhanam dhyayayeth-( no controversy in meaning for this)
sarva vignopashanthayeth-clears all hurdles
vaishnavas have rejected this meaning?
how often does vishnu wear a white cloth instead of yellow?
when did he become moon coloured instead of rain-cloud colour?
most common reference to clearer of vignas or hurdles is ganesha.
now if ramanuja was correct why dont other vaishnavaites like madhwas accept this?
why from north to south the smartha interpretation is agreed?
advaitis could not have changed the meaning of vishnu to vinayaka as they do not detest vishnu.
the real reason is that ramanuja had to wipe out shiva from vedas,puranas-shiva related puranas were converted to tamasik puranas-when they were composed by vyasa,and peoples mind.
he was unsucessfull in this regard.
- Old responses
- From: vaidyanathan (@
on: Thu Jul 31 13:23:37 EDT 2003
why do madhwas not follow the same method of sanyasa as srivaishnavas?can anyone ellaborate on all the differences.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Mon Aug 18 10:07:48 EDT 2003
What method of sannyasa do the Madhwas follow and what method the Sri Vaishnavas ?
- From: tony (@ user-2ive7sv.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Mon Aug 18 16:17:05 EDT 2003
Dr.Neo Morpheus:
Youn left out one important staement from Jayendra swamigal. 'To attain moksha one should only buy Toyota or suburu and not chrysler or Ford'.
- From: Tamilan-1 (@ adsl-63-204-32-221.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net)
on: Mon Aug 18 17:40:15 EDT 2003
Tony iyerae,
Youn left out one important staement from Jayendra swamigal. 'To attain moksha one should not enter politics or have affair with paaalkaaari'.
- From: tony (@ user-2iveatn.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Mon Aug 18 22:53:13 EDT 2003
What an insight. You are really a genius.Now I understand why I do not get a backward certificate.One can fake a talk and a walk and even looks but not a backward brain.Anna U should be proud of an alumnus like you.
- From: sanjay kumar (@
on: Wed Mar 24 08:18:06
With due respects to Sri Jayendra Saraswathi swamigal, it would be better if he restricts himself to saivaite temples & not comment on vaishnavaite temples. There are enough jeeyars to worry about vaishnavaites / temples.
As for the "shukla baradaram slokam", the comment by shanakaranarayan attributing motives to Sri Ramanuja was atrocious to say the least.
Sri Ramanuja is & will be the GREATEST EVER MAHAPURUSHA ever to set foot on earth. It is highly mischieavous to say the He wasnted to wipe out the word Shiva from Shiva puranas, vedas etc.,
It is precisely for this very reason that Swami Vivekananda proclaimed that India should have the heart of Ramanuja.
- From: Harish Kumar (@ 203-195-203-203.now-india.net.in)
on: Wed Mar 24 09:12:52 EST 2004
Correction.He said heart of Buddha.The brain of Shankara , the devotion of Ramanuja and heart of Buddha ---- You get that in Madhwa.
- From: fghfg (@ customer183-162.iplannetworks.net)
on: Wed Mar 24 09:24:18 EST 2004
"Vekatachalam( Tirupathi ) is known as Kaliyuga Vaikunttam (The abode of Lord Vishnu). Is Vaikunttam the abode of Siva ?? Siva dwells in Himalayas as according to all scriptures. Today, Because there is more inflow of money and more glory over there at Tirumala, now some people wanted to acquire it at any cost for their own selfish ends and say that Siva and Vishnu are one ! It is foolish to say that.
These 'modern' claimed "Mattadhipathis" under the umberella of Sankaracharya started to exercise their political and money power onto the media and the TTD authorities.
It is so surprising that some people who claim themselves "Mattadhipathis" and "Peettadhipathis" doesn't even know the minimum code of conduct. They think that Mattadhipathi / Peettadhipathi means having big big mansions, hundreds of acres of land, having crores of corpus fund, having political leaders in their grip and using the true devotion of devotees to satisfy their egos in the name of GOD.
Instead of supporting HH Sri CHinna Jeeyar Swamiji for reacting to the degrading situation, some claimed "Muttadhipathis" are trying to use the scenario to increase their popularity by criticising a noble personality like HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.
Bhagavad Ramanuja consecrated the deity of Lord Venkateswara and installed Yanthra and Chakras to make the shrine prosper with the devotion of the devotees and the wealth of Devotees' Love and dedication. Gave Him Sankha and Chakra and became His Guru ! History says this ! There are inscriptions saying this !
