Topic started by R.Sri Hari (@ on Sat Feb 9 13:56:46 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear Readers,
Most of us for long have been confused on the subject "as to who is a Brahmin". There have also been many Brahmin bashings - with cross firings, that have been going on in this "Forum Hub" itself, for some time.
The Sanskrit Vajrasucika Upanishad clearly states that all Human Beings are equal, and positively says "......a Brahmana (or a Brahmin) is one who after perceiving the self, devoid of distinctions of birth.....endowed with qualities of tranquility etc, rids of the states of being - spite, greed, expectation, bewilderment etc, with his mind unaffected by ostenation, self sense and the like he lives. He alone who is possesed of these qualities is the Brahmana. This is the view of the Vedic Texts and tradition, ancient lore and history......"
The Sanskrit Mahabharatha in Aranya Parva states "........he in whom are manifest truthfulness, charity, forbearence, good conduct, non-injury, austerity and compassion is a Brahmana according to the sacred tradition........"
"........he in whom this conduct is manifest is a Brahmana, he in whom this is absent treat all such as Sudra....."
Further Vajrasucika Upanishad states ".......Then (if it is said) that birth (makes) the Brahmana it is not so, for there are many species among creatures other than human, many Sages are of diverse origin.......despite their birth there are many Sages who have taken the highest rank, having given proof of their wisdom, Therefore birth does not (make) a Brahmana......."
It also states ".......Then (if it is said) that knowledge (makes a) Brahmana, it is not so because Ksatriyas and others there are many who have seen the Highest Reality and attained wisdom. Therefore knowledge doesnot (make) a Brahmana......."
It also states "........Then (if it is said) that the performer of Religious Duties is a Brahmana, it is not so, for there have been many Ksatriyas and others who have given away gold . Therefore the performer of religios rites is not the Brahmana.........."
(Giving away gold is an act of religious duty).
Trust the foreging are informative in respect of the title of this thread
{Quotes on Vajrasucika Upanishad was extracted from the book titled,
THE PRINCIPAL UPANISHADS - Translated from Sanskrit by S.Radhakrishnan.}
- Old responses
on: Tue Feb 19 19:20:32
- From: anu (@
on: Wed Feb 27 12:55:54
great post Karthik!
thanks for explaining the verses from VU. Eventhough a minor upanishad it nonetheless contains many great philosophical thoughts.
Sri Hari,
Not only the Vajrasuchika Up, but other major works like the brhadaranyaka upanishad have categorically stated(in the tale of Satyakama) who a real brahmin is. However despite these noble thoughts the truth remains that caste by birth was deeply entrenched in the indian mindset at least for the last 1000 yrs. I think the reason for this is that the lower castes didnt take interest in learning the scriptures by themselves(and the Brahmins didnt teach them the scriptures either) so that in the course of time, knowledge came to be the privilege of the elite - who chose to misinterpret the scriptures for their self interest.
- From: shudha nitai dasa (@ )
on: Fri Apr 30 08:16:02
who then is a brahmin as of today?
- From: Geno (@
on: Sat May 1 06:14:11 EDT 2004
burn manusmruthi
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Mon May 3 03:22:05 EDT 2004
Burn BIBLE and POPE!
- From: Charvaka (@
on: Wed May 12 04:10:20 EDT 2004
Don't you think it is only in the books, not in practical, Mr. R Shrihari?
- From: Arjuna (@
on: Mon May 17 10:23:04 EDT 2004
When there is a high level of incest in a family or in a community of families, then such a family/ community is classified as (pure and worshipful) BRAHMINS.
- From: Arjuna (@
on: Mon May 24 10:56:16 EDT 2004
The only thing great about the Brahmins is their putrefying oral cavity.
- From: bala (@
on: Mon May 31 23:31:04 EDT 2004
i want tamil all web
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Tue Jun 1 09:01:42 EDT 2004
What about the Indian TAMIL culture or the so called DRAVIDA culture of Incest? Why do Indian Tamils fuk their sister's daughter and call it their culture?
- From: Shaheed (@
on: Thu Jun 3 15:18:47 EDT 2004
Mannang katty,
Why do your women cover their face with veil?
why do they shave everywhere?
why don't they brush their teeth?
why are they pregnant everytime you see?
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Sat Jun 5 15:22:47 EDT 2004
Hey theevu coolie dog!
Tamils are prospering as coolies everywhere. Tamils are prospering as TRAITORS like LTTE and sakkili Prabhakaran!
You coolie sakkilies of POPE bark against religion of Tamils. Your coolie Traditions of Malabar never help any Tamils. You better talk about your history and how you became TAMIL after coming to Jaffna from Malabar as coolies of PORTUGEUSE!
