American Culture, English, and Science for Modern Tamils!
Topic started by keeran (@ on Fri May 30 12:39:04 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Emigrated Tamil? often thinks she/he lives in two worlds, and selects the best of both worlds. Fool. The world is one. American culture, English language, and Science are the key elements of this one world.
Culture is reduced to movies, music and food. First two, the popular standard is that of Americas. The Last, the Chinese or the Italians claim superiority.
Tamil is declining and is scheduled to be extinct soon. For instance, higher learning is not available through Tamil. On the other hand, English is the international language.
If one dares to speak Tamil even among Tamils, she/he is looked upon as an uneducated primitive type stuck behind times. Technically and culturally the English language remains supreme.
2000+ years of religion can not help India to overcome its poverty. Religion promotes poverty, by advocating renunciation and reincarnation. On the other hand, 200+ years of science has transformed the rough Americas to the unchallenged Empire of America.
Should anyone care about Tamil culture, Tamil language, and religion?
Should we not just adapt the apparently superior American culture, English language, and Science?
Or are we going to claim that Tamil culture is unique and best for us, and Tamil language is rich of old history and stuff thats worth saving and promoting, and the Indian thought and religion is perfectly compatible with science?
Is there any truth to that claim?
- Old responses
- From: tony azggan (@
on: Sun Apr 11 12:39:19 EDT 2004
You will get more out of New Year prayers if you go and pray in a gusboo temple. There are special prayers to Silluku this week end. Hope to see you there.
With regards
- From: Idiappam (@
on: Mon Apr 12 18:17:38 EDT 2004
Anti-Tamil vedic stooge Tony azggan said:
You will get more out of New Year prayers if you go and pray in a gusboo temple. There are special prayers to Silluku this week end. Hope to see you there. //
Now Tony has given up his 'backward backward beep beep' gramaphone and has let his immagination run wild. Not a difficult task for him. His aryan Sanskritic forefathers were intense imaginers! Just look at their sanskrit books they call puranas - 36 of them! They are full of se!x, beastality, incest, plunder, treason, murder and rape! They call that the 'greatness of Sanskrit'. Oh yes! Tony has that in him too, the genes he inherited from his Aryan Sanskritic forefathers. YOu can see that his fantacises of gusbooo an sillikku.
Keep up the Sanskritic tradition Tony!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri Apr 16 10:13:01 EDT 2004
Um people...if you want Thamizhars in foreign country to speak Thamizh...first speak fluent Thamizh in Thamizh lands! Fools...and get liberation from slavery! Then talk about foreign Thamizhans! What the heck does TN support for Thamizhans around the world? Nothing and I mean Nothing!! TN education board can't even make literate out of the population there is! What is it capable of doing outside with such small power?! Don't talk order for Thamizhan in foreign country to learn thamizh you got to support from the roots...which are TN and Thamizheezham...I don't know how many Thamizhans know the population of Thamizhans or atleast little history or even the places like where is TN and Thamizheezham is. I don't know how many of you here even in this forum rather speak Thamizh than English or any other languages?! Don't talk about 'nothing'! Atleast put a pure Thamizh name in the forums atleast! If you want to show up for someone else then this isn't the place! What the heck is a name like sri Hari? Tony aazhagan? Atleast pronounce Thamizh in English properly! Giving more rights to Thamizh womens? Well as long as TN is part of India...that's not gonna happen soon!
Population control is mostly concerned in TN! Why is that central government encourage and show a huge interest in TN than any other states?! Because it doesn't want the Thamizh population to get high although the so called Indian population is beyond billion! The number of Thamizh MP's from TN has decreased from 40 to 39 due to this concern regarding population control in TN!
Show interest in your mother tonghue...Thamizh shall live as a 'palm tree' which isn't raised by anything but it grows out of harsh environment and become very useful to us! However as Thamizhan and Thamizh speaking we should be proud and why should we give up on our mother tonghue and mother land for no reason but under the dominion of foreigners? Are we that afraid and cowardly crying in the corner for the freedom of our belongings?! How childish is that with the population fo 62.5 ....being enslaved to a nationalism that's not part of them and that's what putting them under slavery! India once was the Thamizh nAdu but now the so called 'south India' has the descends of Thamizh and TN being the full Thamizh speaking population under slavery! The home of Thamizhars being as a state is shameful to our community and our culture and to our people! Foreigners don't give a thing about us and why would they? If america or any other countires showing interest in a foreign country then there is something for them. As for foreigners they look at India and they don't see division and Indian government as like other dominant countries...doesn't let the differentions to show out...but rather put a wax on it to make it blur and that wax is as saying India contains multiple ethnic communities! The heck with the multiculturalism when your culture is endangered by it!
