Is the Dravidian movement dead?
Topic started by Karuvayan (@ on Sat Jun 7 05:46:23 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- From: brahmin slayer (@
on: Sat Jun 7 09:53:58 EDT 2003
Parpans have been day dreaming that the Dravidian movement will one day die out. The subramania papan's drivels are nothing new.
He is a clown but like most of the papan snakes he is a very poisnous snake.He must be killed.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jun 8 09:31:15 EDT 2003
The dravidians made too many mistakes.It was very much possible to challenge the hindu social and spiritual set up and provide an alternate spirituality and social and political model to replace the vedism.
For example a society based on Thirukural and Shaivism.
Its mindless attack on anything brahmin was one reason for the failure.Every society needs an intelligent class of men.Dravidians were right in kicking out brahmins in power positions but should have also worked for the creation of a dravidian intellectual class.After Periyar there were no intellectuals.Only rowdies.They should have imported more thinkers and philosophers from karnataka.too bad.
Their attitude should have been we are against brahmisn anot brahminism ,but it was the reverse.
RSS is successful bcos not only they ahve muslim killers but also social workers.They ahve built 2 lakh schools in backward areas and made them into literates.Also it has a pan-hindu outlook , even mahatma remarked hwo a brahmin and a dalit can stand together.Infact caste was banned.If you retained caste names you get kicked out.
Dravidians failed to evolve a pan-non brahmin cultural structure.Instead of brahmins all they could offer was kushboo.Too bad.They tookt amil society to depths.
Failure to accomodate SC/ST and shudras under one banner was the fundamental mistake.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jun 8 10:23:33 EDT 2003
Dravidian movement should have ben formulated as a response to brahmin type of spiritualism rather than an anti-brahmin movement.Brahmin domination is the result of British recruitment in the ICS.But it had its advantages.FOr once , brahmins came in touch with western ideas and assiduously propgated the AIT as they were suffering from an inferiority complex after 900 years of bashing and love dto be known as the first cousins of the Europeans.So they contributed to awakeing the dravidian consciousness which is far more important than a few government posts.Also they saw in christ the best of hindu values minus the evils of the hindu society.Christianity thrived respectably until recently in India converting huge numbers esp in the NE bcos of this respectability conferred on them by the brahmins.
Bcos of this christianity bcame synonymous with social service and nobody realised that all they were interested were in new converts.Until recently every hindu including brahmins held christian Fathers in higher respect than their own brahmin temple priests.
So brahmin domination had its advantages.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jun 8 10:29:24 EDT 2003
What is needed is a movement that is pro-tamil instead of anti-brahmin.Lets us assume that brahmins are pure aryans.So what ? It is credit to the dravidian culture that these brahmins converted to dravidian culture and turned out to be its biggest contributors.People like Swaminathan (Tamil Tatha ??? ) and Subramania Bharati.This is real conquest , ideological conquest.It is superior to the physical & social conquest by brahmins by insitituting four fold caste system.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jun 8 10:35:21 EDT 2003
Now we must start a new tamil movement.
Tamil culture is unique and it can offer much to teh world.But for that independance is necessary.Unless TN bcoms independant it cannot serve as a roel model to the rest of the world.Tamils can evovle a new social adn economic and spiritual system that is unique in many respects and holds up as an example to the rest of the world.As a part of teh Indian Union our activities in the above fields are constrained.
But for this to happen brahmins must be accepted as tamils and their brains must be used.TN should secede from the Indian Union.
I know many people will be shocked by this.Thats bcos people mistake secession with hostility.We saw how czechoslovakia broke into 2 parts.Velvet divorce.We can even have a military treaty with the rest of the Indian Union and strong economic ties but independant existence.
Such an independant tamil state can be a beacon lite for the rest of the world.Tamil can become a major world language.Like Spanish and French !!!
Just think abou it !!!
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jun 8 10:40:49 EDT 2003
We tamils exported hinduism to Indonesia and Malaysia.We can assume that role again.We can even try to conquer australia --- kumari kandam -- original home of tamil now home to highway men----- make it a part of a greater tamil nadu.A vast tamil empire stretching from boston and detroit to Sydney and canberra...with sri lanka and deigo garcia in the middle...take over Fiji and phillipines.....tamil shaivite temple bells will ring along the western austrlian coast and tamil soldiers will wash their boots in the warm currents of Kuru Shio.
- From: prabhu bharathan (@
on: Fri Jul 4 16:37:37 EDT 2003
Oh my goodness, you people wont stop at "slaying brahmins" or by calling them Aryans and yourselves as Dravidians.
We are all one and the same people who have conveniently been split into Aryans (courtesy some stupid german guy called Max Muller who propounded a stupid AIT theory) and Dravidians.
Now that your thoughts have gone to monstrous proportions such as "brahmin slayer" etc, I dont think you people will ever understand the truth. Please read my other articles in the forum under different headings only if you have the capacity to understand the truth.
May peace be with you.
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