Dravidian culture links among all four south Indian states
Topic started by MK (@ spider-we043.proxy.aol.com) on Thu Aug 15 18:16:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Even though each state of South India has its own form of culture and identity, the fact is that South India definitely stands out in India, and the same goes for South Indians.
I would like to discuss the links each South Indian state has with each other, and I am talking culturally.
As you all know, I am real big on preserving the Dravidian culture because it is what keeps us unique in India.
Hopefully many non-Tamils can join this discussion. Pls respond.
- Old responses
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sat Nov 16 03:10:02
Who is this Hindu Shahi actually ? The word shahi itself is from Persion for a King !.No doubt he has so much attraction towards Persian and Arabic.He must be from Iran or Saudi Arabia.May be his dad is from one of those countries and Mom is from India.He could be a muslim.
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sat Nov 16 03:12:51
Who is this Hindu Shahi actually ? The word Shahi itself is from Persion for a King !.No doubt he has so much attraction towards Persian and Arabic.He must be from Iran or Saudi Arabia.May be his dad is from one of those countries and Mom is from India.He could be a muslim.
- From: ARYAN (@ acc8-ppp98.hay.dialup.connect.net.au)
on: Thu Dec 12 23:52:49
I am a pure Brahmin, Aryan Indian. We bloody bought some class and sense of civilization to you flat nosed, dark, ugly beady eyed animal looking south indians. you guys are low scum you should kiss our feet, we are aryans, persian, arabs...
- From: ARYAN (@ acc8-ppp98.hay.dialup.connect.net.au)
on: Thu Dec 12 23:52:57
I am a pure Brahmin, Aryan Indian. We bloody bought some class and sense of civilization to you flat nosed, dark, ugly beady eyed animal looking south indians. you guys are low scum you should kiss our feet, we are aryans, persian, arabs...
- From: KMM (@ cs6668103-167.austin.rr.com)
on: Fri Dec 13 00:58:59
cut the crap aryan. there is no such thing as aryan and dravidian. this was cooked up by british christian missionary historians.
- From: Aryan arsekicker (@ cache-loh-ad02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Dec 13 18:36:58
You both are bas*stards without any brains. aryan is a forigen dog he must piss off from India back to central asia.Kmm you must be a brahmin dic*k head without any brains but wears a poonul.
- From: Po.V. eRamesh (@ )
on: Fri Feb 21 09:58:24
Hai Atmas,
subject: TAMIL is not just a language but a tool which makes you immortal.
u folks don't know - what is meant by Aryan & Dravidan and talk length and breath of the planet.
If u - anyone of you know please give the definition of Aryan & Dravidan.
Iam really serious and eager.
Po. V. eRamesh
PS: Iam diciple of Sri la Sri Meenakshi Sundara Swamigal, Cheyyar, TN.
Please get Maipporul Vilakkam and def. for Aryan & Dravidan from him at:
Siddhars' Research Educational Society,
#42, I Floor, Corpn. Complex,
III Avenue, Indira Nagar, Advar,
Chennai - 600 020. Ph: 91-44-24451498
- From: Po.V. eRamesh (@
on: Fri Feb 21 11:14:42
HINDU - is NOT A RELIGION - It is an attainment.
TAMIL & SANSKRIT - TWO Eyes which Go hand in hand.
How can you separate MANIPRALAVA? from TAMIL and get a decent pronounciation for most TAMIL WORDS.
SOUTH INDIA in particular TAMILNADU - is a GNANA BOOMI but Other states are not; they are only YOGA Bhoomis.
Don't ever try to lash Aadi Sankara - You R NOT qualified for that for He was a human who was approved by GOD himself that his ADVAITAM is TRUE.
- From: Amulya (@ rh00073332.uta.edu)
on: Fri Feb 21 15:03:46
Go Guy Ramesh =D> (clapping smiley)
- From: muneeswaran (@
on: Sun Feb 23 04:10:25
thre is nothing dravidian everything is created by british, dont try to remain fools by speaking dravidian & othar rubbish
- From: shyam (@ roc-66-66-128-83.rochester.rr.com)
on: Sat Mar 22 02:32:33
the guy "ARYAN" is some low-caste tamil trying to cause a ruckus, key word being "trying".
north indians dont typically visit sites like this...
and just for the record, looking "arab" (like many north indians do) isnt exactly a great thing nowadays if u know what i mean
- From: anand (@ ool-435682ae.dyn.optonline.net)
on: Sun Mar 23 19:32:32
>ARYAN (@ acc8-ppp98.hay.dialup.connect.net.au) on: Thu Dec 12 23:52:57
Its not proud to be an Aryan in indian sense.The real aryans are of Germanic or scanavian stock.
They say people like you are result of uncontrolled inter racial breeding(like gypsies) and hence no purity and culture on your own.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Mar 23 20:57:25
Grow up kids. The Aryan/Dravidian myth was created by the British in order to divide and convert all indians to christianity.
- From: s (@ roc-66-66-128-83.rochester.rr.com)
on: Mon Mar 24 05:59:34
Here is my personal problem with the "aryan" invasion.
