Why do Indian Tamils think they have a different culture to SL Tamils
Topic started by Rajeev (@ molten-ext.nus.edu.sg) on Fri Aug 1 11:59:06 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I have noticed among my friends that they (Indian Tamils) believe that they have more common in terms of culture to North Indians than SL Tamils. In fact, most Indian Tamils (not Singaporean Tamils) are shocked when I tell them I am a Tamil of Sri Lankan origin living in Singapore. They always retort back "but you look so Indian". Does this mean that always thought that Sri Lankan Tamils look somehow different to Indian Tamils and they also get shocked that we have similar customs. Its seems like they have been brought up thinking that there is more commonness with other Indian cultures than SL Tamil cultures.
- Old responses
- From: Veelan (@ h24n3c1o254.bredband.skanova.com)
on: Fri Aug 22 02:06:29 EDT 2003
Have heard: "Thoppi piraddii"
Do you know who thoose are? ;)
For me, tamil people who are muslims are tamil.. just like me.
But it seems like, muslims do not want to be tamils. Many of them can speak singalish and tamils. (They speak tamil at home and singalish on the street).
I do not know...if I as a tamil, should trust a muslim? What do you think.. Rosan?
/// Veelan \\\
- From: Roshan (@
on: Fri Aug 22 02:30:21 EDT 2003
All I think is you should go for some Thamizh classes if you still think you are a Thamizhan. First of all finish that asignment then I shall reply to your question.
- From: Veelan (@ h196n1c1o254.bredband.skanova.com)
on: Fri Aug 22 02:57:09 EDT 2003
#""Why your LTTE has killed over 100 high caste Tamils since peace talk started?""#
Soo.. what? lp.. you are repeating the same shit. Nobdy will belive you!
It deosn't matter if a tamil is muslim, christan or low catse or high caste hindu. They are equal in TamilEelam.
The caste system doesn't exist and we do not tolerate traitors. That's it ;)
- From: Veelan (@ h196n1c1o254.bredband.skanova.com)
on: Fri Aug 22 03:01:09 EDT 2003
Hehehe... Yeah yeah.. Roshan.
You are unable you answer.. beacuse you are คคคคคค คคค.
Well well.. I know how you people are..
Read this ;)
/// Veelan \\\
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Fri Aug 22 03:04:44 EDT 2003
AJ & other idiots!
Prabhakaran is now a PATRIOT of which country?
You asses cried all the time EELAM. Where is your EELAM now? In the garbage of Ranil Wickramasinghe?
Prabhakaran who is a Karayan and another Sinhala Karayan Tyrrone Fernando praised him as a patriot.
The CASTE ideas are working without language barriers.
Karayans are always traitors in the history of Jaffna or Sri Lanka or India.
Tamil EELAM is in the shiit now.
- From: Veelan (@ h43n1c1o254.bredband.skanova.com)
on: Fri Aug 22 03:29:08 EDT 2003
Hehehe... yeah yeah.. karthi..
First.. Bala-annai was a christans.. so LTTE was controlled by christians.
Now.. Pirabaharan annai is Karayan. So.. LTTE is controlled by karayans. hahahaaa...
Well I have something better:
Both Pirabaharan, Bala-annai and are tamils. So why can't we say that: LTTE is tamil and it is controlled by tamils. ;)
Maybe.. some people from the moon is helping us.. I don't know.. well.. you should know that! ;)
#""Prabhakaran is now a PATRIOT of which country?""#
if you don't know that.. then you must be a fool....(why ask stupid questins like this? to confuce? well..try with something else ;)
#""Tamil EELAM is in the shiit now.""#
TamilEelam is a shiit for you... but it is our paradise!
/// Veelan \\\
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Sat Aug 23 06:51:19 EDT 2003
Shiit is always a paradise for you.
Your TAMIL story is very funny. Can you tell why your KARAYAN PRABHAKARABN try to kill another Tamilan Devananda of EPDP?
Can you tell why did Balasingam and Prabhakaran killed Appapillai Amirthalingam, Yogeswaran , Mrs. Yogeswaran and others?
