Carnatic music and brahmins
Topic started by Carlos Rodgriez (a spanish student of carnatic music) (@ on Fri Aug 1 10:05:59 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Why do brahmins dominate carnatic classical music? Is carnatic music too tough for non brahmins or are they not interested in that.
- Old responses
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Tue Aug 5 09:06:26 EDT 2003
Are you talking about brahmin women who don't wear bras ?-:)
- From: Idiappam (@
on: Tue Aug 5 13:19:17 EDT 2003
Thinking of that, what where the women of India wearing before the Europeans introduced the bra? Don't tell me the brahmins invented the bra!
- From: Shakthi (@
on: Wed Aug 6 04:14:21 EDT 2003
Brahman- the creator, the god, the science behind creation.
now they would say.....
wow! Great live our culture! We all are proud!
Wonderful. Keep continuing.
best wishes,
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Wed Aug 6 11:54:18 EDT 2003
The point is there are many superstitions in current Indian society.That does not mean there is nothing good.
Christianity itself is the biggest superstition.What do you say about it?Now don't go about caste and untouchability.St.Paul authorised slavery.He stated "Having heard the message of christ the slave has already bcom free.Where is the need for one more freedom ?"
- From: :) (@
on: Sat Oct 25 14:26:39
"//The ratio of B vs NB in carnatic music confirms that. //
Early 20th century excluded non-brahmins from key carnatic performances, this is a historical fact.
- From: s (@
on: Sat Oct 25 14:41:12 EDT 2003
- From: I wanna talk to yu (@
on: Sat Oct 25 16:59:36 EDT 2003
Can I talk to you in spanish?
- From: atheso (@
on: Tue Apr 13 13:33:01
Carnatic music is not tough for non-brahmins. Brahmins discriminate against non-brahmins while learning and performing carnatic music. They try to promote brahmin kids with family history of musicians.
- From: sarigama (@
on: Mon Apr 19 04:34:35 EDT 2004
the "thrimuthis"of carnatic musics were brahmins.Thyagyaraja,shamashastri,Muthusami deksither.but Swathithirunal,Erayamn thambi etc are not Brahmins(ofcourse they belong to ksathriya-nair groups).but latter stage lowcast hindus,christans like yesudas,neyattinkara vasudevan etc became masters of carnatic musics.
- From: Idiappam (@
on: Mon Apr 19 08:14:01 EDT 2004
//the "thrimuthis"of carnatic musics were brahmins.//
That's the ploy these Anti-Tamil vedic stooges used to promote sanskritic and non-Tamil lyrics in Tamil Nadu! The earlier 'trimoorthis' composed in Tamil. They were not promoted by these anti-Tamil stooges. Huh!
- From: SREE (@
on: Thu Apr 22 07:08:02 EDT 2004
Dear Mr carlos your topic is potential.
First u try to find wheather bhramins r the one who found or they stolen the karnatic music from some one else.Because INDIA is a hidden ground of all history,even hinduism is a doubt wheather the forward casts r the right persons to say they r HINDUS.
- From: K.Janarthanan (@
on: Fri Apr 30 10:38:07 EDT 2004
Perhaps is how weTamils ,a s a whole, diverisfy our interests into. For generations, the brahmins had passed on the carnatic music ,a s these guys took interest in preserving their heritage. We can always educated our future with generation with carnatic music and then , there wouldn't be the divison of Brahmins and Tamils
- From: Carthik (@
on: Tue May 4 12:04:44 EDT 2004
Dear Sudhra sidardh/Tony
As you know Brahmins are pusaris in our temple and they have been brought by kings of that age to serve the temple and the provide the king their girls as dasi by promoting music and dance. The people who call themselves as nowaday Bhramins are first class sudras according to the Manu. They will stick to places where they get somesperms and will learn that place langauge and B'lore US are one good example of this. They never have high administrative skills, all they do is lick their higher officials and gain positions in the ladder. Dont feel so proud about being the so called bhramin. you ancestors are keeps of those days kings and were litterly screved up my muslims in the north. you people are always on the recieving side and will never give anything for public. when u are prevented to get ur share you cry like a leprosy patient and its seen clearly in this forum by your so many names. I bet you would be in US licking whites arsh and washing their sperms but from ur genes u still cry for the share which is denied to you and to your Sudra brahmin cook father. you people will never think something useful to serve the country. I know that you will find all the holes in the condum to reply to this msg. come on im waiting for you.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Fri May 14 08:57:21 EDT 2004
Carlos Rodgriez , i am a gay from banaglore, karnataka. i go hunting for kannada males - especially brahmin males... can we meet up some time
i would love to discover what lies under ur underwear?
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