Sri Lankan army of desecrating the AncientThiruketheeswaram Temple
Topic started by SIVAMITTHIRAN (@ on Wed May 22 00:39:48 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
“No government should use our war against terrorism as an excuse to persecute minorities within their borders. Ethnic minorities must know that their rights will be safeguarded—that their churches, temples, and mosques belong to them. We must respect legitimate political aspirations, and, at the same time, oppose all who spread terror in the name of politics or religion
- George Bush-
Army desecrated Mannar temple, says TULF MP
In a letter to President Chandrika Kumaratunga alleging several incidents of vandalism and profanity, TULF MP Mavai Senathirajah has accused the Sri Lankan army of desecrating the Thiruketheeswaram Temple in Mannar.
Mr Senathirajah quoted reports from the President of the Temple Restoration Society, who visited the site on 21February 200, saying that the temple and environs had been converted into a "regular army camp."
Amongst other abuses of the temple, part of the western wall of the temple is said to have been used for target practice, the sacred well desecrated, and the underground portion of the Ther Muddi (Chariot Shed) converted to army barracks, according to the Temple Restoration Society President's report.
Mr Senathirajah said that to date the government through the RRAN had only provided Rs10 million of the Rs35 million earmarked by the RRAN for the temple's restoration.
Mr Senathirajah requested that the President direct the RRAN to release the balance of the earmarked fund immediately, and to ensure the future protection of from similar desecration and damage of all places of Hindu worship.
on: Wed May 22 01:51:53
Her Excellency Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga President of the Republic of SriLanka
Your Excellency,
Hindus of Sri Lanka, India and rest of the world bring to your attention, with great
sorrow and shock of the untold damages that have been done to the ancient and Historic Temple of Thiruketheeswaram by the Srilankan Army.
Not only damage had been caused to the Temple fabric but also
desecrating it in the most shameful way. The Temple properties have all
been plundered and pillaged. The Priests, their assistants, other employees and resident in the vicinity of Thiruketheeswaram and Manthai village have been terrorised and forcibly driven away from their homes. The Pilgrims Rests and the residences of Trustees have been destroyed making them totally uninhabitable. In short, it was simply a scorched earth’ operation which even the Nazi troops did not do, under Hitler — the Nazi Dictator !
Most heinous & unforgivable part of the vandalism is the disfigurement & the gouging of the THIRD EYE of the Icon Somaskanda. (Lord Siva) Details of this awful vandalism and destruction were brought to the notice of the then Government by the Trustees. Nothing was done Your Excellency this great Temple was of ancient origin rebuilt by the Chola Emperors in the 9th & 10th Centuries.
It was destroyed by the Portugueseinvaders. The Restoration had to await Independence & began in 1948 after Independence. Hindus had spent about twenty million rupees for the first phase of the restoration work. Two more phases remain to be completed. I might add that generous assistance was given by the Government of Tamil Nadu under the late Chief Minister Hon. M.G. Ramachandran & also (Hon. Karunanithi, the previous Chief Minister towards the cause. Also the Andhra Pradesh Government donated
Rs. 1,00,000/= and similarly the Pondicheri Government. The former President
of Sri Lanka. Apart from these Hindus of Sri Lanka and overseas had liberally contributed towards the worthy cause. Alas ! the meritorious work & sacrifices of the Hindus of Sri Lanka & the
world over have bee1i virtually decimated by the action of the Army under the UNP administration.
This is an ancient and most venerated temple in Srilanka belonging to pre—historic
era. Thiruketheeswaram Temple is situated in the Mannar District & is the most sacred place of Pilgrimage of the Hindus in Srilanka. Maha
Sivarathiri is the most important one day annual festival, about 2 1/2
lakhs of Pilgrims attend the festival. The Maha Sivarathri is a Public
holiday. The visual representation of the Formless Absolute in manifest
Anthromorphic Forms in indispensable part of Temple worship. In this process the most important representation is Lord Siva the family group of SOMASKANDA. i.e Siva with His Consort UMA & their Son SKANDA.
The enclosed photo depicts the figure of Somaskanda when it was in the
process of being cast. It is 4 1/2 ft. in height, exquisite and most
expressive in its serenity & Majestic Poise. It was made in metal composed of Copper, Brass & Tin Lead with liberal quantities of Gold and Silver donatedby Devotees in the year 1976 at a cost of
Rs. 2,000,000/=. The third eye of the Icon was implanted in Gold., similarly the artistic heavy ornamentation round the neck & arms were too implanted in Gold. This Gold has beer. violently scooped out & removed by the vandals.It is the most cruel & unbearable act of vandalism that has left a deep wound in the religious feelings of the Hindu Public which is difficult to heal.
This admirable Icon fascinated the hearts of thousands of devotees
evoking the most piety. My eyes were filled with tears when I penned the draft: of this petition.
Your Excellency, Hindus & Buddhists are members of the same family of
Religions. Both religions have contributed for the good of the Humanity.
Therefore, we earnestly request you that places of worship of Hindus in
Srilanka should be fully protected in the future and be saved from similar desecration, damage and plunder.
In respect of the Thiruketheeswaram Temple we earnestly request you
I) Get the Army to vacate the Temple & it’s surroundings and to make this
Temple & the surroundings out of bounds for the Army. To enable the
Priests & their assistants & other staff of the Temple & residents of
Thiruketheeswaram & Manthai villages to return to their homes without
2) Get the destroyed/damaged buildings, madams etc rebuilt or repaired as the case may be , out of a liberal compensation package. The estimated cost by the society is around Rs. 20 Million. The cost of restoration may be estimated by the Government authorities.
Thanks to:
Chairman: Madras Branch
Board of Trustees, No. 20, Papanasamsivan Salai,
V. Kailasa Pillai, F.C.A. Santhome, Madras –600004.
Tel.548024 or 546238 Tel: 847687
John Keels Ltd,
130, Glennie Street,
P.O. Box 76
Colombo 2. Sri Lanka,
Tel: 92712
Mr, R.Namasivayam
- From: Mavalangkilli (@
on: Sat Jun 15 00:29:32
Your name is 'SIVA'MITHIRAN and u talk about Hinduism which is worse.
There's only one way to prevent this is just kick the Army out of there without doing any harm to the Kovil.
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