Why Bramhins adopt other religions but prevent others to do so?
Topic started by Mahavir (@ on Fri May 9 10:01:32 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
In Indian Christians, most of the top level people (fathers, nuns, clergies etc) are originally Bramhins. In ancient and medieval period Jainism and Buddhism was promoted by Bramhins. Even today there are many ‘Jain Bramhin’ castes and many Jain monks are originally Vedic Bramhins. Then why the Bramhins oppose to others to adopt other religions?
- Old responses
- From: / (@ mv3-
on: Sun Jul 25 02:41:28 EDT 2004
In Isaiah 40:22 God(christian God) is said to sit above “the circle of the earth”
- From: truth (@
on: Sun Jul 25 03:11:10 EDT 2004
Same as Hinduism.
The Sudras that were not allowed into religion, started practicing the religion with opinions, superstitions and hear say.
The very reason for not letting them into Hinduism is their incapacity of grasp the right ideas.
But unfortunately the Brahmins who r real Hindus, the one that has accepted Sudras as Hindus too out of grace, have become victims.
They need to answer the nonsense of Sudras too coz they r in Hindusim.
Hope that practice of Brahmins answering Sudras Stupidity will come to an end soon.
- From: truth (@
on: Sun Jul 25 03:21:45 EDT 2004
on "Brahmin quitters"
The first follower was a good Brahmin.
let me explain.
There is a proverb "One who cannot be a good Jew cannot be a good Christian"
So is it with good Hindus(meaning Brahmins)
So the first Brahmin became first good Christian.
coz he was a good Hindu.
These Sudras has always been bad Hindus or athiests or barbarians or people with no religion.
Sudras followed Hinduism coz it was in the vicinity.
That too as Bad Hindus.
Now they r quitting for Christianity to remain bad Christians as they r bonafide bad Hindus and St. Thomas Killers.
Though it is not a problem of a existing Brahmins, he feel sorry that God creates people who spoil everything that is good.
Good Christianity died when the first Brahmin Christian died.
Not that Brahmins dont want u to follow other religions.
Afterall u r going to spoil a religion which is infested with St. Thomas killers.
Who cares??
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Sun Jul 25 05:24:06 EDT 2004
Acknowledging the defeat and your hard-earned status is a beginning; it will take time for you to get used to honour your self-actualised superiors.
Unlike those who falsely felt elevated only under the massive doses of hallucinogenic beverage, is a complete joke.
I remain permanently at an elevated state of self-actualisation. So, rest assured, I won’t say to anyone "Get out of my way you ignorant Chandals”.
I will just say, congratulations for being accepted in the herd. Now you may propagate your nonsense at will.
And that is the real difference.
Good luck!
- From: Fuck The RSS (@ pd9512a1e.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Sun Jul 25 06:24:25 EDT 2004
"Shame on you. You have not used one dravidian word in your sentence"
tony azhggan, I don't have to write a single word to make you horny. Already your thoughts during the nights and days about me causes your masculinity leak all the way to your keyboard. We all know that you don't wear even long johns so why are we scared about your long suits?
"There is a proverb "One who cannot be a good Jew cannot be a good Christian""
You can not be a good Brahmin if you are not a good Sudra?
"So the first Brahmin became first good Christian."
So he became a good Jew?
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Sun Jul 25 14:24:59 EDT 2004
Please don't recognise anybody with any fallacious labels, or for that matter, any labels at all. They are what they have earned to be certified. I am bit nervous, such behaviours may jeopardise the well being of people, including those who you are falsely labelled.
Thank you!
- From: RC (@ pd9e34666.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Sun Jul 25 15:36:09 EDT 2004
When I talk about brahmins I only insult these fanatic ones. I have nothing against anything but those "humans" who are not at all human. Please don't misunderstand me.
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Sun Jul 25 15:49:45 EDT 2004
I think you are misunderstanding the point, no labels means no labels; if you have to give a counter response, please use their actual, proven identity and not any fallacious labels, which have no validity whatsoever; and I have unequivocally proved that already. So, Please!:-))
- From: RC (@ pd9ff80a7.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Mon Jul 26 12:15:34 EDT 2004
But I don't think I misunderstand the point! I use the salacious labels to become fallacious. All the people who think they are humans and behaves like humans never claim to be the moraliser of a society.
