Dravidian + Munda (Indian Austro-Asiatic linguistic groups) connection...?
Topic started by Pandyan (@ host212-140-33-172.btinternet.com) on Sat May 27 18:05:00 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The Indo-Aryan/Dravidian 'dichotomy' has all too often been used to support a certain conception of Indian reality. But where do the nearly forgotten, yet still very Indian Austro-Asiatic linguistic groups, such as Munda and Santali, fit in? What is the relationship of Indian Austro-Asiatic linguistic groups to Dravidians? Surely both traditions coexisted before the emergence of Indo-Aryans...? It's a very obscure subject; can anyone enlighten us?
Useful links:
The Dravidian language family:
The Munda sub-family of languages:
A description of Mundari:
- Old responses
- From: asad (@
on: Thu May 10 01:14:25
Hey guy! There is New Malaysian Indian Forum..........why not have a look at....http://indianforum.freeservers.com/
- From: Kavingar chellappa (@ ip68-98-160-177.nv.nv.cox.net)
on: Tue Jul 1 19:26:10
According to Paavanar,a great Tamil scholar of 20th Century,people spoke proto-Dravidian language before the arrival of the Aryans.After the fall of the Harappa and Mohenjo-daro,due to foreign invasions the Aryans who constituted the dominant minority and who were also the conquerers started influencing the culture,economy,language,politics ete of the sub-continent.Vishnu Purana is of recent origin i.e.after the period of the Upanishads.The Bharat of Vishnu Purana is an ideal of the dominant minority and not a reality at any point of history.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Tue Jul 1 19:32:37 EDT 2003
//After the fall of the Harappa and Mohenjo-daro,due to foreign invasions the Aryans who constituted the //
That is not true. The Aryans never invaded the harappans. This is confirmed by scientific and archaeological evidence by eminent scientists such as Dr Jonathan Mark Kenoyer of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA.
visit http://www.harappa.com
- From: davie (@ cim-14.cim.utep.edu)
on: Wed Sep 8 00:14:12
I happened to visit Dr. Jonathan Mark kenoyar's website.
Wow he was born and bought up in india it seems
more sun causes skin color
So, in india we have people with all colours from black - brown - white
Infact most of the people have same face structure.
I mean our face cuts ar totally different from other races like african or australoid or wat ever.
I have seen many tribals all around the world.
Most of the indian people have the same european face structure eventhough many look dark.
just note that all europeans dont have roman noses. :)
Even most of the darkest indians do have same those aryan face cuts. But there are exceptions (about 0.5% of those darkest indians look quite different).
May be they are the most primitive settlers(tribes) or else, they should be of those flat nosed chinese
It can be easily proved that there is no relation between dravidian and australoids.
I have seen many australoids and they exhibit special face structures, color etc which i will take another 5 pages for me to explain
- From: davi (@ pc-i63h1uewfk8z)
on: Thu Sep 9 21:44:57 EDT 2004
I know the exact origins of australoids, tribes of vietnam, blah blah
- From: davie (@ ddn39041)
on: Thu Sep 9 21:52:29 EDT 2004
Time to think:
Chinese stub nosed race is over one billion out of 6 billion world population.
Where were these chinese race before 100,000 years?
Tribes of eskimos, american indian, etc have already proved to be chinese.
Just keep in mind that SKIN COLOR can be got if a race stays in HOT SUNNY regions of the world for over 20000 years. The process is called tanning.
All black people/dark looking people DO NOT BELONG to the same race.
Some Black people are european. Example most of the black dravidian india people and many of the dark looking ethiopean are JUST EUROPEANS who got tanned.
- From: davie (@ ddn39041)
on: Thu Sep 9 22:04:09 EDT 2004
Its wel known that australia has a "KIND OF GEOGRAPHICAL" link with indonesia . Many australoids are short and have stub noses.
It has been proved by some researchers that AUSTRALOIDS BELONG TO THE CHINESE RACE WHICH WAS PREVALENT BEFORE 100000 years. But got their skin color tanned. Another strong evidence is the existence of black people in vietnam and indonesia, who are none but ancient tribal settlers in hot, sunny regions of the world.
