Will Reciprocal decommissioning be a breakthrough in SL peace process?
Topic started by Nambi (@ cvx-213-48-64-206-wol.cableinet.co.uk) on Sat May 10 17:09:40 .
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- From: Periyar Arivar (@ outside4.jacobs.com)
on: Mon May 12 20:18:38 EDT 2003
Absolutely Not!
Tigers will retain their military strength even after the peace treaty. History of last 55 years indicates military strength is vital for the security of Eelam Tamils.
History also reveals that no superpower in the universe had ever provided security for Eelam Tamils. All nations had shed crocodile tears for the suffering of Eelam Tamils.
Eventually Tigers will be recognized as a part of the united island defense forces in a con-federal set-up.
- From: iLamARan (@ cache-rl04.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue May 13 01:25:31 EDT 2003
LTTE's military might has compelled the Sinhalese government (and the people who vote for it) to bring itself to the Peace Talks and it's one of the factor in maintaing a fair and just peace process. Therefore it's dangerous to the peaceprocess itself to weaken the LTTE military might.
In addition suppose the LTTE agrees to 'reciprocal decommisioning' and for some unfortunate reason the peace talks fail, would the third party who's responsible of keeping the decommissioned weapons from both sides deliver the weapons back or would they just deliver all of them to SLA?
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com)
on: Tue May 13 06:38:34 EDT 2003
Only when the Muslims and christians are booted from Sri Lanka will there be peace.
- From: Roshan (@
on: Tue May 13 07:51:54 EDT 2003
Including Anton Balasingham I suppose.
- From: ks (@
on: Tue May 13 08:14:25 EDT 2003
""Only when the Muslims and christians are booted from Sri Lanka will there be peace.""
People have already booted you, better calm yourself and dont show much of your empty brain.
- From: ETA (@ dsl093-098-086.wdc1.dsl.speakeasy.net)
on: Tue May 13 12:47:22 EDT 2003
I don't think there will be any decommissioning by the LTTE at this stage. The question will arise only when the people of the North-East are convinced of irreversible mechanisms being put into place to ensure their physical security. Even then, any security structure in the North-East will have to include LTTE's forces.
Are you an Indian or Sri Lankan?
Nobody in SL/Eelam can expel others. Expulsions of some people might be justified in cases of illegal settlements like some areas in the Vanni and the East, which were colonized under successive SL governments with some criminals among the Sinhalese community chosen from prisons, who had expelled Tamil people traditionally living in these villages. The same applies if there are illegal settlements of any other ethnic group. It will also be justified in the case of some illegal Jewish settlements in Palestinian land.
The LTTE's expulsion of Muslims from the North was a grave injustice, which even they have admitted by now. However, it was not religious hatred that drove them to expel Muslims. LTTE wanted to gain military and tactical advantage in the North and they always dealt harshly with people they deemed--rightly or wrongly--"collaborators" of the SL Army.
I reject all religions, but my family is Saivite Hindu..I have never seen any religious hatred among our people toward Muslims and Christians. So if you have any SL connection, maybe you can tell us what your agenda is and who subjected you to such brainwashing?
- From: N (@ usr185-wv1.blueyonder.co.uk)
on: Tue May 13 15:09:48 EDT 2003
It looks that nobody in this forum is interested in peace process. Such a shame!!!
- From: salapathy (@ ac9c3b91.ipt.aol.com)
on: Wed May 14 03:21:20 EDT 2003
Periyar Arivar wrote:
>> Tigers will retain their military strength even after the peace treaty. History of last 55 years indicates military strength is vital for the security of Eelam Tamils.
Right. You may find this article interesting
- From: LP (@ 98.minneapolis-11rh15rt.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Thu May 15 00:26:37 EDT 2003
The biggest challenge for LTTE comes from the Tamils who hate LTTE. To overcome it, LTTE will have to keep on killing Tamils who don't want a dictatorship imposed upon them. We just found out what happen when you build an empire over dead bodies in Iraq. It is interesting that article does not mention LTTE Tiger atrocities and Terror activities. Tamils blinded with the hate don’t mind to sacrifice their own to make their dream a reality, which they have failed miserably during the last quarter century.
Don’t forget how all these started: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/parade/nm58/trip.htm
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