Topic started by Rajan (@ on Wed Jul 31 04:16:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
So far, Tamil Nadu has remained the only place in the world (in democracy) where a person
Not Born in that place
Not having his roots in that State
Not knowing the rich background history of that place
Not grown up with the culture of that place
Can become the Ruler of the State.
- Old responses
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Thu Aug 5 15:23:32 EDT 2004
Maybe you never heard of Maraimalai adikalar, Perunchithaarthanar, Bharathi dasan maruthi maat kalaijar and more. Don't wave your brahmin flag's smelly.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Thu Aug 5 15:25:05 EDT 2004
Who said Vaiko is Telugu? Ahahah your brahmin Intelligence RAW did?
- From: happyindian (@
on: Thu Aug 5 21:44:27 EDT 2004
u r too brainwashed nedunchezhiyan and very stuck up on one point -TAMIL! naturally as a person who has lost his home u r overflowing with dislike for anything other than tamil, which you see as your home. i am seeing things fm u'r end - according 2 u the whole world owes its living to tamil, the whole world originated from tamil, all life forms originated from tamil, all languages owe their presence on earth to tamil, everyone is a moron except a tamil, a good 9 posts in the parliament to tamils is less considering it is just one single state in the whole of india,
- From: happyindian (@
on: Thu Aug 5 21:45:37 EDT 2004
everyone is out to loot the tamils never mind that the richest state in india being punjab pays more to the govt. naturally 'coz it generates more revenue, hindi / aryans / fair-skinned ppl r the cause of downfall of tamils never mind that tamils like to imitate northie culture in india. your conclusion is that the whole world shd bcome tamil once again, ltte and tamileezham shd reign supreme and lord over others 'coz tamils and tamilians r ever gr8. what an attitude u've got buddy, why not boost u'r self-esteem in other ways - with u'r intellect at work, raise a happy family, u'll b a happier man. goodbye.
- From: happyindian (@
on: Thu Aug 5 21:56:30 EDT 2004
hey one last thing, let me clarify lest anyone jumps to any conlusion - i am not anti-tamil, am just very unable 2 discuss / reason with nedunchezhiyan anymore.
btw, not all tamils think like nedunchezhiyan.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri Aug 6 00:42:51 EDT 2004
who the heck asked Hindia to occupy TN? The Hindia even fear the formation of Thamizheezham. Since words won't be worth. You'll see things in action. Very soon. Why don't you wait and see. Perhaps maybe Hindia will learn a lesson or two.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri Aug 6 00:43:54 EDT 2004
u don't need to tell me what to do. Why don't u mind ur own business moron.
- From: happyindian (@
on: Fri Aug 6 03:29:11 EDT 2004
is your ltte going to make terrorist attacks nedunchezhiyan like the al-qaida? beginning 2 understand why ltte is labelled a terrorist organization though i thot otherwise just a few seconds ago.
- From: tamilan (@
on: Fri Aug 6 04:43:25 EDT 2004
From: Nedunchezhiyan (@ on: Thu Aug 5 15:25:05 EDT 2004
Who said Vaiko is Telugu? Ahahah your brahmin Intelligence RAW did?
Mr. Nedunchezian,
You are wrong in your understanding of vaiko, he is a telugu speaking naiker and always surrounded by naikers. And he is a good actor and very often he shed neeli kanneer about tamils that is of lankan tamils, as if the whole of tamil nadu has no tamils and if there is any tamil and they do not have any problems in their life. He is doing this for a political mileage using the cause of lankan tamils who mostly may not know his telugu roots. My advice to lankan tamils is find who is Tamil and they can only be sincere in supporting your cause.
- From: anand (@
on: Fri Aug 6 05:56:48 EDT 2004
It is highly amusing to see a srilankan tamil making statements like "TN should be saved from clutches of brahmins" etc., etc.,.
Nedunchezhiya - what locus standi have U got to comment on TN? First of all, U are not a native of India. Also, U have run way from your motherland in search of greener pastures.
As happy indian has said, U only keep cribbing about tamil always, without seeing reason. According to your leader evr, all the evil in this world was due to brahmins. According to U, everyone who does not agree with U is a moron.
- From: anand (@
on: Fri Aug 6 05:57:35 EDT 2004
As happy indian has said, the trauma of losing your home early in life is telling on U. See a good psychathirist, nedunchezhiya.
