Dutch converting churches to apartment to pay bills
Topic started by Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com) on Mon Apr 28 18:03:56 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Christianity is practically dead in Western Europe. At this rate, in 75 years, there will be no christianity left in Europe. This is the sole reason why missionaries want Indian converts.
- Old responses
- From: RW (@
on: Fri Mar 26 19:07:23 EST 2004
>>Yes. Recent example is iraq. Bfor building the schools and churches, they hav to kill thousands of locals
Man! you are confusing yourself with the people in the garb of christianity and true followers. My post talks about the true christians who lost everything and sacrificed their lives for others and the life changing message of Christ that changed the world for better.
- From: Surya (@ adsl-64-166-143-81.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
on: Fri Mar 26 20:27:25 EST 2004
///They gave all they had -- comforts, security, health... in order to share God's love. Facing all kinds of dangers, they built hospitals, schools and churches in distant lands.///
uh.. fgfh, That was no noble thing. Those were the fees that the missionaries payed for conversions. So don't make missionaries look like holy, noble ppl. They were just doing business with the indians basically. And the business that they were doing in unethical!! If a person converts then it should be because they like the religion, not because they get paid.
- From: RW (@
on: Fri Mar 26 23:21:17 EST 2004
No amount of conversion will help unless the heart changes. Those who convert for monetary benefits will runaway anyway, if some one else gives more. It is the command of our Lord to go and tell the good news. If you care to hear, hear. Otherwise, you have all the freedom to make your choice of rejecting. But one thing is sure! You stumble upon the cross at your own peril!
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