Dalai Lama and the Theravadic Goons
Topic started by Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com) on Wed Jan 8 20:39:29 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
This a good one. The Theravadic Goons have started the Theravadic Jihad in India centuries after this kind of fanatic buddhism faded away from India and tamizhAkam.
Now, these goons have declared the Dalai Lama as alien to India.
What hypocrites. They do not like India in the first place at all. They are anti-India.
The Dalai Lama calls these goons are neo-buddhist monks and is not impressed with their behaviour.
- From: VC (@
on: Thu Jan 9 21:49:22
Yenda SoriNaaya:
Forum admins kitta oru thadavai seruppadi vaanginathu pathatha? :)
Marupadiyum vandhu arundha vaalai bandage pottu aatarey?
- From: Nisala (@ adsl-64-170-114-95.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
on: Fri Jan 10 20:09:34
Thank you for writing insulting things against Theravada Buddhism. However, the article you cited did not mention Theravada Buddhism at all.
The Ambedkarites are not Theravada Buddhists. They have no affiliation with the Maha Bodhi Society. Theravada Buddhists have never attacked or have been hostile towards the Tibetan Buddhists. Try to get your facts straight.
Also, pray tell me how the original Theravada Buddhists were fanatics? What was the 'jihad' by Theravada Buddhists that you are talking about?
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Sat Jan 11 12:01:07
Nisala, here is a book for you. You would probably find in the UC berkeley library:
Author: Vasudeva Rao, T N
Title: Buddhism in the Tamil Country
And no, the Ambedkarite Buddhists have extensive links to the Maha Bhodhi Society. The ultimate aim of the Maha Bhodhi Society is to "reintroduce Buddhism into India", that is read as commit theravadic jihad in South India like they did historically.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Sat Jan 11 12:02:36
I do not want India to become another eelam. I have already suffered a personal tragedy, i do not want it to occur again. Let us hope your common sense will prevail among those fanatic monks.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Jan 12 22:13:10
The Maha Bodhi Society is an off shoot of the Buddhist Monks of Sri Lanka. This society is actively conerting Dalits and Tamils to Buddhism.
They have criticized the Dalai Lama, who is the true representative of Buddha not those fanatic sinhalese monks.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Jan 12 22:24:21
The Sinhalese fanatic buddhist are like these neo-buddhists who converted today. They do not follow the real teachings of the buddha.
- From: Nisala (@ aca248eb.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sun Jan 12 23:45:43
"Let us hope your common sense will prevail among those fanatic monks."
If you think I have common sense, then you should know that a good part of my education was given to me by Buddhist monks (Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist monks). Through them I learned Buddhist philosophy and Sinhala language (but interestingly not Sri Lankan history, which I entirely studied on my own). The monks I have personally known are not fanatics or racists. They are very good people. However, you think that all Buddhist monks are fanatics. That is betraying a great deal of unfair prejudice on your part.
"Nisala, here is a book for you. You would probably find in the UC berkeley library:"
If you had told me about this book 3 days ago, I would've been able to find it. However, I am not in Berkeley right now, unfortunately, so you'll have to tell me what is in the book.
"And no, the Ambedkarite Buddhists have extensive links to the Maha Bhodhi Society."
A month ago, I had lunch with an Indian scholar on Buddhism. He is a Hindu and does not like the Ambedkarite movement at all. He told me again and again that the Ambedkarites hate ALL foreigners and thus the Maha Bodhi Society (which includes both the Tibetans and the Sri Lankans). On this point, I asked him about this numerous times, and he gave me the same answer each time.
You might want to ask yourself why the Ambedkarite movement is sympathetic towards the Eelam cause, if it is so strongly influenced by the SL Buddhist clergy. That in itself proves that the Ambedkarites are hostile towards the Sri Lankans (far from being friendly).
"The Maha Bodhi Society is an off shoot of the Buddhist Monks of Sri Lanka."
Not entirely. Although the Society was spear-headed by Anagarika Dharmapala, it was also strongly supported by non-Sri Lankan Buddhists such as the Japanese.
"The ultimate aim of the Maha Bhodhi Society is to "reintroduce Buddhism into India", that is read as commit theravadic jihad in South India like they did historically."
I have asked you to explain what 'theravadic jihad' is, and you still have not given me a reply. There is no evidence of a Buddhist invasion of S. India, so then what are you talking about?!?
"I have already suffered a personal tragedy, i do not want it to occur again."
If you are talking about your family, then understand that I sympathize with your loss. You have to ask yourself what was the cause of the hatred that led to this kind of violence.
You mentioned that you were 4 years old when you lost your family. What year did this occur? What did Buddhism have to do with your family's loss?
"They have criticized the Dalai Lama, who is the true representative of Buddha not those fanatic sinhalese monks."
The Buddha-Gaya Mahabodhi Vihar Action Committee is not the same as the Maha Bodhi Society. You are confusing two different organizations.
I do not understand the Buddha-Gaya Mahabodhi Vihar Action Committee's problem with the Dalai Lama. I do know that the Buddhists are having problems in Buddha Gaya because it became occupied by non-Buddhists who have little respect for Buddhism after Buddhism disappeared in that region.
