Vedic roots of ancient Tamils
Topic started by Karthik (@ on Mon Dec 17 11:54:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Our schools have taught us that there was an Aryan invasion and that the Dravidians were pushed down south by the invading Aryans. Of course, this is being taught without a shred of supporting evidence. TN politicians, from the time of EVR, have taken this theory in its worst form and deployed it to hate Brahmins, north Indians and Sanskrit, while at the same time hoodwinking the people that before the Aryans came there existed a distinct Dravidian culture in TN. And since most people read little, they have consumed this garbage.
But, when you look at the ancient Tamil literature, archeological evidence, numismatic evidence, folklore etc., what do we see? Is there any evidence of invading marauders? Is there any evidence of a distinct Dravidian culture before?
In all scholarly circles, outside TN of course, this nonsense is never accepted. Tamil scholars who teach in reputed universities abroad have nothing but contempt for the so called "Tamil scholars" and "Tamil historians" propped up by the successive "Dravidian" parties. It is time that Tamils know what really their history and identity are. For certain, their identity doesn't hinge on hating Sanskrit or Brahmins.
Let us begin the enquiry reading through what one of the distinguished writers in this area has to say:
- Old responses
- From: GAJOO (@
on: Tue Jun 17 01:51:28 EDT 2003
And MAjority of South Indians 80 % -90 % are pure Dravidians , the rest are mixture of Aryans and Dravidians ...
- From: GAJOO (@
on: Tue Jun 17 01:53:12 EDT 2003
But anyways 2 a White mans eyes we r all black no matter whther u r North or South Indian , am i righ ?
- From: aryamehr shahenshaheh (@
on: Tue Jun 17 13:48:50 EDT 2003
i sincerely object to being called dravidian 70%.
I am 80% khoya-kallar-khond-bhil-negrito-ethiopyan-kadar-etc, and only 10% original fair iraqi dravidian and 10% fair aryan.
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Tue Jun 17 18:47:15 EDT 2003
It would be more sensible to call you a 100% fool.
- From: Gajoo Shanmugam "THE RAGING DEMON" (@
on: Tue Jun 17 23:51:07 EDT 2003
Mister aryamehr , ur not making any sense brother ? wat is 80 % khoya-kallar-khond ?
Just accept the fact that ur a mixture of Aryan and Dravidians and dont make a fuss of it ok.
- From: Gajoo Shanmugam "THE RAGING DEMON" (@
on: Tue Jun 17 23:52:07 EDT 2003
hey Karuvayan , who u callin a fool ?
- From: Gajoo "THE RAGING DEMON" (@
on: Wed Jun 18 00:04:57 EDT 2003
HEy Arya mehr ur not a white man , ur black ok
- From: Gajoo "THE RAGING DEMON" (@
on: Wed Jun 18 00:05:06 EDT 2003
HEy Arya mehr ur not a white man , ur black ok
- From: Dr. C.M.Prasad (@
on: Wed Jun 25 16:42:09 EDT 2003
An Open Invitation to All Telugu Brahmins
Please Hurry up and Register to attend the
American Association of Telugu Brahmins Reunion
July 19th and 20th 2003
Hilton Garden Inn. 3950 Fair Ridge Dr., Fairfax, VA 22033.
(Close to Dulles International Air Port, Washington DC Metro)
For Hotel Reservations:
Call Tel: (800) HILTONS or (703) 385-7774
FAX: (703) 359-2932. WEB:
For Conference Registration: Please Call (800) 209-1887, or
FAX: (703) 578-0603 or Mail to PO BOX 604, McLean, VA 22101
Registration: Single: US$150.00; Married Couple: US$200.00, Married with (2) Children Below the age of 18 Yrs. US$250.00.
Please pay to AATB in advance so that we can make proper arrangements.
Who Should Attend:
Grand Parents who are the role models for our generation and wish to see the Brahminical values to continue in the grand children and wish to share their experiences with the gathering.
All Parents who are striving to preserve the Brahminical values in their children and looking for other parents in similar circumstances.
Married couples with children and without children who wish to meet other Brahmins who will attend the reunion.
Young Brahmin Children and Adults who wish to meet other Young Brahmin Children and Adults.
Any Telugu Brahmin who wish to share their Personal and or Professional achievements and experiences with the gathering.
His Holiness Bhagawan Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamji Maharaj
Will be there for us with His Blessings
His Holiness Sri Sri Sri
Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji
Will be there with the Mangalasasanams and Bless all of us
Please Donate Generously.
Organizational and Individual Sponsors Are Welcome.
Please Send Your Advertisement
to Support The Organization.
If you wish to submit an article to be published
please submit it before Tuesday July 15, 2003.
If you wish to participate in any one of the cultural events, please contact us one week before the function.
Please forward this mail to other Telugu Brahmins
- From: ranga (@
on: Wed Jun 25 18:29:13 EDT 2003
Dr. C M Prasad,
It is unfortunate that even in US such caste based association is formed. I have lived for more than 7 yrs in North America and I am proud to say that I never associated myself with any caste based association. I never attended any such function. I would rather not teach my sons such rotten caste based values.
Look at this:-
Grand Parents who are the role models for our generation and wish to see the Brahminical values to continue in the grand children and wish to share their experiences with the gathering"
As a father of two sons, I would like to know what do you mean by brahminical values. Do you think any ABCD children care.
- From: tamilan-1 (@
on: Wed Jun 25 20:38:40 EDT 2003
Dr. Prasad,
>> Any Telugu Brahmin who wish to share their Personal and or Professional achievements and experiences with the gathering. His Holiness Bhagawan Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamji Maharaj Will be there for us with His Blessings AND
His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji
Will be there with the Mangalasasanams and Bless all of us
I am quite surprised that inspite of your education, you still subscribe to the caste system and invite just brahmins. Worst, His Holiness Bhagawan Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamji Maharaj and His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji also subscribe to casteism. What will these holinesses tell God about dalits and other non-brahmins. will they say go to hell?
I hope you and your brahmin children will stick with india rather than forming your own aryan motherland.
- From: mr (@
on: Wed Jun 25 22:07:14 EDT 2003
To all,
Andhra Brahmins are worse than Tamil Brahmins. We needed a Telugu Periar to destroy Andhra Brhmins.
- From: ... (@
on: Wed Jul 16 06:52:02 EDT 2003
all this Aryan theory etc. is what made the whiteman invade your countryand take your riches,,, your all vedic ple alright!,not white or any other,,,so stop fussing and be indians and keep your traditions.
- From: udaya (@ )
on: Wed Jan 7 04:43:22
Ancestors of most of present southernwer lived in the margins of erstwhile prakrit kingdoms of Chola,Pandya and kerala before integrating and imposing there language on the old kingdoms
- From: udaya (@ )
on: Wed Jan 7 04:43:39
Ancestors of most of present southernwer lived in the margins of erstwhile prakrit kingdoms of Chola,Pandya and kerala before integrating and imposing there language on the old Vedic kingdoms
- From: udaya (@
on: Wed Jan 7 05:40:39 EST 2004
Did so called Dravids forgot to take their script and culture as well as other appendages when running away from invaders
- From: Scholar. (@
on: Fri Jan 9 07:03:08 EST 2004
Thiruvalluvar knew nothing about Hinduism, though he had little idea of vedism which he opposed due to sacrifice of animal practice. He started his own cult called shramana and wrote Kural, apart from inscriptions in his Home town Mangulam somewhere near Kerala border and Bodi.
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