Call for the younger generation of Tamils, to do away with the Daddy, Mummy, Uncle and Aunty, and call them as Appa, Amma, Mama, and Mami in beautiful Tamil
Topic started by R.Sri Hari (@ on Wed Feb 28 12:04:00 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
All Tamils throughout the World should be "proud" to "speak in Tamil" with the fellow Tamils, and also to "behave socially" as Tamils.
The very thought of socially behaving as Tamils should be instilled in everyone’s mind from their childhood days, and the very first step in this direction, is that they should be taught to do away with the Daddy, Mummy, Uncle and Aunty, and to call them instead as Appa, Amma, Mama and Mami in beautiful Tamil, especially the children from the so-called "elite Tamil families" irrespective of their religion.
The Love for the Tamil Language & Culture should be instilled in every Tamil - man and woman from their childhood days. It is during these ages every responsible Tamil Parents should educate their children on all aspects of Tamil - Language, Literature, History, Culture, Fine Arts, Customs & Practices, Tamil Social Ettiquettes and Religious Studies.
What is learnt and grasped by them during this age is what is going to determine as to how they will be moulded in their youthfull days and thereafter, as very patriotic and usefull citizens of Tamilnadu.
- Old responses
- From: Fuck The RSS! (@
on: Tue Nov 23 06:40:29 EST 2004
"not all can concentrate ALL the time on looking slim like fashion models!"
They are concentrated on barking to their naighbours over the fences than doing some sports.
- From: Fuck The RSS! (@
on: Tue Nov 23 06:40:47 EST 2004
"not all can concentrate ALL the time on looking slim like fashion models!"
They are concentrated on barking to their neighbours over the fences than doing some sports.
- From: I speak (@
on: Mon Nov 29 03:59:16 EST 2004
//Language is different from dress. In North America, English is dominant and most people don't wear something like 18th century or Victorian period/style clothing.// can u compare N.America w/ India in ne way??
Americans r one o the ppl. w/ NO original known culture of their own! Their cultural aspects r all adapted from European/Brit cultures so y wud THEY hav ne dress of their own??
Even their language (English) is adapted from the!
Indians hav such an *original* & rich culture but r sadly abandoning it by blindly licking the a**es of Western culture! And no, Sarees r NOT 18th century/victorian dresses, my dear! If ur from India, u wud've noticed women wearing it all the time even a decade back!
- From: guts (@
on: Mon Nov 29 07:19:30 EST 2004
//I don't agree with chauvinist.Is Language to be compared with such things?
Ok.In your view, when we adopt western things why not the language?But,think, do we wear half saree and half Jeans?//
We know that the europeans r supposed to be more western and more civilised than any other people.But they really love their language
(some are fanatics) and they dont want to use any other foreign language including English,
they want others to learn their language.
We should feel proud to use our language tamil in tamilnadu there r lot of things we have in our language that other languages dont possess .
who cares what do u wear or what do u eat!!but speak ur language..
- From: tony (@
on: Mon Nov 29 21:37:24 EST 2004
Clothes are less important than other parts of culture. Tamils still like the food karuvaddu, baroda gurma, still have faith in silluku and gusboo,are for mosquitoes and rats and against cleanliness and toilets.Dr. No Brain is not having much success in spreading the culture in Canada but still does not want to leave canada. That shows his patriotism.
- From: davie (@
on: Tue Dec 7 20:51:07 EST 2004
what is wrong in all these?
- From: tony (@
on: Wed Dec 8 01:05:50 EST 2004
Dr.Davie" 'Rats and mosquitoes.what is wrong with them'. That is what I say.Mosquitoes were wiped out by WHO ,DDT spraying in the 50's. Malaria ward in hopitals were closed. Then came kalaignar to the rescue. He imported Anopheles from Africa and now we have an endemic of kala azar and ,malaria.That shows the generosity 0f kailaignar.keep the dravidian flag flying.
- From: anand (@
on: Wed Dec 8 06:18:36 EST 2004
karunanidhi is the "true" champion of tamils. He started the anti hindi agitation, a few guys even died & today he begs for votes for dayanidhi maran saying that since he knows hindi, he would be able to explain their problems in delhi. His TV channel is called Sun TV & his family magazine kungumam's slogan is "best kanna best". All his kith & kin have studied in english speaking schools.
Surely there cannot be a "better" champion of tamil.
- From: ADX (@
on: Sat Dec 25 10:18:51
lol.....yup, well said, anand ;))
- From: davie (@ vgtblt)
on: Sat Dec 25 11:11:58 EST 2004
me to agree.
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