Peace in Eelam was deleted? why
Topic started by ProTam (@ on Thu Apr 25 14:46:07 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The message peace in eelam was deleted twice?
Why admin does not want to discuss it here?
while there are many messages with so much hatred against one group or the other is given preference.
- Old responses
- From: Sri Lanka peace talks 'by July' (@
on: Tue May 11 06:45:38 EDT 2004
Sri Lanka peace talks 'by July'
why to care about your barking mannanng kundi?
CBK got more time to manipulate even this!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Tue May 11 11:23:42 EDT 2004
Thamizh language nor Thamizhans never borrowed anything from you people! The only think that influenced Thamizhans were after Thamizhans lost their rule in their own land! There wasn't any (H)India back then and it started after British gave Independance to now day South Asia where they had the little kingdoms which were captured by them united into one and then pakistan went separate because of RELIGION where Thamizhans have a strong reason to be separate as differ by Culture, Linguistic and in many other ways and including getting looted by Hindi Dogs! Don't talk nonsenses here man! Go to BJP and Congress and RSS and tell your wonderful MYTH and tell how proud you are to have Thamizhans living enslaved to (H)India and how you like to loot the Thamizhan Wealth in TN!
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Thu May 13 17:11:11 EDT 2004
Borrowed nothing but bark for others is a Sri lankan Tamil job!
Why are you crying for POPE here? Your theevu dogs now half Sinhala..
So, stop crying for Tamil.
- From: Fuck The RSS (@
on: Thu May 13 23:30:30 EDT 2004
We Sri Lankan Tamils are not only barking for others. We bark also with or without you, for or against you, LOLA! You pure Thamilan! And You PuN'daikuL iruppaven understand our barking! What kind of dog are you? Forgot your dildo in your handbag and don't know what to do? Take the shampoo bottle, it will also slide very good into your Ass!
- From: Arjuna (@
on: Fri May 14 05:27:02 EDT 2004
YOu srilankan refugees go out of our nation because you stink like hell and first pay back for all we have provided you pigs, black pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mother must be suffering from TERTIARY SYPHILIS! You should go for investigations to exclude NEUROSYPHILIS.
- From: Arjuna (@
on: Fri May 14 05:27:12 EDT 2004
YOu srilankan refugees go out of our nation because you stink like hell and first pay back for all we have provided you pigs, black pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mother must be suffering from TERTIARY SYPHILIS! You should go for investigations to exclude NEUROSYPHILIS.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri May 14 12:46:52 EDT 2004
Hey Geno did you hear a Brahmin Voice? It's on FM and it's Mr.Arjuna...perhaps also got a B.H.D. from Professor Tony graduated Brahmin University. I'm sorry B.H.D. Arjuna but I don't think you are implying your words on any Thamizhans don't fall in the category of 'Sri Lankan' nor in the category of (H)Indian...sorry but please wipe your mouth next time before you talk..I heard that all radios had to use mouthwash because of your wheezing.
- From: RC (@
on: Fri May 14 16:20:01 EDT 2004
Is it that Arjuna! The Arjuna with bow and arrow?
Where are the rest of your brothers? Got syphilis and looking for bramin mothers to spread it? We Tamils today are no more vulnerable to your arrows! Look at your thrick! How is it now? Syphilis or some thing much better? Ask your mother what it is? At which stage is it 1st, 2nd or 3rd?
Try antibiotics AND use always condoms even if it is your mother! Sorry, especially if it is your mother!
And syphilis is not the only payment you get. Bow the arrow once again and aim carefully this time lord arjuna!
And don't try noballs!
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Sat May 15 22:00:40 EDT 2004
Portugeuse introduced many things to Sri Lanka. One is Syphilis.
POPE's coolies continue their master's tradion of spreading the same deceases and Anti-Hindu and Anti-Tamil propaganda for few dollars.
Tamil has nothing to do with these coolie traitors of Tamil nation.
- From: RC (@
on: Sun May 16 03:20:44 EDT 2004
I don't attack my Nallur princess anymore!
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Tue May 18 02:50:18 EDT 2004
Because you know nothing of Nallur!
- From: RC (@
on: Tue May 18 03:22:12 EDT 2004
But enough! You are the best explanation!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Tue May 18 10:14:37 EDT 2004
I'm amazed you know how to spell Nallur must be learning from this Forum.
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Wed May 19 17:20:46 EDT 2004
I dont need any Tamizhhhhhhhh from Malabari coolies!
- From: RC (@
on: Wed May 19 19:54:37 EDT 2004
You are having gasing problems? Mine sounds so! I first have to check mine to make sure that you are not licking mine! I can't remeber to be there at temple trees!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed May 19 22:20:35 EDT 2004
//"Hahahahahahah" //
Ah that's what mannangkatty says instead of isn't it right mannangkatty?
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed May 19 22:21:22 EDT 2004
Oh and Mr.mannangkatty you should understand if we are 'coolies' as you describe..we wouldn't be deeply intersted in Thamizh or arguing against anti-Thamizh fools like you.
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Thu May 20 06:32:57 EDT 2004
Coolies always duplicate anything of their masters. Malabari coolies worked under TAMIL masters in Jaffna. Coolies have no choice and they will follow their masters.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Thu May 20 10:43:35 EDT 2004
I can see you showing too much loyalty to Singhala Muthali and Aryan you are trying to bark and bark about nothing but the same things and call us as coolie where you are a 100% coolie..atleast go read the 'tips' in this forum..perhaps you could realize that what you are talking is nothing but nonsenses.
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Sat May 22 08:08:56 EDT 2004
MUTHALI is TAMIL. You never know it because you are a coolie from Malabar.
Your LTTE is now a loyal coolie of POPE, UNP Sinhalese and hela Urumaya.
You are happy in your Nainatheevu with the Sinhala monks. Your Sinhala mix blood give more comedy in this forum!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Sat May 22 22:42:20 EDT 2004
what you are talking is in English..does that mean your ancestors must be English? I was saying 'Singhala Muthaliyar' not referring you directly as a 'muthalie' or a 'kathali'
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Sun May 23 04:56:06 EDT 2004
Your Malabar coolie ancestors never know what is MUTHALI. The samething you do!
You are a coolie sakkili from Malabar and now half sinhala blooded through Nainatheevu Monks!
You and your barkings on Tamil is a big comedy!
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