Topic started by TSVP (@ on Thu Jun 27 01:39:38 .
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Press Communiqué
For Immediate Release
June 25, 2002
Mississauga, ON
TSVP's Contribution to Peace Container
Mississauga, June 25, 2002 - In the month of May 2002, a group of volunteers in Canada embarked on an ambitious project named "Peace Container to Ceylon." Through this project, a container filled with much-needed items, from books to wheelchairs and computers to clothes, was being shipped to Vavuniya, from where it will be distributed to Jaffna, Batticaloa, Vanni, Trincomalee and other areas of the Northern and Eastern parts of Sri Lanka.
Upon the gracious encouragement of the project organisers, the Tamil Students' Volunteer Program was able to secure much-needed shipping space and other logistics to send off more computers to needed Tamil areas, back in Sri Lanka. The volunteers behind the peace container project graciously allowed for the TSVP to ship a total of eight complete computer systems as well as four training units to be distributed among rehabilitation centres in the North and East of the island. As a gesture of goodwill, the TSVP was also able to donate six additional monitors as well as 150 English textbooks and novels to this worthwhile project.
Our experiences with such impromptu and a few other established community groups and organisations up to this point have given us great hopes in successfully networking with them to maximise our individual organisation's contribution to the rehabilitation of the social condition of our people back home. It is with this belief in mind that we gratefully welcome support from the community and encourage networking opportunities with other Tamil Canadian community groups in the future.
For more information, please contact:
K. Ravishankar: 905-782-4643;
Our website has been recently updated with reports on TSVP activities in Sri Lanka, along with images and other information. So, make sure you check it out at!