Tamil Flag
Topic started by xxx (@ acb7a271.ipt.aol.com) on Sat Oct 12 08:48:50 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Is there a Tamil flag?
- Old responses
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272317.sympatico.ca)
on: Sat May 22 08:24:05 EDT 2004
Tamil Flag is always a good KOVANAM. Karunanithi gave them to Vajapayye and Advani.
LTTE now donated many Tamil Flags to Sinhala UNP and Sinhala Monks to wear as KOVANAM =underwear!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Tue May 25 14:22:05 EDT 2004
Why sire your words are of Riped fruits that a Child suffering from hunger would want to take a bite out of it...some people here can insult and tlak and bark about w/e you want about Thamizhans or Thamizh or about LTT or other Thamizh organizations..after all Virtual realm play a democratic rule on unleashing the dogs and cat to scratch and bite at things in the night with no light...I hope these people will realize the power of Thamizhan Flag when the World Accept it and the power of Thamizhan to the Richness of Thamizh.
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272254.sympatico.ca)
on: Thu May 27 16:24:41 EDT 2004
Democraticy is nothing to do with your LTTE! LTTE killed most of the ELECTED TAMIL leaders.
You cannot explain why your LTTE joined Hela Urumaya because your blood of Monks!
Tamil Flag will give you some dollars in Canada.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Mon May 31 10:57:18 EDT 2004
LTT killed most elected Thamizh Leaders who tailed with anti-Thamizh sources...and who acted against the Thamizhans freedom.
- From: tony azgan (@ user-uinj2d4.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Mon May 31 18:07:51 EDT 2004
Dr. Nedun: Killing is good in dravidian culture especially school children. Piupakaran is great dravidian
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272425.sympatico.ca)
on: Tue Jun 1 09:24:14 EDT 2004
Hela Urumaya and UNP Sinhalese are good TAMIL sources. That is why your LTTE have joined them. Can you tell how your Loku Bandara give you TAMIZHHHHH EELAM?
LTTE is a coolie killer and not a political force for TAMILS. That is why LTTE now follow the same policies of UNP and kills Tamil people every day!
Child molesting is a happy practice of Christians. Prabhakaran do the same to Tamil kids.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Tue Jun 1 12:59:43 EDT 2004
ah Mr.Tony they need you in Kindergarden...I saw the wanted picture of you from your Kindergarden just couple of seconds ago on citytv, you can't wonder around without diapers now can you? Please go back, the city don't want fetus to be free in the street now do they?
- From: tony azhaggan (@ user-105n8kp.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Tue Jun 1 17:56:00 EDT 2004
Thanks so I have moved from 8th grade level to KG. I still have long ways to go to get to your level of backward dravidian. Atleast I am going in the right direction and when I do become a dravidian (brainless) I will be eligible for a doctorate from Anna U. Now you know why I am jealous of you as you did not have to struggle. You were born backward.
- From: ganeshan (@ dsl-200-67-171-228.prod-empresarial.com.mx)
on: Thu Jun 3 08:02:11 EDT 2004
I AM PROUD OF being backward tamilian, tamilians are greatest, tamil vazhgha.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Thu Jun 3 14:49:29 EDT 2004
Symptoms of forwardness in Tony Insect can be seen by the following:
1)Uses of the term 'Dravidan' with knowing it's originated from Thamizhan.
2)Saying he is in Gr.8 after receiving a temperoary kindergarden phd[doctorate] yesterday.
3)Saying that he can get a degree from ANN U through Jeyalalitha and claiming he is a Thamizhan while opposing all Thamizhans.
4)Commenting I'm backward while I get with the confusion, "Why would forward people even think about Backwards?" Thats like walking forward while you face backward more like you are going to hit a tree or fall off the hill. Please be precautious about your tremendous effort to make yourself forward as you could hurt yourself by doing it.
Please at the contact of Tony Insect make sure you spray with the mask on your face as it gives off a forward smell that you backward people wouldn't want to smell.
- From: TN (@
on: Fri Jun 4 14:39:48 EDT 2004
Mannanng katty seems to me, a pathetic creature, belongs to the Lankan Majority Group.
He is anti-pope, anti-christian, anti-tamil, anti-brahmin,anti-hindu and by extension, is anti-indian.
Just ignore him.
I understand his jealousy over the tamils prospering in every walks of life everywhere in the world. (its an indigestable fact by comparisn
to you.
He is trying under the disguise of a tamil name
(why ‘nn’ in ‘nng’-that’s sinhala).
This forum is a waste of time for you to
achieve anything. You dont do any damage to anybody but you.
Get real. Its not your problem. Its your mom’s.
Is she still in Gulf, working??
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272386.sympatico.ca)
on: Sat Jun 5 14:43:54 EDT 2004
Hey theevu coolie dog!
Tamils are prospering as coolies everywhere. Tamils are prospering as TRAITORS like LTTE and sakkili Prabhakaran!
You coolie sakkilies of POPE bark against religion of Tamils. Your coolie Traditions of Malabar never help any Tamils. You better talk about your history and how you became TAMIL after coming to Jaffna from Malabar as coolies of PORTUGEUSE!
You cannot be a TAMIL while barking for a criminal POPE whose church destroyed TAMIL kingdom of Jaffna and Killed the TAMIL Royal family in GOA!
Your TAMIL fartings are foolish. You are now in trouble because you are unable to talk on the crimes of POPE and how you Malabar coolies work for foreign WHITE masters and betraying TAMIL people!
- From: Black_July_Mourner (@
on: Mon Jun 7 18:12:07 EDT 2004
Mannanng Katty,
Ade para vesika putha (son of a gun in sinhala)
Sorry, it is very common there.