The so called 'South Indian' states such that Karnataka, Telugu, Kerala, TN are of one community and TN being most close to the ancient Thamizh and others differing further down the road! The unity of this land is important as a community of the same cultural background and however If these other states refuse to go along with us...the hope of freeing Thamizhan land is in the hand of TN and Thamizh speaking! The other states will realize the foolishments...they won't easily accept the fact although they know that they are of Thamizh descends...they rather be called as White Descends, Aryan descends, Brahmin descends, Sanskirit descends, English descends but not Thamizh descends!
Anyway Thamizhans are fighting for parliment seats in TN...that's pathetic. Thamizhans are going behind a non-Thamizh who have no idea of Politics! What the heck rajini know about Thamizh history?! What about Jeyalaitha...and katunAnithi bringing his son to the politic and thinking of being a minister of TN as a state to India than to help to free it! These cheap people are worthless! Kaveri water isn't coming because the hatered among Kannadars and TN. The thulu will have hatred against TN due to the fact TN once refused to help them unite with TN..which would have been good. That's however isn't the reason to treat your own generations! Sharing kAveri water isn't a problem. Although vajpayee claiming he'll connect all rivers and things. Isn't he the president now?! He'd rather do much in so called North India than south! He'd want the Thamizh descends to fight between each other and even more Thamizhan to fight in between each other! All thamizhans and Thamizh descends should join hand together and proclaim the country 'Thamizh nAdu'! No matter what you say without TN being a country...Thamizhan around the world are homeless!! HOMELESS!!!
- From: noble (@
on: Tue Apr 20 17:09:43 EDT 2004
neduchenian first learn to shi*t and wash your bums.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed Apr 21 10:32:40 EDT 2004
//From: noble (@ on: Tue Apr 20 17:09:43 EDT 2004
neduchenian first learn to shi*t and wash your bums. //
Mr. Noble what a noble person you make.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed Apr 21 10:35:03 EDT 2004
(H)India would want Thamizhan to be slaves and take over Thamizhan wealth...than to let Thamizhan an example of that...he think Thamizh separatists should be wiped out of the world...and Thamizhans should be made as 'koolies' of (H)Indians and other nations around the World! As he and some others use the term 'Tamil' to call Thamizh where 'Tamil' was used to describe 'koolie's' during European time! It was also in a dictionary as I have heard.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed Apr 21 10:35:33 EDT 2004
Koolie = slaved labours.
- From: geek (@
on: Thu Apr 22 18:11:50 EDT 2004
Koolie = slaved labours=tamil culture
- From: tony azggan (@
on: Fri Apr 23 08:18:23 EDT 2004
You are soi right. The British decided that people with no brains could be coolies. How dare they. They did not have 98% rejervasun. Now the same people like Dr. Nedunchezhiyan and Dr. Idiappan with no,brains can get doctorates.
As far as my name Tony Azhggan it is a dravidian name, it is a backward name combination of slave and dravidian name. No one with that name can be mistaken for forward just like your name Dr. Nedunchezhiyan or Dr. malvink parrot.Be proud of being a backward idiot. Do not act like a brahmin and call other people idiots and backward.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri Apr 23 14:04:04 EDT 2004
'Tony azggan?' that's not even pronounced right..I'm confused whether if the last word mean 'azh(lh)agan' or 'azh(lh)Kkan' or 'aAzhgAn' and I don't know perhaps like Idiappam said the name 'Tony' might mean 'Soya-bean-milk' and probably a canned one that is.
First you go and find where the so called term 'Dravidan' came from..don't get jealous at me for telling the origin of it...or your fantasy of so called corrupted form 'Dravidan'. See that's something bad for your health..getting angry..let it out bro. I never asked your opinion of me being a Dr. and I never said I'm a Dr. and if you think you are a great-minded-'brain-washed' then that is true friend.
//From: geek (@ on: Thu Apr 22 18:11:50 EDT 2004
Koolie = slaved labours=tamil culture //
You are right says 'Tamil' not 'Thamizh' so you maybe are right ..ahaha...perhaps you are one of the 'koolie'
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Mon Apr 26 13:34:30 EDT 2004 are a shame to that 'English word' it self..please retire from the 'geek' positions as you lack lot of knowledge on being knowledgable or be are one of those vedda following anti-Thamizh...who believe Earth is flat..just like your fellow organization RSS.
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