Lord Sivan
Topic started by Kandeepan on Sun Aug 22 10:04:25 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Lord Sivan, is considered to be the first god of the Hindus. And reportedly there have been many "lingams" found in the harrapan site. But there are disputing claims which say that 'Lingam worship' is more to do with expressing gratitude for sexuality and fertility than Sivan worship.
But Siva's place among North Indians is not as prominant as among Dravidians. I was recently told by a friend that the river in Siva's hair(mudy) is river Indus, apparantly it was later changed and called as river Ganges, coz some of the north Indian priests didn't want a dark skinned god to be seen as the allmighty of the Indus civilization, don't know how true that is.
I will be also grateful if someone can explain to me what does the "thirisulam" and the snake in his neck symbolise. As a Tamil I take more pride in reading stories of Sivan and Murugan than calling "Geeta" as my bible as many Hindus do.
yours truly
- Old responses
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri May 28 16:35:22 EDT 2004
The Thamizhans ancient philosophies are Sivaniyam and Maliyam. As Sivan is the Main god of Sivaniyam the Maliyam has 'Thirumal' note that now day Thirumal is also considered to be Raman, Krishnan and etc. I'm not sure whether if the name 'KaNNaN' is a Thamizh name although people say the name means of being 'karumai; black' etc.
The Aryans who had Subramaniyan whom was similar to Thamizh Murugan also had a God with the name 'Krishnan' who was also similar to 'Thirumal' note that they were similar in a way but not the same.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri May 28 16:35:51 EDT 2004
Then as time went Thamizhans somehow adopted 'Krishnan' and considered it as 'Thirumal' yet the Thamizh Thirumal was 'white' and I believe because he is believed to live in the Sea of Milk perhaps that caused his 'color to be white'.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri May 28 16:36:22 EDT 2004
The Patriotic Thamizhans of Pallavar Times weren't literated highly like the Sanga Thamizh Pulavars[poets] of course, an example of that using 'Thamizh converted Sanskirit word like 'Visam'--> 'vidam' etc'. Yet these Thamizhans were patriotic and had to be like that and they wouldn't have sang songs about someone who was of foreigner origin. Their need arose when Buddhism and Jainism invaded Thamizhans and converted them and made them non-Thamizhans!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri May 28 16:36:50 EDT 2004
A better example of such conversion are the 'Singhalese' of Sri Lanka who are consnidered to have been Thamizhans. You should know that lot of Thamizh Literature and Literacy were lost and some were rescued through the Dark Age of Thamizhans:( and Thamizh:( so you can't claim Sivan wasn't a Thamizh God as matter of fact if Sivan was prayed in Harappa 5,000 years ago (The people who lived there were Thamizhans ancestors and it's proven by DNA!) so it must have existed later on too.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri May 28 16:37:16 EDT 2004
Yet many Thamizh professors say that in the Era of Thamizh Sanga Kalam [Thamizh Academy Time] people were into Love and Bravery as pointing out their life was great and as you should know people don't pray God without a reason,..if it's not those reasons there wouldn't be any God! The need for God arose during Pallavars Time which is marked as the Dark Age of Thamizhans following the Chozhars Empire as the Golden Age! God was there and was prayed by Thamizhans for a long time but they didn't put their Burden on God all the time as matter of fact Thiruvalluvar never would have wrote his first kural as it now and I indicated it after getting to know about it.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Fri May 28 16:37:32 EDT 2004
He infact never took the subject about God except in one or few where he say for instance; even if God can't do it if you work hard you can achieve it. Infact Thamizh professors believe that 30 kurals in Thirukkural was added later so it should be 1300 and not 1330! Anyway that's it.
nanRi, vaNnakkam ___/\___
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