Here is your lifestyle:
1) Send nona (wife) to Gulf and live on her
2) Drink kassippu (illicit tap)
3) Smoke ganjha (marjuana)
4) Dance to 'Suranganee' Baila (Portughese rhythm)
5) Kill innocent tamils
What else can you expect from damn convicts (bannished from Orissa, India)
You have to shut everything before talking about other rich cultures around you.
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272255.sympatico.ca)
on: Tue Jun 8 20:32:25 EDT 2004
You talk about your monk daddy's people!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed Jun 9 16:31:29 EDT 2004
Big News for you Mannangkatty, your father is a Buddhist monk in the Hela Urumaya Party...oh did I offend you singhala mutty(little wine pot)?
- From: Harish kumar (@
on: Wed Jun 9 17:32:13 EDT 2004
TAmil flag needs to represent dravidian culture, the way forumhub is representative of dravidian divine culture.
- From: T. DAYARATNE (@
on: Wed Jun 9 18:29:53 EDT 2004
my dear blackjuly morner!!!
king vijaya and 700 people arrived in Lankadiva from orissa. they are not convicts. get it right.
you are talking about the lifestyle of low country sinhalese
who live in coast line of sri lanka
fernando-silva- perera-coreas
they are may be colonised by portugese
you come to upcountry to see real culture
women go to gulf for job opportunity
men have less chance there. you know that
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@ cache-mtc-ae09.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat Jun 12 04:04:32 EDT 2004
There wasn't any vijaya but Buddhist Aryan monks who arrived and converted Thamizhans into Singhalese...if Vijaya came and made the Singhalese race...where is the proof?
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@ cache-mtc-ae09.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat Jun 12 04:04:51 EDT 2004
There wasn't any vijaya but Buddhist Aryan monks who arrived and converted Thamizhans into Singhalese...if Vijaya came and made the Singhalese race...where is the proof?
- From: LOLLU (@
on: Sat Jun 12 08:23:35 EDT 2004
It is funny to see killings in the east.... LTTE hunted and killed people now it is getting hunted and killed!
- From: LOLLU (@
on: Sat Jun 12 08:24:22 EDT 2004
LOL NEDUNCHEZIYAN .. everything in this world is Tamil according to you! LOL!
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272291.sympatico.ca)
on: Sat Jun 12 09:21:12 EDT 2004
LTTE-Vanni is now on the run from East. Vanni LTTE is now part of Hela Urumaya and UNP. No Tamil will tolerate the betrayal of Prabhakaran and his coolie gangs! Karuna may be pardoned for the crimes he committed while he was in LTTE.
Theevu dogs like Nedunchezhiyan and his gang are happy with their MONK daddies of Naina Theevu. Hela Urumaya is their DADS party! Many Nainatheevu dogs have Bhikku blood in their vein!
- From: TN (@
on: Thu Jun 17 10:55:05 EDT 2004
To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life’s good not come from others’ gift, nor ill
Man’s pains and pain’s relief are from within.
Thus we have seen in visions of the wise.
-Purananuru, circa 500BC
- From: Pannadai (@
on: Thu Jun 17 17:39:07 EDT 2004
Breaking News::
Mannanng Katty is admitted to a psychiatric hospital
Doctors are looking for help from University Professionals
Students, Interns are not allowed inside
Allegic to:
Parippu (dhal)
First Aid:
Pound Garlic
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272249.sympatico.ca)
on: Sat Jun 19 00:28:19 EDT 2004
How are you son or son-in-law of a Sinhala MONK?
- From: escaper (@
on: Sat Jun 26 03:29:23 EDT 2004
mannanng katty come close and open you beautiful mouth just enough so that I want to piss directly into your mouth.Ohh man I just want to empty my bladder unto you.that `s what I`m waiting for.come on darling just for sometime
- From: Vithya Sritharan (@
on: Mon Jun 28 15:29:28 EDT 2004
To me, Mr. mannanng katty is an old sinhalese person (posting here in different names)is trying
to make a rift between tamil christians, muslims, brahmins,indians and different extinct castes.
He has gone through his unfortunate life in Tamil Nadu, Jaffna and in India in general.
He is a pervert and helpless.
He is wasting time unless paid by somebody.(you know what I mean?)
- From: Pannadai (@
on: Mon Jun 28 17:30:39 EDT 2004
Not to mention his nightmares with buddhist bikkus
- From: Blue (@
on: Mon Jun 28 23:19:48 EDT 2004
Unethical Christian Evangelism in Sri Lanka:
- From: BJM (@
on: Tue Jun 29 10:09:12 EDT 2004
Silva, Fernando, Perera, Rodrigo, Soysa,Mendis...
Buddhist Sinhalese
- From: mannanng katty (@ toronto-ppp272265.sympatico.ca)
on: Thu Jul 1 01:12:51 EDT 2004
Poor Malabar coolies..
They have nothing to talk on why LTTE has joined hela Urumaya!
POPE is now ordered Theevu dogs like nedun to join and back Pereras and Silvas..
Fathers land...hahahahah nainatheevu dogs have their fathers from Silvas and Pereras..
- From: truth (@
on: Thu Jul 1 04:30:03 EDT 2004
Tamil flag was and would alway remain KOVANAM.
Mahatama Gandhi picked one Tamil Flag and tied it around his waits and groin and walked into London Parliament.
The fame of Tamil Flag spread till London Parliament.
Tamils should feel proud that their LANGODU is their FLAG and in future should not let any North Indian follow Gandhi and pollute the atmosphere.
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