What is the point of all this criticism of religion?
Topic started by sankaran (@ hil-102-182.reshall.berkeley.edu) on Tue Oct 21 00:58:10 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
It is stupid to regard systems from an anachronistic perspective. You might think that your criticism of some philosophy such as a specific line from the manu smriti is valid, but the text was written in a different era and with a different societal mindset, which no matter how hard you try, cannot comprehend. That is why religion needs to evolve the way it does, to adapt to society at various points. A criticism of the Manu Smriti or some specific vedic ritual is not a criticism of hinduism, but rather a faulty criticism of a past philosophy with a modern mindset. Hinduism has evolved in modern times, with greats such as Ramana Maharishi, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Chimnayananda, who advocate unattached living, faith/bhakti, advaita vedanta, de-ritualisation, etc... If you are going to criticize hinduism, criticize its evolved or modern version, not some random verses taken out of context.
- From: mmc (@
on: Wed Oct 29 10:15:27 EST 2003
You may think that manu smriti, bhagavad gita and the vedas may be irrelevant in modern hinduism.
Last year your fellow hindus from the RSS killed 4 dalits because the skinned a dead cow. This shows that the modern day hindus still follow the caste hatred prescribed in the Gita/Vedas/Manusmriti.
Modern day hinduism is great? Tell that to Reverend Staines and his children.
Look at the modern day hindu who uses my user id MMC and posts from spectranet.com dirty abusive messages against Mother Teresa. That is the true ugly face of modern day hinduism.
- From: mmc (@
on: Wed Oct 29 10:19:23 EST 2003
//Hinduism has evolved in modern times, with greats such as Ramana Maharishi, Swami
Vivekananda, Swami Chimnayananda, who advocate unattached living, faith/bhakti, advaita vedanta, de-ritualisation, etc.//
Hinduism has evolved in the 21st century as the murderous, gangster filled, thuggee cult called the RSS/VHP/BJP.
Hinduism is a poison filled thuggish cult that is the bane of modern day India.
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Thu Oct 30 07:37:06 EST 2003
What about the religion of POPE? The same of Teresa.
Inquisition is a good thing for mankind?
POPE and his church support LTTE murderers. How is this?
- From: Dravidian sorry state (@
on: Thu Oct 30 14:40:21 EST 2003
This backward fraud seems to be talking about happenings of TN -where all the Dravidians were mass raped and converted to Hinduism
hence known as Dalits/shudra who were made by god created Brahmins (brahmins were-aryans and northys)
Dravidians are still slaves of Brahmins and moreover untouchables in their own territory.
The system was created by northy aryans/brahmins/iyers.
Imagine how many original Tamilians would have been raped and even today they are been raped, it is continuous process.
No original Tamilian is able to sit with brahmin created forward classes people
Dravidians originally were most sacred till they were forced to convert as Hindus or shaivists
But Hindians are much out of Mughals , no more slaves like Dravidian daridras of today.
Very shameful to see Dravidians as Dalits today who were once sacred and better than Brahmins.
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Fri Oct 31 04:15:38 EST 2003
12-231-63-199.client.attbi.com (Vel alias many name)
All of you are Christian coolies and you have no business to bark on HINDUS.
Tell the story of your mother .Ohhh Virgin Mary and her sex stories. How did your Virgin mary get a child without fukking?
We can enjoy a bit!
- From: batman (@ host81-129-17-65.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
on: Tue Nov 4 17:26:38 EST 2003
You are all idiots, to accuse everyone with a wide swath
- From: tony azhaggan (@ user-2ivebf6.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Tue Nov 4 20:54:29 EST 2003
There are several theories who jesus christ's father was. I still think it was a puertorican because they are the only people who name their children jesus.
Tamil Ninja thinks that it was a dravidian.I doubt it even though it is possible. He does not look like a dravidian atleast in his paintings. Atleast not like Dr.Butler Dorai, Dr. Milton,or Dr. Immanuel or even joe or jesus loves us all.Atleast he has no aryan blood according to Tamil Ninja.
- From: Sankaran (@ hil-102-182.reshall.berkeley.edu)
on: Wed Nov 5 03:34:27 EST 2003
"The religion of the Hindus is divided into two parts: the ceremonial and the spiritual. The spiritual portion is specially studied by the monks. In it, there is no caste. In India a man from the highest caste and a man from the lowest can become monks, thus the two castes become equal. In religion there is no caste; caste is simply a social institution." (Buddhism, the Fulfillment of Hinduism - Parliament of Religions)
- From: mmc (@
on: Wed Nov 5 04:50:24 EST 2003
you are talking about buddhism sankar
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