Borders of ancient Tamil Country!!
Topic started by Nanmmaran (@ on Mon May 26 03:34:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Southern parts of Maharashtra,Orissa and Chattisgarh, entire Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka and Andaman Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep were once parts of ancient Tamil country as said by Historians. Is it true?
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Mon May 26 04:38:49 EDT 2003
Very Much !
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Mon May 26 10:24:46 EDT 2003
And also archaelogical department of Maharashtra has stopped digging around , coz where ever they dig they find only kannada inscriptions , no Marathi Inscriptions.
- From: senkole (@ )
on: Thu Apr 22 10:51:56
including all y he left srilanka ,tamil country means really tamilnadu,kerala,srilanka. andaman nicobar,malaysia,partof andhra,karnataka
- From: R (@
on: Thu Apr 22 11:37:21 EDT 2004
Ancient Thamilaham was from Vada Vengadam - (tirupathi hills) to Then Kumari - Kanya Kumari) and between both the seas. That included most of present day Tamil nadu, Kerala, parts of Southern Andhra (Nellore district etc) and Southern Karnataka (Mysore district..) and islands such as Lakshadweep.
But during the age of Cholas and Pandyas other regions such as parts of Malaysia, Indonesia, sri Lanka, Maldives, Bengal, Orrisa, AP, Karnataka and Maharashtra came and went with the ebb and flow of war and conquest but never became part of Tamil speaking land.
Then Kerala became a different language speaking region divided along many kinglets and parts of Sri Lanka began to add a Tamil speaking Kingdom called as the Jaffna Kingdom.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Mon Apr 26 14:07:37 EDT 2004
//But during the age of Cholas and Pandyas other regions such as parts of Malaysia, Indonesia, sri Lanka, Maldives, Bengal, Orrisa, AP, Karnataka and Maharashtra came and went with the ebb and flow of war and conquest but never became part of Tamil speaking land. //
vada vaenkadam muthal Then kumari...Including the part of kumari that had submerged in the Ocean...and Thamizhans were living in so called "Sri Lanka" and in long as Thamizhans were living in TN!
There are historical evidences suggesting that once TN bordered the Himalaya Mountain Ranges..and not to mention the truth behind the fact now day so called (H)India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Andaman and Nicober (nAmaka vAtam) Island, Malidives and perhaps Tibet..and some other part in the north and perhaps even some Eastern part of Afghanistan belonged to the Ancient Thamizh race!
- From: KP (@
on: Tue Apr 27 13:32:59 EDT 2004
Dear Uncle R and N THambi,
"Ancient Thamilaham was from Vada Vengadam - (tirupathi hills) to Then Kumari - Kanya Kumari) and between both the seas. That included most of present day Tamil nadu, Kerala, parts of Southern Andhra (Nellore district etc) and Southern Karnataka (Mysore district..) and islands such as Lakshadweep."
"There are historical evidences suggesting that once TN bordered the Himalaya Mountain Ranges..and not to mention the truth behind the fact now day so called (H)India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Andaman and Nicober (nAmaka vAtam) Island, Malidives and perhaps Tibet..and some other part in the north and perhaps even some Eastern part of Afghanistan belonged to the Ancient Thamizh race!"
u have both been misled by Singhalese Propaganda. The cunning Singhalese have covered up the truth to diminish Eelam accomplishments. Eelam used to cover up not only entire earth but also nearby star system like Alpha centauri and Sirius. Then Singhalese started state-sponsored colonisation and terrorism to drive out Eezhavar, and then they tricked modern scientists into believing that they were never habitable. That is why there are no Tamils on planet mars or Jupiter today. That is straight from the National Leader's mouth.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Tue Apr 27 15:51:18 EDT 2004
//u have both been misled by Singhalese Propaganda. The cunning Singhalese have covered up the truth to diminish Eelam accomplishments. Eelam used to cover up not only entire earth but also nearby star system like Alpha centauri and Sirius. Then Singhalese started state-sponsored colonisation and terrorism to drive out Eezhavar, and then they tricked modern scientists into believing that they were never habitable. That is why there are no Tamils on planet mars or Jupiter today. That is straight from the National Leader's mouth. //
Hey it may sound fable..what if it is true? I see you are well-trained in you are well trained showing racism and as matter of fact you might claim..there aren't any Thamizhan anywhere in the Universe..although to our knowledge we know that 80 millions Thamizhars exist in now day will all be a fable tale for you KP..since you are trying to get into kindergarden..and I see you are doing well on the progress of imagining and pin-pointing and using sarcasm..racism...(all on the kindergarden level). Keep it ou KP brother..or should I say (Karip puLi)?..I'd rather not..then I wouldn't use that in the curry..niether would any Thamizhan!
Why don't you go to the famous geniuses of now day World...Isaac mind 'Tony azhagan' Einstein 'mannangkatty' Ghandi 'Bharathi' and you your self make a good Mr.Bush...but I'd suppose you are on the right breed of Great Vajpayee..keep up and they might offer you a seat in BJP..hey don't forget to try it in TN too..I heard Jeyalathia might do 'trick or treat' and win the Thamizh nAdu election...after all Great minds like you and your levels are wide-spread in TN!
- From: tony azggan (@
on: Tue Apr 27 18:24:11 EDT 2004
I have to humbly disagree with Dr. Nedunchezhiyzn and support Tamil Ninja Parrot contention (the greatest Historian produced by mankind and a backward too). Goddess kusboo who appeared in a vision told Dr. Tamil Ninja kili that Ancient Tamils had no borders as the whole world old and new were all ruled by tamilians. It is time to claim Dravidian property,Please join the struggle that Dr. Nedunchizhiyan is going to lead wearing a Nadodi mannan uniform and with a arsenal of chappals.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri Apr 30 15:12:41 EDT 2004
//Goddess kusboo who appeared..//
'Tony;tau-ni' you are talking about Hinduism and that's not any Thamizh philosophical beliefs..and I'm dissapointed to see that your likeness toward such Goddess still make you vauge to vote BJP like parties.