Again 100000 years is a long period of time.
Jesus was just 2000 years before us and even we think it is too old. :)
In india if aryans can come just before 2000 years , why not same aryan people come at various periods of time (say 2000 yrs gap between each)
So european people and asian people have been coming into india for quite a long period of time (say for about 30,000 years or even older)
- From: davie (@ ddn39041)
on: Thu Sep 9 22:04:59 EDT 2004
India is not isolated like africa or australia with other continents. There is geographical separation of india and africa
Anthropologists are biased. They dont want to accept that some africans are europeans.
Most of the indians are europeans.
Some American tribes also have european mix.
Who knows some australoids may also have european mixture.
Regarding India its just a part and parcel of EUROPE AND ASIA. hehe.
there are some shitty websites writen by indian authors, some of them SESHA IYER that brahmin lady is so biased that she writes all her own stories. OH MY GOD.
- From: davie (@ ddn39041)
on: Thu Sep 9 22:05:53 EDT 2004
Another idiot who got a phd from mediocre loyola university his name is Clyde Winters he has published some articles in the internet copying the work of SHESHA IYER huh!.
And finally another moron a.k. aravanan or a.k arvanan he has written a idiotic book with all shitty information.
The next time u see some website, just see the references if they have indian authors.
Indian authors in india dont know the meaning of good research. So they write all stories
i dont like to mention those websites but pretty sure that a counter website that TELLS TRUTH will be soon released.
- From: davie (@ hewlett-9por0s0)
on: Thu Sep 9 22:07:55 EDT 2004
Another prooof for POOR INDIAN QUALITY is this website forumhub.com
I had to submit my posting as THREE PARTS coz it limits the postings to about 100 words, stingy than college essays
- From: john (@ )
on: Mon Nov 29 06:27:01
I agree with the statement that research on anthropology in india is substandard; it is just padding up one's own 'super' origin-particularly the brahmins, including shesh iyer. they're just ordinary bums pretending to be extra-ordinary. level playing fields in education these days, that have produced great minds from all groups, have considerably punctured their bloated ego, and the myth they'd created.
- From: truth (@ dialpool-210-214-192-72.maa.sify.net)
on: Thu Dec 9 04:30:43 EST 2004
the proverb goes "Kulatthal Amayum Gunam" not
"Kulathal Amayum Arivu"
If u get my point, u will know how funny Dravidians r
- From: davie (@ cim-dell10.cim.utep.edu)
on: Thu Dec 9 11:13:45 EST 2004
adda tho paruda. korangu thamil pesudhu!!
- From: davie (@ vgtblt)
on: Thu Dec 9 15:09:19 EST 2004
before 4 months i just wrote about sesha iyer and clyde winters!!
even now these brahmin coolies dont seem to understand these stuff.
- From: truth (@ dsl-chn-
on: Fri Dec 10 10:47:05 EST 2004
Tamile Korangoda language thane da
- From: davie (@ pc-w7pas2aur2ge)
on: Fri Dec 10 13:10:24 EST 2004
even so called fair skinned indians have chinese contribution in them. for an example, if we look this website, anyone an assert this fact
only thing remaining is a genetic test to prove this fact.
- From: davie (@ pc-w7pas2aur2ge)
on: Fri Dec 10 13:14:26 EST 2004
DRAVIDIANS ARE ARYANS (EUROPEANS) WHO SETTLED EARLY. I dont ignore the fact that all indians are just a blend of chinese and midele eastern races.
even so called fair skinned indians have chinese contribution in them. for an example, if we look this website, anyone an assert this fact
only thing remaining is a genetic test to prove this fact.
ok brahmins start barking
- From: davie (@ pc-w7pas2aur2ge)
on: Fri Dec 10 13:16:05 EST 2004
DRAVIDIANS ARE ARYANS (EUROPEANS) WHO SETTLED EARLY. I dont ignore the fact that all indians are just a blend of chinese and midele eastern races.
even the so called fair skinned indians have chinese contribution in them. for example, if we look this website, anyone an assert this fact
only thing remaining is a genetic test to prove this fact.
ok brahmins start barking
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