Voltaire discredits the Aryan Invasion Theory
Topic started by Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com) on Fri Jul 18 03:19:11 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Voltaire was a great French writer and Nationalist. He is called 'The Father of France' just like Gandhi is called the Father of India.
Voltaire challenged the Roman catholic church. He was inspired from the Vedas, Upanishads and was a deep lover of Hinduism.
"Their annals make no mention of any war undertaken by them at any time. The words for arms, to kill, to maim, are not to be found either in the fragments of the "Shasta" which we have, or in the "Ezourveidam," or in the "Cormoveidam." I can at least give the assurance that I did not see them in these last two collections: and what is still more singular is that the "Shasta" which speaks of a conspiracy in heaven, makes no mention of any war in the great peninsula enclosed between the Indus and the Ganges. "
So my dear Indians, flush out this shi tty religion called christianity and embrace hinduism.
- From: gopalan (@
on: Fri Jul 18 08:14:17 EDT 2003
voltaire lived in eighteenth century, before the dravidian languages were analysed grammatically and found to be of a different family. also, the knowledge of aryan migration was not known in his days. the whole aryan and dravidian theories are later than voltaire; so it is not right to quote him in support of any argument in this issue. it is like quoting faraday on relativity - an idea unknown in his day.
even al biruni does not say anything about aryan-dravidian theories. he also says that the indians were autochthonous. would it validate your argument? no, because al biruni did not have a knowledge of the southern tongues.
- From: SR (@ jrc-cache5.jaring.my)
on: Fri Jul 18 10:52:52 EDT 2003
Goltaire says that there was an Aryan invasion.
Even Klaus Kinkel and Zeiner Zimmerman approves that. See for yourself in
The crypto christians are responsible for maintaining this site.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Fri Jul 18 15:57:39 EDT 2003
The so called Aryan-Dravidian theory emerged in teh 19th century under the Aegis of F Max Mueller - who was on the payrolls of the British East India Company. What is more, he never visited India. He proudly acknowledges in his prefaces to his translations that they are meant to under the religion of the Indians and bring them to christ.
This is called Orientalism. Recently, Prof Edward Said of Columbia University realeased a powerful book attacking Orientalism in which he criticized the West for 'terrorizing' academia and spreading a Euro-centric version of history, to suit their imperial purposes.
Moreover, it will be foolish to think that Tamil and Sanskrit are less related than Sanskrit and Italian.
Moreover, an Aryan-Dravidian divide was suggested in 1816 by a Christian Missionary called F W Ellis.
The aim now of christian missionaries is called "In-culturation". That attempt is aimed at somehow proving that the Dravidians were a lot Hebrew tribe and hence the forerunners of christianity.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Fri Jul 18 15:59:43 EDT 2003
//The crypto christians are responsible for maintaining this site//
backwards like you are responsible for quoting that site in the first place.
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