You cannot be a TAMIL while barking for a criminal POPE whose church destroyed TAMIL kingdom of Jaffna and Killed the TAMIL Royal family in GOA!
Your TAMIL fartings are foolish. You are now in trouble because you are unable to talk on the crimes of POPE and how you Malabar coolies work for foreign WHITE masters and betraying TAMIL people!
- From: Black_July_Mourner (@
on: Mon Jun 7 18:01:54 EDT 2004
Mannanng Katty,
Ade para vesika putha (son of a gun in sinhala)
Sorry, it is very common there.
Here is your lifestyle:
1) Send nona (wife) to Gulf and live on her
2) Drink kassippu (illicit tap)
3) Smoke ganjha (marjuana)
4) Dance to 'Suranganee' Baila (Portughese rhythm)
5) Kill innocent tamils
What else can you expect from damn convicts (bannished from Orissa, India)
You have to shut everything before talking about other rich cultures around you.
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Tue Jun 8 20:38:11 EDT 2004
You talk about your monk daddy's people!
That is why Theevu dogs dance to Sinhala Baila in Toronto!
- From: Tamilan-1 (@
on: Tue Jun 8 21:47:13 EDT 2004
If what sri hari is correct, why following happens:
1. Hostel run by kanchi mutt practised segregation based on one's birth
2. No non-brahmin is able to become kanchi pope
3. WHy Kanchi chief never acknowledges what Sri Hari says here
- From: K.janarthanan (@
on: Thu Jun 17 02:27:09 EDT 2004
//If what sri hari is correct, why following happens:
1. Hostel run by kanchi mutt practised segregation based on one's birth
2. No non-brahmin is able to become kanchi pope
3. WHy Kanchi chief never acknowledges what Sri Hari says here//
Anu, already mentioned that these "elite" people "//chose to misinterpret the scriptures for their self interest.//". Mustave been da same case for the Kanchi chief thingy.
//burn manusmruthi//
Agree. Its the worst book I have ever read. I'll never believe that Manu wrote all that- must have been the sick "brahmins"
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Sat Jun 19 01:07:08 EDT 2004
Can a Non-white become a POPE?
- From: asdf (@
on: Sat Jun 19 04:00:46 EDT 2004
seriously mr.mannagatti ..what did the pope harm u ..or ur family.How and what.see, if u tell it then it will be a outlet and good therapy for ur soul.good people of this forum are intent on helping u..please now ..cooperate with us mr manangatti and everything will be allright.
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Wed Jun 23 16:23:07 EDT 2004
You are an assssshole and uneducated coolie of POPE! Read the history of Jaffna!
- From: asdf (@
on: Wed Jun 23 17:20:51 EDT 2004
mannakatti If u want to post something post something of relevance to india and tamil nadu,tamil eelam or else chut ur cunt abt ur lanka coolie urself fuuker.
- From: m (@
on: Sun Jun 27 03:52:39 EDT 2004
Kanchi Mutt will have only Brahmins as priest.
Why should a non-brahmins be allowed into that?
Why cant they have their own mutt?
Why r these non brahmins interested in corrupting brahmins place?
Once it was all religion of Brahmins.
So there was no need to say that No non brahmin should become priest.
Like there was not rule that Italians should not become PM of India, because there was no chance for that previously.
- From: TN (@
on: Mon Jun 28 10:40:44 EDT 2004
To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life’s good not come from others’ gift, nor ill
Man’s pains and pain’s relief are from within.
Thus we have seen in visions of the wise.
-Purananuru, circa 500BC
- From: Vithya Sritharan (@
on: Mon Jun 28 15:20:06 EDT 2004
To me, Mr. mannanng katty is an old sinhalese person (posting here in different names)is trying
to make a rift between tamil christians, muslims, brahmins,indians and different extinct castes.
He has gone through his unfortunate life in Tamil Nadu, Jaffna and in India in general.
He is a pervert and helpless.
He is wasting time unless paid by somebody.(you know what I mean?)
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Thu Jul 1 01:36:56 EDT 2004
Coolies of POPE cannot question Hindus. If they really need the answer, they must tell why POPE is always a WHITE guy!
- From: truth (@
on: Thu Jul 8 12:53:24 EDT 2004
U know the truth?
Varnasram is Aryan Culture and Casteism is Dravidian Culture.
"Brahminhood is not decided by birth alone" was said for Aryans who had all the four Varnas without these Dravidians.
That same rule is not applicable now because Aryan Brahmins r in Dravidian land too.
Initially these Dravidians were never considered into Varnasram. The Dravidians were known as Asuras when Varnasram started among Aryans.
So Dont confuse Varnasram with Casteism.
If u want I can suggest u some books on that.
These Dravidians were outsider to Varnasram.
When they too were accepted into Varnasram, they were allowed to be Sudras alone.
So do they remain now.
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