//Nadodi mannan uniform and with a arsenal of chappals.// your Brahmin are keeping up with the anti-Thamizh agitation..perhaps you would like to pay a visist back to Iran and Iraq and to Upper Asia..where your ancestories are rooted in Islam..perhaps you want to let them know of your 'Hinduism' goddess and teach them Sanskirit and the 'Human-sacrificing' rituals..mind you they might chop your hands in Saudi don't lay hand on Gold there.
The wise 'Isaac Tony;tau-ni' talks with a Hinduvala (H)India anti-Thamizh patriotism..may you live long in BJP's hearts sir..and on the lovable anti-Thamizh I have heard you are recruiting people to do a anti-Thamizh agitation in New-Delhi for making Thamizh as a 'official language' please keep up your have a great energy to do great dirty works specially to collect $$ from the 'peggy-banks' of Temples..where your father doing the 'pooja' and to fill your BMW gastank!
- From: mullai (@
on: Sat May 1 10:33:29 EDT 2004
the entire universe belonged to the tamil race!!!
- From: tony azggan (@
on: Sat May 1 12:26:49 EDT 2004
Dr.Nedunchizian: 1)Kusbooism is NOT repeat NOT Hinduism. It is a dravidian religeon and non dravidians like Hindians and Brahmins are not allowed in. Just clarifying so that it can penetrate your thick dravidian skull even if it takes time 2. Hundi money in temples goes to the Goverment- Ministry of Hindu Endowment Funds. The DMK and ADMK spend the money for Haj prilgimage and salary for Imams in the mosque. The rest goes into personal account of ministers.We are fighting that the money should come to Dravidian Kusboo temples so that Drs Neduncheziyan and Dr. Idiappan can benefit.Maybe I also can be on the list once I get a backward certificate.
I know it is difficult to understand such complicated matters but do not lose hope, in a years time you will understand if you read this posting everyday. Just be proud that you are a backward.
- From: Madurai Veeran (@
on: Sat May 1 13:47:35 EDT 2004
From: (
Subject: Anouncing PS NAMA-RedLight 1.0 - A handytool for every pimp View this article only
Newsgroups: soc.culture.tamil, soc.culture.indian, soc.culture.punjab, soc.culture.bengali
Date: 1998/06/01
Seattle, WA June 01, 1998. Software tool to aid pimps in prostitution.
Background: With every traditional business trying to catch up with the ever changing technological advances, the field of pimping and
prostitution is yet to fully exploit this opportunity. According to Mr. P. Siddarth of the North American Pimps Association (NAPA) who's
ancestry were all thickly into pimping and prostitution, there is a real need for PS NAMA-RedLight 1.0.
Name: The name itself is a very unique tribute to the heritage of the pimps belonging to the very high caste hindu Tamil brahmin iyengars
who paint three vertical lines on their forehead to attract customers. This unique symbol of pimping (called Nama)has been popularised in the
western world by immigrants from this very high caste hindu tamil brahmin community such as Mr. P. Siddarth. Mr. Siddarth says that due to their
heritage most men from their community are born pimps and most women are born prostitutes. Mr. Ravi Krishna of the association said that by virtue of their fair skin, the iyengar women were the favorite haunts of India's
rulers over the centuries. In particular, Mr. Krishna was particularly proud of the fact that the British who ruled India for 200 years were
so fond of this very high caste tamil brahmin women that they chose most of their menfolk to be bureaucrats and administrators during their time.
However, this naming has not gone unchallenged in that the North American Iyer Association has accused the Iyengars of hijacking the pimping business. The very high caste tamil brahmin iyers claim that they are the forerunners
in pimping and prostitution and hence the software should be called PATTAI RedLight 1.0. The PATTAI is the name for three horizontal lines that the very high caste tamil brahmin iyers use to attract customers.
Popular opinion however seems to be that the software should be called PAPAN RedLight 1.0, a common name for both these very high caste tamil
- From: tony azggan (@
on: Sat May 1 15:26:09 EDT 2004
I have applied to the iyengar pimping Association to provide me with a woman that I can marry to get a green card. I have not been able to get a reply as yet. I now appeal to you to let me know where I should apply. With your experience both personal and social I am sure you would be able to help me.I also want a green card wedding, The difference between us is that I am more qualified (8th grade) but you have a doctorate from Anna University.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Mon May 10 11:45:12 EDT 2004
Why lie Soya Bean Milk?(Tau-ni; Tony)..why lie? After all you have milked USA by living in Miami..if I'm correct.
//From: tony azggan (@ on: Sat May 1 15:26:09 EDT 2004 //
Perhaps Professor Tony like to build a Temple for Kusbhu after his fellow Ancestors of Hinduism and drain the poor immigrants and make a new God of (H)India's Hinduism (Hinduism isn't a Thamizh/ or Thamizhan philosophical belief, the Thamizhan philosophical belief is namely Sivaniyam and Maliyam (mAliyam)).
I'm also sure that your Brahmin University doctorate isn't even equal to the Thamizh Nadu Gr.1 as your fellow friend mannangkatty knowledge spark out brightly on this forum with massive propaganda against Thamizhans and usage of Improper words followed by your sarcasm and Brahmin love toward Hinduism and (H)India..what a noble person you are sire.
- From: swarn mannan (@
on: Fri May 14 16:17:37 EDT 2004
Want to about history Mannan brahmin bharadwaj
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