Understanding Manu
Topic started by Karthik (@ c998718-a.bvrtn1.or.home.com) on Thu Sep 21 15:42:46 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Irukkaradhu oru naadu. Idhila dravidian brahmin indha sandai veraya. For all those manu bashing dravida munnetra ppl, the rule that manu put forth was, no one is born as a brahmin, vaishya, kshatriya or sutra. They are denoted as such by their actions. Indian society at that time was just like American society now. Did u know that in ancient times, if a guest desires then the woman of the house must given sexual pleasures. That was why Indian society was a matriarchical society. Examples Anjaneya is Anjani putra (son of Anjani (mother)).
Manu (whatever his position in society was at that time) got fedup with the wayward society and hence decided to bring his dharma. But in due course due to some selfish souls the caste thing became heriditary.
Manu was responsible for these four divisions. Can someone tell me how other divisions like naidu's reddy's raju's nadars etc came about ? I don't think manu created them. The dravida parties have taken Tamilians for a ride with North bashing and Anti Hindu agitation.
Call up one of those guys and ask him to pronounce Vazhaipazham ??? All those Ambedkarites, Dravidians etc etc who oppose Manu are totally oblivious of history. They think that by their emotional outbursts they can change history. Why do the govt. forms still have caste thing in them even after 25 yrs of Dravidian rule ? If they want to remove casteism why do they still have reservation.
- Old responses
- From: AryaVarta(India) (@ 210-18-214-50.cust.iexec.net.au)
on: Fri Oct 1 11:15:15
Iranians never gave anything to the Rg Veda.....The Avesta and other fables are compilations of discredited Aryans kicked out of India. The works are dated after the Vedas.....so how can a silly Iranian camel jockey claim Iranian influence on India. It has always been India to the world.......starting with our based 10 number system and our perfect grammar-Sanskrit, our ancient astrophysics, our medicine.....damn the list goes on and on.....
What has Iran given the world? A jealous King-Cyrus-who order shis men to make up a game of strategy to parallel or beat the Indian invention of Chess(Satranj)? Iranians couldnt do it! Iran is a like the jealous cousin of India, always second! It is funny to see a genetic study on Iranians (Tehran) comparing them to Europeans and Punjabis. LOL. Iranians are seen to be similar to Lebanese, other Arabs and Africans. No mention to very very little paleolithic european haplotypes in their Y chromosomes. Basques had the highest (91+%), Punjabis had (65+%), Ukrainians (60%), Greeks (50%!!!!). Funny..........sorry Reza Abdul Khatami Camel Goat Irfan. It is so funny how you people hate Jews!!!! Your genes are SEMITIC-heck you are not 'Cousins' of Indians but you are 'Cousins' of Jews!!! That is irony for you isnt it?? God has taken his revenge on you spineless cowardly Nordic ass-kissers. Jews/Israel should nuke Iran-damn fools tryig to make weapons!
There is a fool at the Eccles Institute in Utah . He takes samples from South Indians and proclaims that there is no connection or trace of 'aryan' origins in Indians. He then concludes that there has to have been an 'Invasion'. Interestingly he is an Iranian-he claims to be fathered by an Iranian and his mother is Danish-funny how Iranians always try to align with Nordics-serious inferiority complex or what? I know of 2 Danish/Iranian hybrids that are first cousins and have married each other and have had children. I guess you cant take the Iranian completely out of them. An honorable, dharma putra would never commit incest-that is why Indians are intelligent, fully functional and world commanding people. Anyways sorry about my rant. Let's continue with this pseudo-geneticist's work.......Why not take extensive samples of North Indians like Punjabis-the people mentioned in the Mahabharata-for God's sake Kurukshetra was in Punjab until Haryana was formed. I wonder if he has the guts to do that!
A study in 2003 by Mark A. Jobling* and Chris Tyler-Smith‡ shows that Punjabis have more than 60% gene homology with European Basques (they have over 91% of the paleolithic european marker), Greeks have around 50%!!! It is funny how no one is mentioning this study too loudly! It denies the AIT. Have none of these 'geneticists' heard of the founder effect??? A select sample of Indian Aryans went outwards to Europe, dropping some off in Iran (however Iranians became mixed heavily with semitic/african types-as evidenced in the above paper). As the 'founding' population of Aryans arrived in Europe they set up house. The rest is history........the genes there underwent isolated mutations and represent the present population of Euorope-still carrying the protoEuropean marker or the original aryan marker-however it is amplified in their populations due to the smaller mating pool of the Indians that left to Europe.....make sense?
Anyways the article by Mark A. Jobling* and Chris Tyler-Smith‡ is found at: www.nature.com/reviews/genetics
and it is in Nature Reviews Genetics-AUGUST 2003 VOLUME 4
Spread the word of this study! Make it known that India is the home of all of Europe-we gave the world civilization-dont let others take what isn't theirs.
Iranians are noted as are Lebanese for being hybrids of NorthAfrican/Semitic genes. It is funny how Iranians claim to be Aryans so much-in fact it is actually untrue. Anything about Arya they learned from India and 'adopted' as their own culture. What has Iran/Persia given the world? Carpets? In fact that is borrowed from India. The waterwheel? Another Indian idea 'stolen'. Get it? Stand up for yourselves!!!
- From: AryaVarta (@ 210-18-214-50.cust.iexec.net.au)
on: Fri Oct 1 11:29:59 EDT 2004
I hope people understand that 'skin color' is not necessarily explained by genes completely. Environment plays a big factor. As one goes further North there is less solar insolation therefore less solar energy per square meter that can affect ones pigmentation. This selective pressure due to a reduced amount of vitamin D available to the body exerts selective pressures to lighten the skin to allow more solar radiation to penetrate and form vitamin D from cholesterol.
- From: AryaVarta (@ 210-18-214-50.cust.iexec.net.au)
on: Fri Oct 1 11:30:22 EDT 2004
Then some 'racists' counter by saying that what about the Inuit/Eskimo/Samoyeds etc of the Arctic-they are not white but colored? Yes that is true. They were smart enough to beat genetic selection by using their brains and feeding on livers of marine mammals such as seals and polar bear. The liver of these large marine mammals concentrates vitamin D and vitamin A. Therefore there is no need to lighten the skin to recieve sunlight to form vitamin D in their skin. Also, the fact that the snow cover is prominent in the Arctic, despite a low solar insolation, the albedo is high (reflection of energy from a shiny surface such as snow/ice) therefore the selective pressure was to actually darken their skin and protect them from the damage of reflected UV rays. Thus preserving the integrity of their DNA, and thereby requiring less of their energy stores in maintaining DNA integrity through basepairs correcting.
Make sense?
Spread the word.
- From: Kyan (@ ca-simival-cuda1-c8a-116.vnnyca.adelphia.net)
on: Thu Oct 21 19:43:58
To AryaVarta,
I am an Iranian living in America. I've been ashamed by the fact that Iranians would live such a huge lie. As an Iranian I tell you, you couldn't be more correct about what you have said. If you look at Cavalli-Sforza's (known around the world as the father of genealogy and race finding) studies and reports, it shows that Iranians are much closer genetically to Semites and Africans (Ethiopians/Sudanese especially). I've tried telling other Iranians this, but they just reject me and tell me how stupis I am. I'll be the first to admit Iranians are wrong for thinking they're aryan. According to Cavalli-Sforza's genetic tree, our closest relatives genetically are Iraqis, Jordanians, Lebanese, and Berbers (North Africa), who all happen to be semites and speak a semitic language. It's good to see someone who actual knows what they are talking about Arya Varta.
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