Are these people not Tamils?
Prabhakaran is now a Patriot to Sinhala Sri Lanka.
Tyrrone Fernando another Sinhala Karayan told in public.
What are you trying to tell here?
Only Prabhakaran &co have the birth right to kill other Tamils?
Only Prabhakaran &co have the birth rights to lick the KUNDI of UNP Sinhalese?
- From: Veelan (@ h56n5c1o254.bredband.skanova.com)
on: Sat Aug 23 10:43:08 EDT 2003
My dear karthi:
#""#""Prabhakaran is now a PATRIOT of which country?""#""#
#""Prabhakaran is now a Patriot to Sinhala Sri Lanka. Tyrrone Fernando another Sinhala Karayan told in public.""#
You are sooo stupid and you are trying soo hard to prove that you are a fool.. hehe
Hmm... maybe Pirabaharn is a singalish.. karthi
What do you think? karthi..
Yeah.. he must be singalish and all karayans are singalish.. and singala people are from the moon.
/// Veelan \\\
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Sun Aug 24 07:49:05 EDT 2003
Veelan is now a demoralised idiot like other LTTE coolies.
Dont bark here without knowing anything about Sri lanka.
Sinhala Karayans now make claims that Prabhakaran is a Sinhalese... Go and read what they tell.
- From: AJ (@ on-tor-blr-a58-01-611.look.ca)
on: Sun Aug 24 11:34:19 EDT 2003
"Sinhala Karayans now make claims that Prabhakaran is a Sinhalese... Go and read what they tell."
Wow, this is a political leader's dream comes true. They all want to be accepted by all people of their country. If Prabhran can be accepted as one of them by a segment of Sinhala people, I think Prabhakran is not just the National Leader of Tamils but Sinhalese too. In the history of Tamils in Srilanka, no any Tamil leader enjoyed the popularity and admiration by both Sinhalese and Tamils.
I guess the Sinhalayas also like Prabhakaran's no nonsence style politics. Way to go Sinhalays, now we Tamils and Sinhalayas have something in common.
- From: Veelan (@ h90n7c1o254.bredband.skanova.com)
on: Sun Aug 24 15:11:57 EDT 2003
#""Sinhala Karayans now make claims that Prabhakaran is a Sinhalese... Go and read what they tell.""#
hahahaha.. just as I told you.. Pirabaharan is a singalish. And all tamils are singala too.. and there are people on the moon too. ;)
According to my brain.. you are one big idiot karthii..
Soo..Karthii.... can you prove that you aren't one big idiot?
I won't accept any nonsence.. in the name of singalish! hehehe..
/// Veelan \\\
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Mon Aug 25 05:28:52 EDT 2003
Then why did your LTTE bark for EELAM and killing Tamils?
To serve Sinhalese?
Anyway I am happy because No Eelam and LTTE is now surrendered to UNP.
- From: Veelan (@ h218n1c1o254.bredband.skanova.com)
on: Mon Aug 25 08:15:47 EDT 2003
You can continue to try Karthii..
You know.. I'm not able to convice you with my english :(. Daaamn..
But thanks gud that there are some people who are better then me... ;)
#""Anyway I am happy because No Eelam and LTTE is now surrendered to UNP.""#
Hehehehehe.. you are sleeping Karthi. You are just sleeping and do not know what is going on in this world!
So.. pls come back to earth before you hurt yourselfe ;)
Take care
/// Veelan \\\
- From: karthi (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Tue Aug 26 11:16:09 EDT 2003
Now LTTE is crying for UNP in order to secure loans for UNP government.
So, dont fart your Eelam anymore.
- From: lp (@ 111.minneapolis-09rh15rt.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Tue Aug 26 23:46:19 EDT 2003
If you think sinhalayas like Prabhakaran Murderan, you are mistaken. Even many Demalas don't like this guy.
He is a leader in Sri Lanka for sure:
leading Tamil killer that is.
When Prabha comes out of his underground hole, high caste Tamils will burn him to death for atrocities committed against them.
Don't forget lamp post dayz:
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