Labels are made by man kind. Like all Germans are Nazis and all the English are Island Apes Brahmins are the elite of all Indians. Nothing else. :-))
As tony azhggan is decorating me with a backward doctorate I offer him his elite class blessings retour. There is nothing to worry about it. If anybody is made of a softskin, please pardon me. I don't want to disappoint my ruling class. I have my fun here so I remain adamant and see who is smart enough to retire, The royal Brahmin class or the backward dravidian. We'll wait and see. And it will not be me, sorry for that! I am all that what you all want me to be but with one exception: Brahmin
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Mon Jul 26 15:51:27 EDT 2004
No one is asking you to become anything, just be youself, but without any fallcious label, not for you or not for anybody else. That is all I am saying, I hope this time what I am trying to say is clearer than before. ;-))
- From: RC (@ pd9e34804.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Tue Jul 27 12:51:28 EDT 2004
Hi Rohit,
it is still too high for me to understand, I am afraid I remain the doctor backward. Atleast I don't have to act as a forward if I am a backward. :-)
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Tue Jul 27 13:40:44 EDT 2004
OK, as you wish.
However, please try to remember the proof that I presented and the outcome that followed.
And that’s a universal fact.
Good luck!
- From: azhggan (@ user-105n8fm.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Tue Jul 27 21:45:10 EDT 2004
Just act like RC.No one will mistake you for forward. You look like a backward, walk like a backward,think like a backward and write like a backward.Keep up the flag flying.
- From: Fuck tony azhggan (@ pd9512cbf.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Wed Jul 28 03:20:15 EDT 2004
tony azhggan, are you imitating to be the Britanica for forward and backward? When you look into a mirror what do you see? A forward view or backward view?
You have aldready admitted that you walk, talk, sing, read and write different than us. This walking and talking had been sung in the 1970's and the song is called LOLA. I have clearly explained this matter to you couple of months ago.
You remember? No?
Here you are:
She walked like a woman and talked like a man
drank champaign with cherry cola.
L. O. L. A. Lola, lala la la Lola
Atleast you see my flag. Does it attracts you that much? Or is that you don't get enough of flags? Why do you need flags, tags and labels? Do you want to parade through Florida? First try it at your home and ask your neighbour to hold your stick that you can hoist a forwarded flag propperly. I don't see even the top of your forwarded post. How can I see your flag?
Hey toni, where is my name prefix?
- From: RC (@ pd9512cbf.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Wed Jul 28 03:31:16 EDT 2004
Hi Rohit,
there are atleast two different ways to achieve a goal. The one is through the front door - means the official portal and the other one through the backyard. Not both the ways are wrong. But there is an advantage using the backdoor. Also me is cooking with water but I cook different.
- From: Pandita (@ ca-santaanahub-cuda3-c9b-99.anhmca.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jul 31 16:54:46 EDT 2004
Authentic Brahmin is one who exhibits V-RAM; he will not let the children follow RELIGION he would rather have them understand REALITY.
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Sat Jul 31 18:56:44 EDT 2004
Before that, one has to clearly understand what the reality is. And the first most reality one has to understand is, there is no such thing as Brahmin in the real world.
- From: David iscfent (@ user-uinj28d.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Sat Jul 31 19:51:10 EDT 2004
How can you call rejervassun as backward door. Merit is backward door. Idiocy is the right way to get a degree.
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Sun Aug 1 04:48:01 EDT 2004
Though Mr Headlong and other “Backward Elite” seemed too reluctant to abandon their “Backward Elite” characteristics, but after hearing the traumatic news of jails being flooded by the “Backward Elites” they can’t delay anymore to be taught and learn about REALITY. Now they seem to be preparing themselves for rather abandoning their schizophrenic “beliefs” and understand the true nature of REALITY from a REALIST.
- From: RC (@ pd951293d.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Sun Aug 1 05:31:03 EDT 2004
Idiocy is the right way to tackle all forwards!
- From: myturn (@
on: Sat Aug 7 08:57:19 EDT 2004
Tamil History?!
The abductors of Sita by Ravan (Dravidian Tamil)
The killing of St. Thomas at chennai (by a Dravidian tamil)
Killing of Rajiv Gandhi at Sriperumbudur by (Dravididan Tamil)
Still u dont understand what tamils had been doing right from the time of Ramayana???
Either abducting or killing.
They too r Hindus now (Can they be?)
They too r Christians now (Can they be?)
They too r in Central politics (Can they be?)
- From: Rohit (@ leic-cache-1.server.ntli.net)
on: Sat Aug 7 11:16:40 EDT 2004
Who killed Gandhi, the one and only founding father of independent India, the most respectable personality that was ever born or will ever be born on the Indian soils?
The national judiciary systems, law and order are there to deal with such matters. One must be more worried about the rock bottom level of morality and rampant corruption widespread in the Indian social and political system than indulging in such mean and irrelevant jestures.
- From: mr.mister (@ mv3-
on: Sat Aug 7 14:55:25 EDT 2004
U guys who think Srilankan tamils are aliens should think otherwise.They are tamils too and they have been discriminat4d against and massacred because of that.We should support them.Anyway I think they should really break away from Srilankan hegemony soon.This is a tamil history forum and that is why they are here.
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