Topic started by Karuvayan (@ on Sun Mar 2 08:33:49 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
"There is an enormous amount of religious fraud, hatred and misinformation available in North American seminars, radio and TV programs, lectures, books etc. Typically, religions with relatively few followers in the US and Canada are targeted: New Age, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Native American spirituality, Santeria, Satanism, Wicca (Witchcraft), etc. There has been one lynching, one attempted mass murder by stoning, many fire bombings, shootings, physical assaults and economic attacks by some very devout, well meaning, but terribly misinformed people in North America who have victimized followers of minority religions. Outbreaks of anti-Semitism continue to plague both the US and Canada and seems to be on the rise around the world. Muslims are badly misrepresented in many media reports and attacked by some Christian leaders. Conservative Christians are often discriminated against in job hiring and promotion. Children have been seized from families on the basis of a child care worker's misinformed beliefs about the parent's religion. Parents have been prohibited from visiting their children because of a judge's religious bias."