We will all pray for your speedy recovery. Oopps U are an atheist, isn't it? Best wishes for your recovery.
Friends, let us all wish that nedunchezhiyan recovers well & post sensible comments (at least in future) in this forum.
Don't worry, nedunchezhiya. We are with U. Also, your leader evr (sitting in hell) will bless U.
U can come out of your hiding place in canada, to TN. TN is the best state for medicare in India.
P.S : Don't worry. The Brahmin army will not hurt U.
Is RAW brahmin intelligence? I did not know.
- From: happyindian (@
on: Sun Aug 8 01:31:57 EDT 2004
Nedunchezhiyan, i must apologise for my outburst. We are both stuck on seeing 2 diff sides of the same coin. From u'r point of view, boundries give u a sense of identity. For me they don't. I honestly do not see the need to break up dear India (or any other country) in anyway. Instead I feel unions r far better where boundries r wiped out. My ultimate world has no boundries and is a place where all humankind lives, let lives and lives together in peace, whatever their faiths / cultural practices are. Whatever religion u choose, it is faith ultimately. To me all paths lead to the one and the only one power called God. But the biggest faith of all faiths is humanity (lets not forget that) and acceptance of a fellow individual exactly as he or she may be whatever the past / history maybe. So, sorry and God Bless, my friend. Bye.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Sun Aug 8 02:38:56 EDT 2004
Slaverism flows in Hindia in the name of Union. Your points are pathetic. Hindia never was a holy shrine and never will be and not for Thamizhans. Anyway I don't have time to waste on ur pathetic talk. It's easy to say than to do.
- From: happyindian (@
on: Sun Aug 8 07:53:14 EDT 2004
ok mr.chezhiyan u feel my points r pathetic and i feel your points r pathetic - the feeling is mutual. since u don't seem interested in my apology, lets drop that. one, i never said india is a "holy shrine"(!) second point, am not sure if all tamils feel the same as u, only SL tamils and a handful of indian tamils r bound 2 share your hatered 4 your so called Hindia. there r enuf successful lankans with money and connections all over the world 2 handle the lanka situation themselves. ofcourse i think india shd stay out of it and concentrate more on its home matters. btw there is no slaverism in india tday, everyone's moved on to better things in life. even the animal insticts in remote areas of india are being turned human, with all kinds of media exposure, slowly but surely. if u feel stuck that slaverism flows in india so be it.
- From: azhggan (@
on: Sun Aug 8 13:07:39 EDT 2004
Boundries are important because other countries do not give rejervassun to dravidas. Other nations do not freel that an idiot should be awarded for his idiocy and also Hindians do not know about such prominent people like silluku, bagyaraj and vaiko. Sri lankans also do not give rejervassuns for tamilians which is a sore point.
If the whole world realises athat morons should rule the world then one does not need boundries. Dr. No brain should be P.M. of Canada for the simple reason that he does not have intelligence to button his coat.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Sun Aug 8 14:47:40 EDT 2004
maybe i'll give you a call when I need to button my coat Mr. Tony. I'm sure you have such intelligence to know the difference between coat and goat. To your point Mr. Anand. When did India form? some 5 decades ago? Let's see...when did Thamizhans had their first country? I'm sure you could say almost before 7 centuries. You see, not all Thamizhans of Thamizheezhams know about the truth and it's the same ratio in TN. Only handful of Thamizhans know about what's going on around them. The othes are busy with their daily life and asking people like Mr. Tony to button their coats i guess. I don't think TN Thamizhans should call themselves as Indians for any purpose. I'm sure they can live better if they separate themselve from India. Yes this is my view but many scholars around the World seem to have said this and many Thamizhans have said this before and they still do. Thamizheezha Thamizhans are Thamizhans and we and TN Thamizhans share a great bond as being Thamizhans.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Sun Aug 8 14:47:58 EDT 2004
We have depended upon TN to take care of us and it was true and TN did help us in many ways in the past and that's how we managed to surviv through foreigner invasions but of course for 7 centuries TN has remained helpless but Thamizheezham managed to gain little strength. However I like to point out that Thamizheezha Thamizhans gained support for their rebellion and still gain support for it from TN. Although some people used and uses Thamizheezha issue for political reasons, atleast they are saying it than being numb.
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