Topic started by S.Vengadesan Naiker (@ on Thu May 1 07:23:46 .
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Kashmir Conflict by S.Vengadesan Naiker
1st May 2003
My opinion is that the Indian subcontinent comprising of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Tibet, Sikim and Sri Lanka cannot stay divided based on religions, race and politics. The sad thing is the Indian subcontinent was divided based on religion, which was fundamentally wrong. They should have shot Gandhi and Ali Jinah to prevent this.
If the Creator (call whatever name you want for HIM) made mankind then all men are brothers and religions are only the different ways men use to honor and worship HIM. We are all friends and brothers. If one is born into a particular religion and is comfortable with the religion in worshipping the CREATOR, so be it and let it be. Do not convert others, except on their own accord the person wishes to. The Hindus never discriminate nor give derogatory names to any other religions but I cannot say the same for others. It is the tolerance and respect for the believes other people that made Malaysia today a great country to live in. It is prosperous and people live comfortably, keeping up with the progress of time. We do not turn the clock backwards and try to live a life of 1000 years ago, aping the life and dressing of some so called prophets of the past.
Why must people be divided because of their different believes. Why can't we live peacefully and fruitfully making progress towards the future? Must we split hairs to prove that GOD is on the side of a particular religion and that GOD is the monopoly of that individual religion?
GOD is all powerful and merciful and full of love but look at the people who preaches this. They take the opposite action of bigotry and fanatical paths towards others. It is sad and ironical. Religion is good but when it is abused to suit politics it not the right path to follow. In the long run it divides mankind and encourages violence because the particular religion has always highlighted differences and negativity of others rather than emphasizing the positive qualities that unites.
To speak of Pakistan as though it has achieved success since its independence in 1947 is a sad mistake. There has never been a stable government for a long period. It has always been weighed down with coup d'état after coup d'état and inefficient military government controlling the country for a long time. These are power-crazy jackals. There is so much of corruption in the politics, daily life and filth every where on the roads and villages. What has Pakistan achieved all these years? Only to feed on religious fanaticism through their “madrassa” ( religious schools) and encouraging a depraved way of life for the people especially the women who are oppressed and suppressed. Sad to say some cannot see it, because their eyes are veiled with religious passion, therefore they justify all the wrong doings. What progress cans one talk about? Sorry for some people who do not realize that the CREATOR is the same for all, we approach HIM, worship HIM and pray to HIM differently. We are all not wrong. In unity and tolerance, you will find productivity and progress for all, definitely not in divisions through religious fanaticism.
Napoleon and Hitler both tried to unite Europe through conquest but both failed. Only through negotiations and by peaceful means, today Europe is united and it will be a powerful united nation in the future. For what purpose you may ask? It is to bring peace and prosperity for its entire people. That is what a sensible government should think; the peoples’ comfort and welfare. Religious bigotry mixed with political wickedness will only bring down the country’s progress to a depraved life style.
History repeats itself and we must learn from the past as a lesson to guide our future actions and undertakings. Old Europe in the middleages of 14th and 15th century, it was controlled by leaders who made religion the center stage of all their activities, however, sad to say some were religious fanatics. Wars were fought because of differences in religious believes. The Pope in Rome was the king maker, all the countries in Europe had to bow to him or they would be excommunicated from the church, which literally meant they would be cast out into hell. The Pope even divided the world for the Spanish to go to the west and the Portuguese to go to the east to conquer and spread the gospel. This mentality of bigotry and religious fanaticism has totally changed over the years and Europe today has undergone a metamorphosis of change in their outlook and perception of their religion. Being more tolerant and secular in their attitude has transported them to this progressive time of plenty and power. Their position of power and progress today is because of the change in their attitude. They are more perceptive to progress because they are not bogged down by unwarranted restrictions by silly interpretations of religious rules that split hairs. Even 100 religious scholars can be called to interpret a religious script; they can never come to an agreement conclusively, and there will be 100 interpretations, and sadly, they claim that these are words of God?
Wake up Pakistan while Europe finally realized that they must unite and become great by giving the good life to its entire citizen, you are talking of dividing Kashmir from India and so forth so that people of one faith can live together. Even now people of the same faith are killing each other in the places of worship (mosque) in Pakistan, and you want to take Kashmir out of India? Are you people blind not to see that greatness can be achieved through unity of this great subcontinent and providing the best that life can offer to the people? The Indian subcontinent should be united and politicians should make it great and powerful, providing the best life can give to its entire people of all religions and races. Make all people of the Indian sub continent great.
Another good example to watch and imitate is the ASEAN country. Religious fanatics out there in Pakistan and India please give this a serious thought. The CREATOR will not come down to solve your problems or save any one particular follower of a religion. HE is the observer and assists all irregardless. You do right actions that benefit all of mankind, then you are on the right path and will surely be rewarded.
No harm is intended to anyone but to let all people think afresh and renew the commitment of peace and progress.
Thank you.
S. Vengadesan Naiker