Dividing TN
Topic started by Nambi (@ cache-bas-hsi.cableinet.co.uk) on Thu Feb 21 17:18:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Even after more than 50 years of independence,
TN is not showing anything impressive. The only
part which is prospering is Chennai and nothing
else. And it has become multi-ethnic/lingual
useless city like Bangalore. Like in our old
times what if we separate it in to three states
with names Chera, Chola and Pandiya Mandalams.
We can have the capitals as Coimbatore, Tanjavore and Madurai repectively.
- Old responses
- From: Muthu (@ 20.houston-09rh15rt.tx.dial-access.att.net)
on: Fri Mar 1 00:11:34
SJ wrote: "Dividing TN is not the ultimate solution for spreading tamilianism."
If you are refering to my earlier post, read it again. I did not say TN should be divided. I said in an INDEPENDENT Tamil Nadu, districts will have more power under the national government of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is indivisible and ONE NATION. No Tamil nationalist will say otherwise.
- From: Ki.Mathavan (@
on: Fri Mar 29 10:09:42
If divide TN, that is Chola against Pandiya or Pandia againat Chola,equal to Tamil against Tamil.Why Tamil country intrusted Telugus(Vijayanagar),Muslims(MalikKafur),Marathas(Sivaji),.............etc.Think about it.
- From: Ki.Mathavan (@
on: Fri Mar 29 10:11:02
If divide TN, that is Chola against Pandiya or Pandia againat Chola,equal to Tamil against Tamil.Why Tamil country intrusted Telugus(Vijayanagar),Muslims(MalikKafur),Marathas(Sivaji),.............etc.Think about it.
- From: Nambi (@ cache-har.cableinet.co.uk)
on: Sun Mar 31 13:12:59
Dear Mathavan,
Rule or Ruled by someone had been a part of our life that time. Raja Raja Cholan could be able to defeat many Kings eventhough there wasnt any unity among Tamils at that time. Still Pandiyas were arch rivals for Cholas at that time. When Tamil and Tamil literature had its golden time also Tamils never had a single country. Now Puduchery is a separate state. But
they do not have any problem in identifying themselves with people of TN.
One of my poor friend's father had cancer. He had
to travel a long distance to Chennai from South
to get cure for that. If Madurai is a separate
state and atleast we would have had a Cancer
Hospital in Madurai and he would nt have to travel for such a long distance. There are so
many examples I can point out that Southern TN people do not get much facilities like the people
of Northern TN. The caste problems are examples
that South has been ignored for a long time.
Hence I still believe that dividing TN might
give people of TN much benefits than together.
- From: Brahmin slayer (@ spider-wq014.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Mar 31 16:43:10
Dear Nambi Naai ( DOG)
Do you have any Brains at all? If you want better medical facilities in Southern TamilNadu then build more hospitlas there. What has that got to do with dividing Tamilnadu?
If there is a caste problem in Southern Tamilnadu bring tough laws and deal with it still that has nothing to do with dividing Tamilnadu.
ARe you a BRRRRRRhhhhhhhmin bas*tard?????? I will kill you and feed my dog with your carcase if you talk about dividing Tamilnadu ever again.
- From: siddharth (@ user-2iveavl.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Sun Mar 31 22:47:02
Xx.X.X.X.xx.(Dr. B.S.P.hd):
I think you will agree that Chengalpet should be a seperate State. Please do not threaten me as I really am scared of you.
- From: Kosu (@
on: Mon Apr 1 13:16:03
What is wrong with what Nambi asks? Tamil Nadu is governed and ruled by City people of Chennai who are neglecting every district and village. Only Madras is getting all facilities. The Mofussil areas , madurai, Pudukottai all are suffering. Tamil Nadu goverment exists for welfare of Madras and its city people
South Tamil Nadu districts are neglected very much and it is a fact.Espically places like Nellai are worst neglected.
- From: Singam (@ adsl-81-47-228.asm.bellsouth.net)
on: Mon Apr 1 16:30:30
Brahmin Slayer:
Have you forgotten the past? Keep barking; sooner or later your throat will dry out or some one will hit you with a big stone.
By the way.. could you please let us know of one Brahmin you have slayed so far? Have you confessed to Police yet?
- From: arudkO (@ l-ml403-8g.cavern.carleton.ca)
on: Wed Apr 3 20:12:48
Nambi why don't your try decentralization!
Instead letting your MLA lick clean the madam's feet (which is apparently cushened by more than 100 pairs of chappals) tell them fight for a new hospital or new school etc.
Second is the cancer hospital you talked about a private one. If's private it'll be where there's more people. I don't think dividing T.N is good idea. Expecially when you've to fight against Hindi imperialist! Just hold your electoral representatives responsible!
- From: Kosu (@
on: Thu Apr 4 14:12:28
You havent seem to visit TamilNadu in recent times. ALl development is happening only in Chennai. It was so even during 5 years of Mu Ka rule. The cancer Hospital is not private, it is govt owned, but all State Money is spent only for Hospitals in Chennai. During Mu Ka's rule he was interested only in Hundai Car factory and flyovers. Villages are neglected. There is no proper nursing home in entier Nellai District. Both Jaya and MU Ka are to blame. Dont bring poltics in this. You are welcome to visit Chennai and districts to understand how All welfare is enjoyed only by cities.
The situation is serious. The neglect of southern districts is increasing and it is high time that at least chennai is stripped of its budget and money spent on southern districts.
- From: Kosu (@
on: Thu Apr 4 15:16:47
Singara Chennai Nagarukku - Foreign Whisky
Nattupura Gramangalukku - Vishacharayam
This is the policy followed by Chennaioriented rulers of TamiNadu, and districts are more and more neglected and only chennai is being given al importance.
- From: Kosu (@
on: Thu Apr 4 15:18:03
Singara Chennai Nagarukku - Foreign Whisky
Nattupura Gramangalukku - Visha-charayam.
This is the policy followed by Chennaioriented rulers of TamiNadu, and districts are more and more neglected and only chennai is being given al importance.
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