Were the cheras really tamil kings
Topic started by anbu (@ on Sun Nov 9 19:18:18 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
They ruled over the Malayalees and they had no Tamils in their Kingdom. So why do they get categorized as Tamil Kings?
Similarly there is a theory that the cholas were really kannadigas who were wrongly categorized as Tamil kings. I strongly believe that only the Pandya kings were true tamils.
Any opinions?
- Old responses
- From: Tamilan (@
on: Fri Nov 14 02:37:34 EST 2003
Tamils being exploited in any way by malayalis or the other way around in Thamizh Nadu
Sorry f I am wrong but many mallu refer tamils there as PONDY KARAN in a sarcastic tone. During the days of travancore rule other than marthanda varma all the other kings were hostile to the majority tamil speaking communities, they employed nair and brahmin divans and employed merceneries hired goondas and the rules were very brutal for tamils thats the reason they fought for separation from kerala after independence.
- From: jk (@
on: Fri Nov 14 04:56:41 EST 2003
You are right
- From: jk (@
on: Fri Nov 14 05:02:03 EST 2003
What is the meaning of PONDY KARAN?
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Fri Nov 14 08:00:19 EST 2003
Panna Paandy...
tamilan (@
Kings were Kshatriyas. Further the word PANDIA is of a North western Indian origin and not Tamil.
- From: fchuk (@
on: Fri Nov 14 18:52:18 EST 2003
Karthi would you like to suck my divine classic dik?
- From: MMC (@
on: Sat Nov 15 15:57:30 EST 2003
Tamilians made first computer
Tamilians made first website
Tamilians created Indian ocean
Tamilians created helicopter
Tamilians created loongi
Tamilians created Idli
Tamilians created HIV and AIDS
Tamilians created first indeginous condom
Tamilians created first history
Tamilians created worlds first language
Tamilians created kamasutra
Tamilians created first satellite
Tamilians are first to reach sun
Tamilians are first to reach divinity
Tamilians are world's most educated and intelligent
Tamiilans are super human
Tamilians are next to god, if not god.
Tamilians are creators of this world.
Tamilians are most classi, divine, ancient
Tamilians are most perfet people on earth.
Tamilians have highest purity in their language
Tamilians have 100 consonants and vowels.
Tamilians are divine because they know what is Zha.
Tamilians have longest diC*k
Tamilians have biggest pussy.
Tamilians are most beautiful in the world.
Tamil women are most gorgeous in the world.
Tamilians are good in sex.
Tamilians have world's biggest condom using capability.
the list is endless. I will add more soon.
please hold.
- From: mmc (@
on: Sat Nov 15 22:19:09 EST 2003
Incest in Hinduism ?
Due to the strict restrictions and regulations one feature arose that is
apparently more common in Hindu society than in any other part of the world:
incest. References to this practice abound. Often the girls were unwilling, but
were then forced by their brothers/fathers.
References abound even in the Rg Veda, showing that the perversion of
brother-sister incest was introduced by the ancient Hindus :
Pushan is the lover of his sister [ Rg Ved VI.55.4 ] [ Apte 11 ]
Agni is the lover of his own sister [ Rg Ved X.3.3 ] [ Apte 11 ]
Ashvins are referred to as the sons of Savitar and Ushas who are brother and
sister [ Apte 11 ].
The Ashvisns married Surya and Savitri who is their sister [ RV I.116.19 ].
Agni is the son of his fatehr and his sister [ Rg Ved.I.91.7 ]
Yama wards off his sister Yami, saying marriage between brother and sister is
forbidden [ R.V.X.10 ] [ Apte 11 ]
Father-daughter incest occurs in the famous story of Prajapati (later
identified with Brahma, in tunr incorporated as an incarnation of Vishnu) and
his daughter [ RV III.31.1-2 ]. Moreover, this was punished. Prajapati is
thought to have done something wrong, and Prajapati was pierced by Agni as a
punishment [ Sat.Br. XIII.9 ] [ Apte 63 ].
It is evident that the strict laws on male-female relations led to the
repression of normal practies and the rise of various perversions like
brother-sister incest, father-daughter incest etc. Even to this day incest of
varying degrees (cross-cousin, father-daughter, mother-son, brother-sister,
etc.) is extremely common amongst the Hindus. No other race on earth has ever
recorded such a prevalance of this practice. Just as sodomy has its home in
Persia, Lesbianism in ancient Lesbos, so incest has its home amongst the
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Sun Nov 16 20:57:07 EST 2003
Virgin Mary... had a son...
What a fart Christian story but they acknowledge Adam and Eve were the product of incest!
- From: parvathi (@ ac8db54a.ipt.aol.com)
on: Fri Nov 21 00:55:52 EST 2003
When Cheras ruled Kerala it was populated by Tamils. Those Tamils started using excessive Sanskrit words. The mix of Tamil and Sanskrit words became Malayalam.
Cholas had mariage relations with Kannadigas.
Third Kulothunga Cholan's father was Knnada and mother Tamil
- From: chola chera, govinda (@
on: Fri Nov 21 01:47:57 EST 2003
Let us first ban Tamil Tribune
- From: tamilian (@ bbcache-8.singnet.com.sg)
on: Sun Nov 23 12:56:18 EST 2003
"From: chola chera, govinda (@ on: Fri Nov 21 01:47:57 EST 2003
Let us first ban Tamil Tribune"
Ivan Iyen.
- From: tamilian (@ bbcache-14.singnet.com.sg)
on: Sun Nov 23 13:03:57 EST 2003
"From: Indianoble (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com) on: Thu Nov 13 08:20:14 EST 2003 "
What you said is correct.Tamils know their first cousins.Similarly Malayalis know who the tamils are.I have no doubt in that.Only some hate mongers try to create problem.But I am confident
we will never give place for such animals to create problem amoung us.
- From: WakeUpCall (@ cache170.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Wed Aug 25 20:58:31
This forum has become a welcome site for all kinds of pathetic people trying to find relevance for their birthplace, differences between people a few hundred miles away, and languages they used. MEANWHILE the world is fighting out there for power by combining every available intellect to build International organisations. Some of You guys are likely members or people who aspire to be members of those organisations. Wake up boys and girls, start finding ways to combine forces and not divide and serve the neo-colonials. UNLESS YOU ARE THE SERVICE DOGS WORKING FOR THEM ON THIS KIND OF FORUMS TO CREATE HATE AND DIVISION.
- From: happyindian (@ bbcache-9.singnet.com.sg)
on: Wed Aug 25 22:05:47 EDT 2004
am sure like bush, there r many imperialists out there lying in wait like wolves to take over lands around the world. wonder whn these "i-am-exclusive" thinking ppl r gonna realise that. koreans r a gr8 example - koreans fought, divided into north and south korea, one guy's family ended up dominating north korea ruling it with an iron fist, in the name of liberating this part of korea, america eneded up making south korea a virtual american colony with massive troops stationed there. u'd think why did the koreans fight in the first place letting ethnicity get the better of them and divide their land and then let an outsider control them as virtual puppets. guess its better 2 support one-china policy and one-india policy. hope the tamils, andhra naxals, punjus and assamese rebel suporters r listening.
- From: Gayathri (@ ppp74-106.dsl-chn.eth.net)
on: Thu Sep 9 03:08:56
Tell more about recent tamil incest occurance
- From: jar jar cholan binks (@ )
on: Sat Dec 4 14:16:25
//From: Gayathri (@ ppp74-106.dsl-chn.eth.net) on: Thu Sep 9 03:08:56
Tell more about recent tamil incest occurance//
What are you talking about?????
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