Why not spread Tamil - Language, Literature, Culture, Fine Arts & Traditions World over among non-Tamils
Topic started by R.Sri Hari (@ modem21.bayrac.eureka.lk) on Thu Mar 22 13:14:09 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
At a glance it may look like a statement which needs a "big hearty laugh". But it is not.
If the big countries of the World namely United Kingdom, USA, Russia, Germany & France can open many Centres all over the World in other Countries - {speaking different languages and professing different cultures}- with a view of introducing and spreading their own Language, Literature, Culture and Fine Arts through their Centres named as British Council, American Cultural Center, Russian Cutural Centre, Gothe Institute, Alliance Francaise, then why not TamilNadu open such Centres all over the World (named Tamil Cultural Institute)and promote Tamil Language, Literature, Culture and Fine Arts to the Tamils and Non-Tamils living in various other countries of the World.
This will help the Tamil who have now spread worldwide not to loose touch of their own language,culture,traditions, fine arts etc, and not being absorbed and assimilated in the foreign societies and their cultures, loosing their own identity as Tamils.
During the great days of Tamils under Rajaraja Chola - 1 & Rajendra Chola - 1 and others thousand years back (A.D.985-A.D.1070) this cultural spread did really take place, the impact of which is very visible in the culture and language in some countries of the World.
This fact is further evidenced by the presense of Tamil Stone Inscriptions around 900/1000 years old, discovered in the recent times by Archeological Departments of some countries, namely Thailand, Burma, China, Sumatra (in Indonesia), Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
Further if this cultural speard is made among the people of foreign countries, the items of Tamil Culture too could find export to foreign countries and incur more revenue to Tamil Nadu.
Imagine Western Women gradually going crazy to wear Sarees and Kanchipuram and other Sarees being exported to the Western countries, like how the Westerners have made the young Tamil Girls of TamilNadu crazy with Denim Trousers and Cotton Tee-Shirts.
There are very many items that could find export
to these countires.
Like how the west has made the youngsters in TamilNadu crazy with Pizzas and Kentuky Foods why not Tamilian open Hi-Fi Tamil Fast Food Resturants in the western countries with all types of appetising foods like Dosai, Iddly etc etc.
Why not make the girls of the west who are used to dancing Waltz and BallRoom Dance etc to dance Kummi & Kollam Attams & Baratha Natyam with long plats,Mallihaip poos & kunjams!!!!
Constructive comments welcome.
- Old responses
- From: Nisala (@ ac83cacd.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Oct 5 22:27:04
"'Physician heal thyself'The emphasis should be to reform Tamil Nadu before we think of spreading Tamilness all over the world."
Why? Why is it that TN has to be reformed before anyone else in other parts of the world can appreciate Tamil? Are the leaders of TN the 'Sole Representatives' of Tamil culture?
What about the opposite, if a 'Tamil Renaissance' starts from the expatriate community and then moves to TN? After all, the expatriates are the ones with the $$ and resources. So why not encourage the expatriates to help fix things?
- From: karthi (@ support.newedge.fr)
on: Tue Dec 23 16:35:07
b. srihari, backward dream.
making more gusbu temples will lead to spreading Tamil culture to worldu
- From: Indianoble (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Tue Dec 23 17:38:44 EST 2003
I would like to suggest a few things to the Indian Tamilians in this forum. Since I have noticed, this thread is the least infected among the rest, I will try to make my points seen here.
Again, this is strictly for the Indian Tamilians. I would like feedback from Indian Tamilians and other Indians about this. Thank you.
- If Indian Tamilians want to take on the task of spreading Tamil and it's history to The Tamils and non - Tamils in the greater Indian/South Asian diaspora or the world, the Tamilians in India MUST CHANGE so that they can be easily approached by other non-tamilians. The reason many communities in India, I have noticed, look at Tamilians in a contemptuous manner is solely because of how we view ourselves and that pride we have within our own culture. The very thing that stops us from spreading good about our culture is ourselves and we need to change that. All over India, the only commiunity that probably does see Tamilians eye - to - eye on several issues are mallus, due to the great similarities they both have. Kannadigas and Telungus also share many things but are not too quick to allign themlseves with the Tamilians. Oh sure you can spit out names such as Vaiko and Karunanidhi, who have Telungu ancestry, but look at their positions in society. Of course they will want to work for Tamilians...They are politicians in your own land ..so of course they will propogate the Tamil Cause...but for what and whose purpose ? OURS ...or THEIRS ?
It is high time Tamilians take charge of their own affairs and change their views on India, South India and Tamil's place in India herself. For that to happen the politicians must take that first attempt ..but what has happened so far ? with negative factors such as corrupt politics, economic backsliding, HIV, linguistic and cultural fanaticism and poverty which exists to this day, TN as a state will not be a place, other South Indians and Indians as a whole will want to look up to. Yes - TN is known as probably the automotive sector of India and has many medals to show on it's uniform, but what lies underneath the unform .....people are too scared to find out. That must change.
Tamil is an ancient language of India and is a priceless jewel in India. Tamils must preserve that jewel to the best of it's ability, but not at the risk of demeaning and demonizing other linguisitc communities (Hindi speakers/ North Indians) and castes (Brahmins) ..change that and you will see change happen.