The aryans supposedly came from central asia into northern india about 1500B.C. Firstly, most invaders in the history of mankind are men. Therefore, to preserve their race/culture/heritage/stock, they would need to breed with their own kind, but if only men invaded, they undoubtedly mixed with the local people (otherwise known as so-called dravidians). Other people argue that it was an "aryan migration" rather than an aryan invasion. This theory would allow women to migrate as well. But for this to be true, men as well as women would have to cross the treacherous Himalayas to get from central Asia to the area where present-day pakistan/north india are. So you are telling me that in 1500BC, men and women and children crossed the himalayas?!?!
- From: Krishna (@ cache-syd-aa02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Mon Mar 24 06:33:37
You have posted a great point...In fact Karuvayan asked me earlier that "how do you know that no women migrated"...
According to genomic studies...most Indian castes including brahmins, have maternal(transfered from mums) genes derived from Asian/Dravidian mothers and paternal(trnasferred from dads)..genes of mostly dravidians in the case of non-brahmins and in the case of brahmins they too have majority derived from dravidian father and some derived from aryans (similar to east european genes)...This study indicate that Brahmins were the product of inter-racial marriage/ aryan raping of dravidian girls / illegitimate children born to Dravidian mothers and aryan father..
Here is the website that present the study. New Scientist is one of the highly reputed Jouranl who will publish after peer review by competent scientist... Quote:
Written in blood New Scientist vol 170 issue 2291 - 19 May 2001, page 17
The origins of India's rigid caste system are confirmed by DNA tests
UPPER-CASTE Indians are genetically more like Europeans, while members of India's lower castes are more like other Asians, says an international team of researchers.
"It seems to confirm much of the research that basically has drawn from linguistic analysis and theories about the movements of people into South Asia," says Robert Hardgrave of the University of Texas, Austin, who has written extensively on India and its caste system. Based on such evidence, most historians believe that waves of Indo-European-speaking people from eastern Europe and the Caucasus set up the caste system as they moved into the Indian subcontinent about 5000 years ago.
"When the Aryans came in, they brought with them a social hierarchy," says Hardgrave. "We have some historical and archaeological evidence which suggests that as the Aryans came in, they intermarried with indigenous people and also absorbed many of them into their system of ranking."
Some people dismiss this theory as a myth, claiming it "devalues" India's history. Now, however, genetic studies have produced strong evidence supporting the theory. A team led by Michael Bamshad of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City compared the DNA of 265 Indian men from different castes with DNA from nearly 750 African, European, Asian and other Indian men.
First, they analysed mitochondrial DNA, which people only inherit from their mothers. When the researchers looked at specific sets of genes that tend to be inherited as a unit, they found about 20 to 30 per cent of the Indian sets resembled those in Europeans. The percentage was highest in upper caste males. Overall, though, each caste resembled other Asians most.
Next, the team studied genetic variations in the Y chromosome, which is inherited from the father. "We saw a strikingly different pattern," says Bamshad. In this case, most castes resembled Europeans more closely than Asians. "The upper castes were more similar to Europeans, the middle castes were genetically equidistant from Europeans and Asians, and the lower castes were more similar to Asians," he says.
The researchers got similar results when they examined 40 sets of genes on other chromosomes. The findings support the theory that the Indo-European immigrants appointed themselves to the higher castes, Bamshad says. The Y chromosome evidence also supports the idea that the original immigrants were mostly male.
The caste system was based on occupation and socioeconomic status. The upper castes were the Brahmans (priests), the Kshatriyas (warriors) and the Vaisyas (traders). The Sudras, who were the farmers and artisans, comprised the lower caste. Later, a fifth caste—"the untouchables"—was established for those who did menial tasks.
In modern India, the caste system is breaking down in some parts of society but still going strong in others, as a look at matrimonial ads in Indian newspapers reveals. While some expressly say that "caste is no bar", others ask for brides or bridegrooms not just of the same caste, but of the precise sub-caste.
Anil Ananthaswamy
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com)
on: Mon Mar 24 06:51:58
Krishna, the DNA does not determine the race of a human. It is only evolutionary dynamics that dictate the race.
Besides, there is no scientific or material proof to establish that the Aryans did invaded the Indus Valley Civilization.
And moreover, there is no "divide" in langauages. That "divide" was suggested by F W Ellis, a British Christian missionary historian.
Wonder for how long you will lick the boots of a white man?
- From: Krishna (@ cache-syd-aa02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Mon Mar 24 07:19:50
When you write "Wonder for how long you will lick the boots of a white man?" that expalins your bad genes as well as your bad brought up...
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com)
on: Mon Mar 24 08:38:21
Krishna, Aurobindo said, "when the indian mind decolonises itself, only then will india acheive freedom" wonder when that time is going to come.
- From: dr.karthikeyan (@ )
on: Sat Nov 20 09:26:35
i fuly agree with the point thet pure aryans are those germans and the stock in india cant cal them aryans but a race borne out of cros breeding with dravidians,dravidian is a unique race with his own art,language,culture,festivals.i dismis diwali a festival of drvidians,but pongal is our festival
- From: davie (@ laptop1)
on: Sat Nov 20 09:55:15 EST 2004
dr karthikeyan. ur partially wrong partially correct.indians are a hybrid of medeterranean/chinese races. let me remind color of skin can be acquired over a period of time.it does not determine what race u belong!!!
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