What is the point of all this criticism of religion?

Topic started by sankaran (@ hil-102-182.reshall.berkeley.edu) on Tue Oct 21 00:58:10 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

It is stupid to regard systems from an anachronistic perspective. You might think that your criticism of some philosophy such as a specific line from the manu smriti is valid, but the text was written in a different era and with a different societal mindset, which no matter how hard you try, cannot comprehend. That is why religion needs to evolve the way it does, to adapt to society at various points. A criticism of the Manu Smriti or some specific vedic ritual is not a criticism of hinduism, but rather a faulty criticism of a past philosophy with a modern mindset. Hinduism has evolved in modern times, with greats such as Ramana Maharishi, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Chimnayananda, who advocate unattached living, faith/bhakti, advaita vedanta, de-ritualisation, etc... If you are going to criticize hinduism, criticize its evolved or modern version, not some random verses taken out of context.


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