All we have to look up to these days is JJ, Karunanidhi, Veerappan, Kamal Hassan, Rajni and for some, Lanka Puli Thampuran Prabhakran. Now I don't know, but these people are not exactly the type of people other cultureral groups within India or the world, would want to look up to alongside the Indian Tamilians. We, as Indian Tamilians must step aside from the light of corrupt politicians and terrorists (some might disagree) ... and reform ourselves even if it means taking the blows from other communities from our own country.
The Sikh community is a fine example of recovering it's identity, from a negative to apositive one, within India. After 1984, it seemed as an impossibility for Sikhs to ever come back into the Indian fold, but times have changed. Today Punjab is the "breadbasket of India" and if anyone knows anything about the Indian armed forces, these Sikhs are the ones who make a big chunk of our army and are at the front lines fighting to keep our country safe. There are many more successes the state of Punjab has had, but if I had to write them all down ...I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. That simple.
So my advice to all Indian Tamilians - Change your outlook and perspective on your country. If not, then all the economic credentials in the world will not stop your state and your people from being hated all over India.
Romba Nandrigal.
Vanakam __/|\__
Vande Mataram.
- From: ramkay (@ ppp-
on: Wed Dec 24 01:00:21 EST 2003
Politicians will propagate tamil cause for their votes not for you public.
- From: tony (@
on: Thu Dec 25 03:47:15 EST 2003
Well Said
- From: Tamil hero (@ adsl-66-136-106-153.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net)
on: Thu Dec 25 15:30:25 EST 2003
Make Tamil as world language. Tamilians are super power.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@ hse-mtl-ppp61141.qc.sympatico.ca)
on: Tue Dec 30 03:00:51 EST 2003
Educate the 50% illiterated Thamizh with this
Educate the 50% literated Thamizh about this
Then and only then
The outerworld shall know the answer to your question.
- From: Senthil (@
on: Tue Jan 6 02:45:46 EST 2004
Sri Hari,
We are in the same boat. Tamil is not being the national language of any country. So, which country will set up the Tamil cultural centres around the world through its embassy? No way.
If Tamil Nadu Govt. is interested to do this
then it will be fine. But, unfortunately TN's
present CM is not inerested in encouraging Tamil
language. Even in Tamil Nadu itself Tamil
became like orphan.
The only way to make your dream true is to form
a private body for this objective. Through this
organization, we may give pressure to TN Govt.
and Tamil University.
Tamils in South Africa, Mauritius, Fiji, Reunion etc. also in need of such a cultural centre.
- From: Cunning Mallu (@
on: Wed Jan 7 01:07:12 EST 2004
The Sikh community is a fine example of recovering it's identity, from a negative to apositive one, within India. After 1984, it seemed as an impossibility for Sikhs to ever come back into the Indian fold, but times have changed."
Indira Gandhi killers declared as martyrs
Search for More News
Amritsar, Jan 6: The killers of former prime minister Indira Gandhi - Satwant Singh, Beant Singh and Kehar Singh - were today declared martyrs by the highest Sikh cleric at a function organised by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbhandhak Committee here.
Gyani Joginder Singh Vedanti, the jathedar of the highest Sikh temporal seat, while declaring the trio as martyrs, gave away the siropa (robe of honour) to Bibi Piar Kaur, mother of Satwant Singh, amidst the chanting of religious slogans of 'Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akal'.
SGPC honorary secretary Manjit Singh Calcutta said, "Whosoever have attacked the Golden Temple or Akal Takht so far in the Sikh history have never been spared by the Sikhs." (Agencies)
- From: Sri Shanmathi (@ )
on: Wed Jan 28 01:07:44
Dear Fellow tamilians,
Greetings to all of you. I am representing Malaysian Hindu Sangam and working on setting up a Hindu Culture & Arts Academy in our country. We are in the process of compiling the resources for the above. If anyone of you or your association can assist us, please contact me,
Thank you
- From: suresh (@
on: Wed Jan 28 02:15:28 EST 2004
please sfread damil lankuage with proken bonetics and galf googed letters and fronounciations.
- From: Idiappam (@ cache138.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Wed Jan 28 10:12:42 EST 2004
Suresh, yes! go ahead! Make a real fool of yourself here!
- From: julu (@ w114.z064000126.ric-va.dsl.cnc.net)
on: Wed Jan 28 12:24:39 EST 2004
Suresh, ges! ko agead! Make a real pul op yourselp gere!
anodher damizh pacgwarth shoothing gis moudh opp.
- From: priya (@ )
on: Mon Mar 8 22:59:05
Watch your favourite Tamil TV channels from India on www.numtv.com.email numtv@penta-media.com for a free trail.
- From: suresh (@
on: Tue Mar 9 04:43:12 EST 2004
From: julu (@ w114.z064000126.ric-va.dsl.cnc.net) on: Wed Jan 28 12:24:39 EST 2004
Suresh, ges! ko agead! Make a real pul op yourselp gere!
anodher damizh pacgwarth shoothing gis moudh opp.
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