Oottupurai, Madapalli and Undaikatti
Topic started by ~ (@ 210-210-32-237.lan.sify.net) on Sat Jun 14 09:11:43 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
In medieval times, i.e during the rule of Rajaraja Chola, there are some curious things.
Ootupurai: The place where Brahmins were given free lunch. Thousands of Brahmins used to take free food here.
Undaikatti: The food offered here is called Undaikatti, literally a big ball of food.
Madapalli: The kitchen where the food is served.
I cant imagine the stupidity of the kings. The Kings and the landlords gave free lunch, free land to these people to spread out the puranas and other philosopies.
- From: Paraiyan (@ 0-1pool108-29.nas4.peoria1.il.us.da.qwest.net)
on: Sat Jun 14 12:15:48 EDT 2003
They duped the kings into feeding them.
- From: Ianer (@ web158.megawebservers.com)
on: Sat Jun 14 13:26:22 EDT 2003
It is true that these people had unnecessary privileges and reservations for last 2000 years and are not ready to acknowledge.
The brahmins were donated large fertile lands by stupid Chola and Pandia Kings. They propogated rebirth and karma theory and made the Tamil mind weak.
Large tracts of lands in Thanjavoor, Tiruchi belongs to these stupid persons, who were given free food, free education in the temples at the state's expense.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Sat Jun 14 17:13:22 EDT 2003
The Tholkaapiyam and other Tamizh classics speak about how Brahmins were *invited* to Tamizhagam to bring in advanced culture from the Mauryan Empire up North.
Many of the Literary figures were brahmins. Umapati Sivachariar, Kachchiappa Sivachariar, Kapilar, Agastiyar were all brahmins from the north.
- From: \ (@
on: Sun Jun 15 06:16:32 EDT 2003
In Ootupurai, thousands of Brahmins were fed in the state's expense. Even Saint Theagaraya has talked about...
They blocked the education to other communities.
They introduced the Devadasi system in the Temples.
Introduced several stupid theories and thereby increasing their belly.
And now, abusing others that the govt is giving enough representation..
The villagers in TN, know only of Brahmins thru the stupid Tamil movies. Tamil movies should not show any scenes related with Bs as they are almost extinct.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Jun 15 07:34:23 EDT 2003
Lets us also post about Paedophilic roman catholic priests, homose*xuality within the american church, the Baptist church charged with Terrorism charges in Tripura, and last but not least - CASTEISM within the christian church in india.
- From: yqz (@ 210-210-33-159.lan.sify.net)
on: Sun Jun 15 08:55:30 EDT 2003
Christianity is dying according to you....Then why worry about it???
there are more interesting things in Hinduism..Ofcourse, How can one miss reading about:
Palya Vivaha
No inheritance to Women
Female infanticide
Aswamedha Yagna and donating in huge amounts to Brahmins.
Countless Homams and other stupidities.
An authenticated Caste system (Even Kanchi seer has said Caste system is correct and should continue)
Pouring Milk as abhisekha when crores of people go empty stomach everyday.
- From: yqz (@ 210-210-33-159.lan.sify.net)
on: Sun Jun 15 09:13:18 EDT 2003
Since you may claim that Ootupurais didnt exist, I am giving the neccessary links...
This is from Papanasam Sivans bio:
This is another from the Kerala Iyers homepage...
Avial - This is possibly a great dish originated by Kerala Iyers. The principle underlying is the use of several vegetables as are available, boiling them together with a souring agent, add ground coconut along with green chilies and later seasoning with raw coconut oil. Depending on different areas of Kerala the souring agents differed. Some of the common souring agents were tamarind, buttermilk and mango. There is a story that the Great Ramaiyan Dalawai formulated this dish when he was employed in the Ootupurai (free mess for brahmins) of Travancore king. In Travancore a special Aviyal is prepared using red amaranth leaves, mango, drumstick and jackfruit seeds.
The Kings were either so stupid or this people in the name of religious heads enjoyed at the expense of state....
Ofcourse, there are problems in other religions. Why bother about the dust in others eye, when you have log in yours???
- From: Denis (@
on: Tue Jun 24 04:40:09 EDT 2003
In Jaffna Madapallis were a separate caste of landowners and local rulers only next in influence to Portughese and Dutch rulers of that time
- From: Denis (@
on: Tue Jun 24 04:40:20 EDT 2003
In Jaffna Madapallis were a separate caste of landowners and local rulers only next in influence to Portughese and Dutch rulers of that time
- From: neo_morpheus (@ ppp-
on: Tue Jun 24 06:21:58 EDT 2003
All thanjavur district - towns/villages whose name ends with 'mangalam', were all those areas of land that were given freely to these Aryan wolfies by the stupid nutking rajaraja, coz he wanted his own kith and kin to continue to rule the chola kingdom.
But for is stupidity these arya pAppAra wolfies would not have become such a politically domineering force, so much so, that they even were able to back-stab the later thamizh kings and make sourashtras and marathas to rule thanjavur.
Likewise during Krishnadevaraya's rule, these brahmnis were his pointmen, and committed treason to the remaining tamil kingdoms and paved the way for the sanskritic- sanathanic rule in thamizhnadu. It was during this period that thamizh language was sought to be completely destroyed and sanskritised telugu was imposed in our Music, sanskrit was even more rigorously imposed in temple poojas.
These aryans, if not check-mated now, would conspire to destroy the entire ethnicity and identity of the thamiz people, language, history and culture. That's why we have to be on guard against these nazi aryan wolfies at all times. They can never accept that they are just like other human beings - they would alway want to keep their 'holy cow' stature even at the expense of an entire ethnic group such as thamizh people.
