Extreme rituals in Tamil Nadu
Topic started by Peter (@ gpf.auriga.ru) on Wed May 22 15:31:46 .
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Could anybody tell me something about extreme rituals that connected with various deities in Tamil Nadu. A lot of them known to be connected with Murugan. how one can explain this?
- Old responses
- From: here (@ 6532205hfc45.tampabay.rr.com)
on: Fri Jan 31 17:03:03
- From: S.Anbarasan (@ sja-170-126.tm.net.my)
on: Fri Mar 7 22:30:00
Dear Friends!
The ritual of animal and cow slaughtering is not alien to Hinduism. We should honestly admit the that most of the Hindus are not vegetarian. Following clippings will enlighten you on this issue.
Excerpts From: Hinduism and Islam A Comparative Study
It is interesting to note that the cow used to be slaughtered by the ancient Hindus to enjoy its beef, entertain the guests and offer it as sacrifice to their deities.
[Mahatma] Gandhi himself says, "I know there are scholars who tell us that cow-sacrifice is mentioned in the Vedas. I... read a sentence in our Sanskrit text-book to the effect that Brahmins of old [period] used to eat beef" [M.K. Gandhi, Hindu Dharma, New Delhi, 1991, p. 120]. He, however, refrained from showing enough courage in clearly speaking the truth, may be because he did not like to hurt the sentiments of the people who were the main source of his political strength.
There are clear evidences in the Rig Veda, the most sacred Hindu scripture, that the cow used to be sacrificed by Hindus for religious purposes. For instance, Hymn CLXIX of the Rig Veda says:
"May the wind blow upon our cows with healing; may they eat herbage ... Like-coloured various-hued or single- coloured whose names through sacrifice are known to Agni, Whom the Angirases produced by Ferbvour - vouschsafe to these, Parjanya, great.protection. Those who have offered to the gods their bodies whose varied forms are all well known to Soma" [The Rig Veda (RV), translated by Ralph H. Griffith, New York, 1992, p. 647].
In the Rig Veda (RV: VIII.43.11) Agni is described as "fed on ox and cow" suggesting that cattle were sacrificed and roasted in fire. Another hymn (RV: X.16.7) mentions the ritual enveloping of the corpse with cow flesh before applying the fire on it.
In the Brahmanas at 1.15 in the Aiteriya Brahmana, the kindling of Agni on the arrival of King Some is compared to the slaughter of a bull or a barren cow on the arrival of a human king or other dignitary.
Similarly, at II.1.11.1 in the Taiteriya Brahmana and XXXI.14.5 in the Panchavinsha Brahmana, the rishi Agastya is credited with the slaughter of a hundred bulls.
In verse III.1.2.21 in the Satapatha Brahmana, sage Yajnavalkaya asserts that even though the cow is the supporter of everyone, he would eat beef "if it is luscious." At IV.5-2.1 in the same Brahmana, it is said that a barren cow can be slaughtered in the Some sacrifice. Not only for religious purposes, but also for other purposes one could kill a cow and eat beef. Thus at II.4.2 of the same Brahmana, it is suggested that a fat bull or fat goat should be sacrificed in honour of an important guest.
Similarly, the Brihadaranyaka Upanishada (VI.4.18) advises a couple to take an evening meal of beef or veal pulao, if they desire to beget a son who is learned in the Vedas [Robert Trumbull, As I see India, London, 1957, p.241].
Meat-eating Rama
In the Valmiki Ramayana, Rama laments to his mom (Kausalya) that he is going to be exiled from the palace at Ayodhya into the forest for fourteen years (because of his evil & selfish co-mom Kaikeyi's plot), and he explains how he will be missing eating meat as he is so accustomed to at the palace:
"[Rama:] 'I must to lonely wilds repair, abstain from flesh, and living there on roots, fruit, honey, hermit's food, pass twice seven years (14 yrs.) in solitude. To Bharat's hand the king will yield the regent power I thought to wield, and me, a hermit, will he send my days in Dandak wood to spend.' " -- Ramayana 2:20. [Griffith, Ralph T.H. The Ramayan of Valmiki: translated into English verse. Benares: E.J. Lazarus & Co., 1895. p.117].
Lord Rama, a great, divine exemplar of dharma & virtue for Hindus, himself apparently doesn't care much for vegetarianism & ahimsa.