If once the pseudo- "Muttadhipathis" come out of the holes of their Mutts and serve the needy in the society, they will know the "pain " in it. "
- HH Chiina Jeeyar Swami
- From: hfh (@ customer183-162.iplannetworks.net)
on: Wed Mar 24 09:26:42 EST 2004
"Vekatachalam( Tirupathi ) is known as Kaliyuga Vaikunttam (The abode of Lord Vishnu). Is Vaikunttam the abode of Siva ?? Siva dwells in Himalayas as according to all scriptures. Today, Because there is more inflow of money and more glory over there at Tirumala, now some people wanted to acquire it at any cost for their own selfish ends and say that Siva and Vishnu are one ! It is foolish to say that.
These 'modern' claimed "Mattadhipathis" under the umberella of Sankaracharya started to exercise their political and money power onto the media and the TTD authorities.
It is so surprising that some people who claim themselves "Mattadhipathis" and "Peettadhipathis" doesn't even know the minimum code of conduct. They think that Mattadhipathi / Peettadhipathi means having big big mansions, hundreds of acres of land, having crores of corpus fund, having political leaders in their grip and using the true devotion of devotees to satisfy their egos in the name of GOD.
Instead of supporting HH Sri CHinna Jeeyar Swamiji for reacting to the degrading situation, some claimed "Muttadhipathis" are trying to use the scenario to increase their popularity by criticising a noble personality like HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.
Bhagavad Ramanuja consecrated the deity of Lord Venkateswara and installed Yanthra and Chakras to make the shrine prosper with the devotion of the devotees and the wealth of Devotees' Love and dedication. Gave Him Sankha and Chakra and became His Guru ! History says this ! There are inscriptions saying this !
If once the pseudo- "Muttadhipathis" come out of the holes of their Mutts and serve the needy in the society, they will know the "pain " in it. "
- HH Chinna Jeeyar Swami
- From: Surya (@ cache-ntc-ad02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed Mar 24 22:35:41 EST 2004
NO he didn't where did u get that idea?
- From: sanjay kumar (@
on: Sat Mar 27 01:11:58 EST 2004
Mr. Harish kumar,
Vivekanda did say the HEART of RAMANUJA & not "DEVOTION OF RAMANUJA" as mentioned by you.Madhwa, great saint as he was, cannot be compared with the great RAMANUJA.
- From: sanjay kumar (@
on: Sat Mar 27 01:20:15 EST 2004
Mr. Shankaranarayanan,
I read your comments on SRI RAMANUJA trying to erase the word SHIVA from the vedas, shiva puranas etc.,
It was blasphemous, to say the least. Casting aspersions on a great saint such as RAMANUJA who strove constantly to unite people irrespective of their caste, creed etc, is totally ridiculous, to say the least.
Just because SRI RAMANUJA gave a different interpretation, it cannot be held that he was against saivaite beliefs.
Your Adi Sankara, great as he was in many ways, held caste beliefs, till his eyes were opened by Lord Shiva himself. Even when he held debates with buddhist saints, he insisted that they immolate themselves if they were defeated.
Hovever, it is not my intention to compare the two saints / sects & claim that Vaishnavaite sect is superior. I am only pointing out certain facts.
Coming to the point, It is a great mistake to say that vaishnavas have rejected the meaning / interpretation given by SRI RAMANUJA on "shuklam bharatharam vishnum". It is just that we are more focussed on the DIVYA PRABHANDAMS & PASURAMS.
The above comment from you only underlines the fact that saivaites are either jealous of vaishnavaites/ vaishnavaite saints (or) are unable to digest the fact that LORD NARAYANA is THE SUPREME GOD HEAD.
My heartfelt sympathies.
By the way, I was of the opinion that forum hub was a place for dicussion of healthy debates & arguments. I am beginning to have second thoughts on this going by your statement.
It is a pity that the hub has been misused to make some profoundly absurd statements.I sincerely hope that these innuendoes do NOT occur again.
- From: Harish Kumar (@ 203-195-203-203.now-india.net.in)
on: Sat Mar 27 10:56:26 EST 2004
First of all you fool understand that advaitins are not saivaites.Saivism is different its a dulaistic religion.Advaith as the name suggest is monistic.
- From: sanjay kumar (@
on: Mon Mar 29 02:47:31 EST 2004
Mr.Harish kumar,
U have not answered to the main topic.
Anyway, you moron, try (atleast) to be a bit courteous in replying.
- From: Harish Kumar (@ 203-195-203-203.now-india.net.in)
on: Mon Mar 29 03:22:08 EST 2004
When somebody who knows about indian philosphy makes such a silly mistake , one does really get angry.anyway nothing personal about it.
I dont really care what si the original meaning of the sloka.You can keep twisting these things as you like.
- From: t (@ adsl-68-76-80-191.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net)
on: Tue Apr 6 19:43:33 EDT 2004
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