Kambarasam by C. N. Annadurai

Topic started by ashok (@ on Fri May 4 16:05:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I have heard about this work. Apparently it is a satire on the sexual aspects of the Kambaramayanam. I tried to get a copy when I was in Tamil Nadu last, but couldn't.

I think the Kambaramayanam is one of the classic works of poetry in Tamil, and that Kamban is among the greatest Tamil poets. If Annadurai picked the so called "obscene" parts of this masterpiece and satirized them, I feel he did a great disservice to both Kamban and Tamil. If his intent was something else, what was it? In general, people in olden times did not have the same hang-ups about sex which are there in today's society (they might have had different hang-ups at different times.)

Was there any criticism of Annadurai for having written this work? Did he write it when he was under the influence of EVR in the DK, or did he write it later, when he split from the DK? Did this book just follow EVR's remark that "Tamil is a 'kaattumiraaNdi bashai'?" Or was it Annadurai's independent view that the Kambaramayanam is somehow "inferior". If the latter, I will disagree strongly with Annadurai, as I think that all Tamils should be proud of the Kambaramayanam.


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