Neutralising and eliminating the aryan brahmanical identity is the only way to establish a truly democratic egalitarian socio-political structure in india.
- From: madhu (@
on: Tue Jun 24 10:23:18 EDT 2003
dear neo_morpheus,
"..Likewise during Krishnadevaraya's rule, these brahmnis were his pointmen, and committed treason to the remaining tamil kingdoms and paved the way for the sanskritic- sanathanic rule in thamizhnadu. It was during this period that thamizh language was sought to be completely destroyed and sanskritised telugu was imposed in our Music, sanskrit was even more rigorously imposed in temple poojas."
You are right! The word Telugu derived from Tri-linga desam, that means Telugus were worshipping Siva even before their language came into existance. Kakthiyas ruled Warangal for three centuries(12th-15th) and they have built one of the most beautiful Siva temples- 1000 Piller temple and Ramappa temple. Through out history Telugus were Siva worshippers. Vaishanvism only came to Telugu country after Kakthiyas. During the Vijayanagarta rule, Brahmins promoted Sanskritized Telugu and glorified Aryan Dasavatara gods. Even today rural Telangana and rayalaseema still speak theta (pure) telugu. The Telugu literary circles dominated by Brahmins and they are shamelessly promoting Sanskritized Telugu. We have to create a new Dravidian dictionary and desanskritize the embeded sanskrit words and use digital technology to promote unified Dravidian language. Yes, we can win this war and destroy Aryanism and sanskrit for good.
- From: AJ (@ on-tor-blr-a58-02-413.look.ca)
on: Tue Jun 24 15:57:32 EDT 2003
I don’t really understand this “Dravidians” of Tamilnadu. They are going way back to blame the emperor Raja Raja Cholan for fostering and feeding the Brahmins but they have no problem keep on electing this superstitious, corrupted and pure Brahmin lady as their chief minister over and over again with an overwhelming majority. Is this a politics of duplicity or stupidity? Many of their favorite cine actors are Brahmins, these Dravidians may not have another square meal but they always have money for Cinema ticket. They talk about Dravidian and Tamil a lot but their favorite Cinema actress was Kushboo, Rajanikanth (his wife is a Brahmin) – non Tamils. Rajanikanth came to Tamilnadu with a one way ticket only now he is a billionaire; he accumulated all these wealth on the back of this stupid Tamils. They are doing the same thing what is their “stupid kings” did a 1000 years ago.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
- From: Madurai Veeran (@ adsl-66-122-61-253.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)
on: Wed Jun 25 02:09:45 EDT 2003
What is really stupid is for someone not to understand the difference between brahmins and brahminism.
JJ did not get elected because she was a brahmin or that she was the most virtuous politician. Same goes for other leaders and celebrities who might have born to brahmin parents. May be you can not understand this distinction.
When you SriLankan Tamils look up to Justice Krishna Iyer with reverence, is it because he is a brahmin? It is time to understand the difference between brahmins and Manuvaadi brahminism. If though only brahmins espouse Manuvaadi brahminism, you have a lot to learn about the history of TN and India.
I think it would be wise of you to keep your nose out of issues pertaining to Indians and Indian Tamils. Don't try to tell us that Srilankan Tamils are so much better when it comes to casteism. We do know about Vellala tyranny against the low caste Tamils of Srilanka. We also know about the politics of Vellala-Sinhala axis that has cost the lives of so many thousands of innocents in Srilanka. The casteist tyranny of 'high caste' Hindus of Srilanka has been much worse than what we have known in TN, in case you are not aware of it. The 'low caste' Tamils have been paying for the disproportionate gains made by the 'high caste' Vellalas, with their lives in thousands. So, you can get off your soap box and keep your nose out of this.
- From: TAMIL NATIONALIST (@ cache-rb06.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat Feb 21 11:01:41
The caste system in TN should be terminated immediately by law.
It is castist to have reservations by calling Forward caste, backward caste etc etc.
It is castist to segregate Brahmins, Chettiar etc etc.
It is high time in TN there are 2 castes- Tamil spoken or Tamil not spoken.
Many "Brahmins" speak Tamil while many "back ward castes" dont. So the caste division does not lead to development of Tamil.
These are opinions of a Tamil Brahmin nationalist favouring independence for Tamil Nadu
- From: ram (@ cache3.uwn.unsw.edu.au)
on: Thu Sep 9 03:57:52
fuk the brahmins and the crappy caste system for once anfd for all. burn them in hell
- From: vijay (@ cache3.uwn.unsw.edu.au)
on: Thu Sep 9 03:58:51 EDT 2004
hit the brahmins and the crappy caste system for once anfd for all. burn them in hell
- From: sivan (@ dsl-tn-
on: Sun Oct 10 02:49:46
in chidambaram alone almost 900 acres of fertile land of dalits were pulled and given to the deekshithars of nataraja temple.the original builders of the temple were driven off to madurai.their descendents are still living there
read about ayothidoss pandithar you will struck by the fact that dalits were the kings of the land
- From: geno (@
on: Sun Oct 10 11:57:45 EDT 2004
I shudder to think about the state of this forum, if you hadn't been around here :=)
Even re-reading your old posts gives me great pleasure!
BTW, I wonder where's AJ these days?
- From: aravind (@ fw1.iib.ch)
on: Mon Oct 18 14:10:28 EDT 2004
the Mdappalliyar,pallar,singalaGoviyans,maravar,kallar are calling themselves that they are vellalar.this true is being proved according to the historical evidence.
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