I know personally that many Sri Lankan monks have had good relations with the Tibetan clergy. In some places in India, they share the same monasteries. So your claim that the Sri Lankan monks hate the Tibetans is utterly baseless.
- From: aj (@ h216-18-119-45.gtconnect.net)
on: Tue Jan 14 16:13:10
- From: kotiya paiyan (@ ac94ccb8.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Jan 14 23:48:32
Dear Uncle AJ,
I mentioned that the SL monks do not hate the Tibetans. But they DO hate separatist, terrorist scum like you!!!!
- From: AJ (@ qc-mon-pel-ap3-03-43.look.ca)
on: Tue Jan 14 23:56:29
- From: AJ (@ qc-mon-pel-ap3-03-43.look.ca)
on: Tue Jan 14 23:58:55
I agree SL Bundhist Monks hate me and anything to do with paece
- From: kotiya paiyan (@ ac96ce1c.ipt.aol.com)
on: Wed Jan 15 14:41:10
"I agree SL Bundhist Monks hate me and anything to do with paece"
Correction: they hate Eelam terrorists who butcher child novices-in-training. Uncle AJ was probably one of those butchers!! No wonder he's so proud of his Eelamism!
- From: AJ (@ h216-18-119-45.gtconnect.net)
on: Wed Jan 15 16:52:27
Nisala Banda,
I think you are going crazy, Your nightmere is the LTTE you don't know what the hell you are saying. Don't lie so much the whole world knows the sinhala thugs did to the Tamils. You know verywell who killed the Tamil children in Binduruvela rehabilitation camp. You know that the Budhist Monks(ters) and the sinhala racist like your kind are the ones who murdered the innocent Tamil kids.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Wed Jan 15 18:19:11
Nisala you are not getting the point. All you do is dodge important issues. When you cannot conclusively answer a point, you metamorphosize and stoop to sarcasm. Belive me, you have a very baaad sense of humour.
- From: kotiya paiyan (@ ac91bb91.ipt.aol.com)
on: Wed Jan 15 22:13:10
Dear Uncle AJ,
"You know verywell who killed the Tamil children in Binduruvela rehabilitation camp."
Uncle is so enthusiastic about the killing of Tamil children that he forgot to ask himself how the children got to that rehabilitation camp to begin with!!!! Was it because these children had been brainwashed by LTTE terrorist maggots like Uncle AJ to become murderers and destroyers? Maybe if Uncle AJ would stop teaching children how to shoot people, there would be no need for these rehabilitation camps now would there?
"Your nightmere is the LTTE you don't know what the hell you are saying."
My dear Uncle AJ, I was referring to the slaughter of child novices who were training to become monks. They were all in a bus in the north when you and your LTTE comrades showed up with guns. The adult monk present begged you murderers to spare the lives of the children and just kill him, but you slaughtered the entire bus. Don't you remember that fun episode back in the early 80s? I would think you'd look back on that with pride.
In any case, is it any wonder why the Buddhist clergy is so anti-LTTE?!?!? Perhaps Uncle AJ thinks that the monks should thank him and The Erumai for killing those children!!! Too bad that the SLA has grown that you Eelam racists can't butcher the entire Sinhalese people as you did to those children in that bus.
Uncle AJ is so predictable, I'll bet he'll either run away from this thread like the coward he is or he'll evade what I just wrote again like the coward he is. He'll keep rationalizing to himself that terrorism is entirely justifiable unto itself and that the SLA magically appeared in the north for no reason at all.
Anyway, Uncle, you now live in Canada so it is time to abandon Tamil language and learn English and French. I should tell you that 'nightmare' is not spelled, 'nightmere.' Be careful Uncle, if you want a good job I suggest you improve your spelling.
- From: susan (@ )
on: Thu May 6 13:17:41
Let us remember that the Buddha taught compassion and non-violence to all beings. And we ought to extend that loving-kindness to all of the members of the sangha- AJ included.
AJ- if there are indeed monks who "hate" anyone and espouse violence- they certainly are not true practictioners of therevada, mahayana, OR vajrayana Buddhism. One question you might ask yourself is that if you hate therevadan monks, are you really following the dhamma? I give you the following quote from the Aghatapativinaya Sutta:
"These are five ways of subduing hatred by which, when hatred arises in a monk, he should wipe it out completely. Which five?
"When one gives birth to hatred for an individual, one should develop good will for that individual. Thus the hatred for that individual should be subdued.
"When one gives birth to hatred for an individual, one should develop compassion for that individual... equanimity toward that individual... one should pay him no mind & pay him no attention... When one gives birth to hatred for an individual, one should direct one's thoughts to the fact of his being the product of his kamma: 'This venerable one is the doer of his kamma, heir of his kamma, born of his kamma, related by his kamma, and is dependent on his kamma. Whatever kamma he does, for good or for evil, to that will he fall heir.' Thus the hatred for that individual should be subdued.
"These are five ways of subduing hatred by which, when hatred arises in a monk, he should wipe it out completely."
I hope this helps!
With Metta- Susan
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