Various "origin" questions.

Topic started by Andrew (@ on Fri Oct 24 03:20:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello. My name is Andrew Selva-Kumar Selvarasa. My father was born in Sri Lanka, and my mother was born in Guyana. They both emigrated to Canada in the early 1980's, and well, they both got married, and gave birth to me in 1986, and my younger brother in 1994.

Anyways, recently, I suddenly got an urge to find out about my roots. I don't know much about my Sri Lankan side, so I did a many searches on Yahoo!, and eventually stumbled upon this place.

So, what I know is that foreign travellers settled in Sri Lanka around the 1700's (I think), and then converted many of the natives to Christianity, and made the natives change their last name - which is where my curiosity lies. Is the "Selvarasa" surname of Portugese descent (sp), or of Dutch?

My second question is - would anyone happen to know what the Selvarasa's surnames were before they changed it? I know this is probably a stupid question, but I'm hoping that someone here knows.

Well, thanks for taking the time to read my topic.


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