Euthanasia - Right to Die
Topic started by critic (@ on Tue Feb 4 17:18:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Though I dont want this thread to disintegrate to yet another religious debate I cannot stop participants from doing just that.. :)
There was this stupid law in India few years ago - "If a person is caught in the act of commiting suicide he would be prosecuted and sent to jail if proven".. Didnt make sense then.. Doesnt make sense now..
Do rational men and women have the right to choose when to die?? Is it ethically wrong to for people to end lives when they face situations that can be alleviated only by death?? Is it ethical for doctors to assist patients doing that if the subject in question is bed-ridden for an extended period of time and has no chance of leading a normal life again??
This is a contorversial topic.. So Get, Set and Die..
- From: undyingpeter (@
on: Wed Feb 5 00:52:09
The basic premise behind those laws is that you don't have a right to claim a life, never mind if it is your's are somebody else's. These laws are mostly based on religious beliefs. As long as governments around the globe keep using religion as an instrument to subjugate their citizens, rationality and fundamental rights of individuals will only be a myth.
I believe, euthanasia should be allowed, perhaps with stringent regulations that require a family committee's consent. The committee may consist of close family members (and may be a friend too) with a preselected and qualified physician.
The requirement of a committee assumes that rational men/women will somehow avoid killing themselves unless you are severely disabled and in extreme pain as some cancer patients are, where one might question their ability to take a rational decision.
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