Not only that, but some Brahmins & Ksatriyas ate five-clawed creatures. Five out of the five-clawed were allowed, that is. As the relatively innocent Vali is being murdered from ambush by Rama, he states:
"[Vali:] 'Only five among the five-clawed creatures can be eaten by brahmans and kshatriyas, Raghava: the hedgehog, the porcupine, the lizard, the rabbit, and fifth, the turtle.' " -- Ramayana 4:17:34. [Lefeber, Rosalind. The Ramayana of Valmiki: an Epic of Ancient India. Kiskindhakanda (vol. 4). Pub.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-06661-2. p.90].
A very similar injunction is found in the Vaisnava dharmasastra:
"If a man has (unawares) eaten meat of a five-toed animal, with the exception of the hare, the porcupine, the iguana, the rhinoceros, and the tortoise, he must fast for seven days." -- Visnusmrti 51:6. [Jolly, Julius. The Institutes of Vishnu. Sacred Books of the East (vol. 7). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1880. p.163].
Who knows, in addition to eating standard meats, perhaps both Rama & Sita also ate lizards, turtles, hedgehogs and porcupines.
- From: jayan (@
on: Thu Apr 3 06:35:29
There r other temples in Kerala such as Bhagawaty in Chotanikkara where exorcisms are held. They do not worship the devil, they worship the Goddess as Amme Narayana to rid the person of the evil spirit.
Deities like Muniswaran cannot be said to be powerless or linked to satanic rituals, since he is still the kaaval deivam in many villages in India and even in malaysia there r many devotees of Muneeswaran.
- From: arasan (@
on: Fri Apr 4 04:39:43
Hello friends...
I believe you guys have left out a crucial point..Here in Singapore (I donno about Malaysia) no one gives a cahoot about religion...may be it be what ever.. Thaipusam is one thing and one thing only over here...TOURIST ATTRACTION.. These poor souls actually pay for the temple services only to be watched and photographed by the so called higher forms of humans-the whites and japs ...and of course Only God knows whether they get fulfilled of their wishes.....
- From: Sri (@ sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg)
on: Wed Apr 30 11:14:58 EDT 2003
can someone tell me how it feels like to get trance ?
And there was once when i chanted Om Sakthi throughout the day and at night in my sleep i saw Mariamman, with fire burning behind her head. This happenned for 2 consequetive nights. I want to be able to talk to amman. What should i do...
- From: Sri (@ sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg)
on: Wed Apr 30 11:17:57 EDT 2003
Has anyone seen Amman or any other gods in their dreams... It was so real. Please share with us how it felt. Amman appeared only for a while...only for maybe 10 seconds...before i got too anxious and happy...and she disappeared...
- From: Peter (@ gpf.auriga.ru)
on: Mon May 12 15:21:12 EDT 2003
Sri, i can tell!
- From: Sri (@ sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg)
on: Sat May 31 11:23:52 EDT 2003
Hey Peter : Please tell me what i should do to see and talk to Amman. Share what u have to say.
I need guidance from anyone who can offer it. Come on people, if u guys are reading this forum, its becos we all share a common vision, that is to be righteous and to be more pious, and help others do the same. I am lucky to have been saved by a man who meditated on Hanuman and gained the ability to communicate with Amman. He says i have the potential to be a prayerman...but i am still searching for that potential, and trying to improve on what i have already found. I need guidance...
- From: p (@ 6532201hfc125.tampabay.rr.com)
on: Tue Jun 10 19:50:07 EDT 2003
Here is video clip of rituals that commonly occur in Kerala, you may find it interesting, I found it from Keralatourism.org, while browsing through the video galleries, you all should check it out, it's pretty cool.
- From: Sri (@ sbproxy1.mystarhub.com.sg)
on: Sat Jun 14 10:04:31 EDT 2003
Can i get an answer to my previous message ? If not can i get an answer to this message ? How to meditate on Hanuman ? Is it to maintain a mental image in your mind ? Is it to constantly chant a mantra mentally ? verbally ? Can i have some assistance. Please people, i need guidance...i just need more guidance.
- From: padam (@ cache-dtc-aa08.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat Dec 18 00:09:36
Here is an awesome website with excellent pictures, I found pictures on Kerala, here is some pictures showing "Thaipooyam" celebrations in Kerala.
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