Was Thamizhaham a seperate entity before british?
Topic started by arudkO (@ l-lh121-2g.cavern.carleton.ca) on Wed Aug 14 00:38:49 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Many people are twisting the history states that Thamizhaham compromising of todays T.N and Keral wasn't a sperate nation & part of a big country called bharat. But the was Ilang adikal of Silambu & tholkapiyar wrong? Please discuss this and set the record straight!
- Old responses
- From: muthu (@ 73.houston-07rh16rt.tx.dial-access.att.net)
on: Thu Sep 19 23:32:58
You are a Hindian-Aryan whose sole purpose is to speak nice and rob non-Hindi nations.
>> a lot of money came in from Punjab, gujrat, haryana, maharashtra. they have been pretty much taking the weight of india on their shoulders for the last 50 years, now that we get the opportunity to help the other states
ABSOLUTE LIE. From mid-1950s onwards, money was taken out of Tamil Nadu to support Hindi States. Monbey from Punjab and Maharashtra went to Hindi states and NOT TO TAmil Nadu. All are documented.
Read http://www.geocities.com/tamiltribune/economy.html
Don't spread dies.
>> This is an issue between the states and I hope it is solved amicably.
Why is central government supporting Karnataka every time (is it because they are a little more closer to Hindians and Aryans in language?). CM JL said that every PM sided with Karnataka. Central govt went out of its way to file an affidavit against TN in supreme court. When Supreme Court sided with TN, it nulled the decision and reduced TN's share. So don't lie Hindia-Aryan!
>> There are too many variables here, and neither Karnataka nor TN are 100% correct in this issue.
Then why does Supreme court rules for TN everytime?
Independent tamilnadu is inevitable.
- From: :) Punnahai (@ d221-216-99.systems.cogeco.net)
on: Fri Sep 20 00:03:11
>>Independent tamilnadu is inevitable. <<
You are not from India, so just shut up and get lost! Don't desire the possession of your neighbour.
- From: Ashok (@ 12-226-20-115.client.attbi.com)
on: Fri Sep 20 00:08:03
>>Then why does Supreme court rules for TN everytime?
wait a second werent you also the idiot who said...
"Why is central government supporting Karnataka every time "
in the same post? are you mentally chalenged? can you also post non partisan sites with data not this crap!! I want actual number for inflow and outflow!! which I gave the other day. let me go through and give you the site again...
- From: arudkO (@ l-lh121-16g.cavern.carleton.ca)
on: Mon Sep 23 22:10:24
<<< "Independent tamilnadu is inevitable. "
puNnahai (iyengar pirakasu),
<<< "You are not from India, ...Don't desire the
possession of your neighbour."
you must be thinking Muthu is from Eelam just because he stated he's not an indian citizen.
Just like to clariy you, he's a TN Tamil who is not an indian citizen. So puNnahi, don't blindly accuse Eelam Tamils!
Ahok iyer,
why don't you take your political statements to miscelaneous site, it's you who started this political statements and I won't blame others who respond to you ill-logic statements (in genral). It would be too prompting for them to correct you ! Any way take your babblings to miscelaneious section.
- From: arudkO (@ l-lh121-16g.cavern.carleton.ca)
on: Mon Sep 23 22:11:51
"Just like to clariy you" should read, just like to point out to you
- From: AShok (@ 12-226-20-115.client.attbi.com)
on: Mon Sep 23 23:55:29
>>why don't you take your political statements to miscelaneous site, it's you who started this political statements and I won't blame others who respond to you ill-logic statements (in genral). <<
The point it out.. otherwise you have crap!!!I pointed out the "illogic" in muthus statement.. I gave a number to the inflow versus the outflow, if you have conflicting numbers please provide it with referance, and if you want to argue argue with substance.. if you dont then I cannot help making fun of you or your "dravidian" kumbal.
>>Any way take your babblings to miscelaneious section.<<
remember "ones own opinion"?????
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