Gayatri Mantra - The Universal Prayer
Topic started by A.C. Meena (@ on Wed Jan 22 03:25:41 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
om bhur bhuvah suvaha, tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat
" We mediate upon the auspicious godly light of Lord Sun,
may that heavenly light illumine the thought-flow in our intellect"
This Gayatri mantra was originally revealed to Sage Visvamitra, the rishi or seer of this mantra who gave out this precious jewel of the Vedas. Truly as his name implies, he is the Mitra or friend of the Viswa, the entire universe.
Later on in the course of history, the Gayatri mantra was personified as all the loving and benevolent Mother Goddsess, known as Gayatri Devi or Savitri Devi. Traditionally this mantra was given only to the boys in a ceremonial fashion known as Upanayana. However, there is enough evidence in the Manu Smriti (a Dharma Shastra) indicating that women were at one point in time in a similar ceremony were bestowed the scared thread and initiated into the Gayatri Mantra.
Sri Krishna in the Gita says, "the mind can be our greatest friend and it also can be our greatest enemy". Any Achievement, whether material or spiritual will be limited and temporary when one does not have mastery over one's mind. A mind which is not pure or free of negative tendencies, which is not disciplined and controlled will not be peaceful and happy. A purified and concentrated mind is a source of immense power. One of the easiest yet most effective means of achieving such a powerful mind emphasized is the Gayatri mantra.
"OM" is the name or indicator of the infinite reality Brahman, which pervades the entire universe, represented by the words "Bhu" (earth), "Bhuvah''(interspace) and "Suvaha" (the heavens). Thus we remember first the Lord as present everywhere in His glorious creation. After remembering the Lord, "Dhimahi" (we meditate), and on what do we meditate, "Varenyam bhargaha" (on the supreme effulgence), of who "Tat Savitre Devasya" (of that divine generator of sun), and who is he "Yat pracodayaat" (it is He who prompts our intellect). In our solar system the sun is considered to be source of the earth, of life and all its related activity. Therefore, sun here or "savitre" represents that Parabrahman. That divine sun which is ever shining "Tat Savitur Devasya", 'Deva' means that which shines, implying that the substratum is self-luminous and all other light whether physical light as we know it or light in the form of intellectual brilliance is only reflection of it. In simple words that Reality or cause of the universe is of the nature of consciousness.
Through this Gayatri mantra, in essence, we invoke the Lord Sun, saying "Oh Lord Sun, please purify my mind, so that the light of my intellect may shine forth." The rishis found none other than the blazing sun as a perfect representative or embodiment of all noble ideals along with supreme knowledge of God. There is no greater ideal than that amply represents the brilliance of knowledge and intelligence as well as the warmth of love and caring. The principle of dynamic work, the spirit of the dedicated service without ulterior motive and the virtue of unlimited sacrifice, these are best exemplified in nature by the quiet sun which unceasingly burns of itself to give heat and light to all of creation yet demands nothing in return. The reputation of the Gayatri mantra can destroy these negative tendencies which are hiding the brilliance within us.
May the blessings of Mother Gayatri ever shower upon all of us.
- Old responses
- From: ashok (@
on: Thu Jan 23 01:52:34
satyam is never on your side buddy...
- From: ashok (@
on: Thu Jan 23 01:58:37
Do you know there is another arguments that even Vashista was not a brahmin but a Dravidian...
How can there be an argument like that? there is no such thing as a dravidian.. HAHAHa lies find no limit with you
there are thousands of lies promoted and cultivated by brahmical fanatic to paint a picture that everything good on earth is by them...
and there is millions of lies spread by missionaries and dravidianists and islamists like you who claim that everything good was because of you people..
I can post here a lot of them when I find time.. Keep a watch..
and you can never provide proof for anything thats the beauty of it...
If you say the story is a myth... then myth istself is a bundle of lies and superstitions thats promoted by brahminical seers and advertised by people like you without any questions..
Buddy like I said it was you who brought up the myth, and it was wrong, maybe the islamists and the periyarists didnt prepare you enough for the attack so that you would make any sense HAHAHAHA.
- From: Krishna (@
on: Thu Jan 23 02:08:07
Asho ambi:
Proof doesnot mean brahminical writings...I can only give scientific and hoistorical proof not what you are looking for is mythical braminical lies ...
Go and knock the doors of Sankaramadams to get wishful proof of lunatic myths...
- From: ashok (@
on: Thu Jan 23 02:13:20
aaah great now you started calling me names good, I knwo when you start to use these tactics, ie when you start to loose an argument... good you have exposed yourself to everyone.
I asked you to provide proof for a lot of things even the mythological storied you are spreading. These are all your concoctions using some thing from the real story and then adding your masala to it. but hey what can we expect from a liar like you?
- From: Krishna (@
on: Thu Jan 23 02:24:59
Ashok Ambi:
"...using some thing from the real story and then adding your masala to it. .."
Thats exactly a brahminical character and I am not a brhamin to perpetuate that lunatic style...
You better practivce and perpetuate all those lunatic ideals until it dies dowm...
Good luck
- From: ashok (@
on: Thu Jan 23 02:33:29
yeah quite evident from your talk that you have lost, at this point I will choose to ignore you. I will be the greater man and not stoop to your level. ignomaniacs shall always be in your side, and enjoy the ignorance..
- From: Krishna (@
on: Thu Jan 23 02:38:10
""ignomaniacs shall always be in your side.."
I do not want you on my
- From: ashok (@
on: Thu Jan 23 02:59:59
yeah you definitely dont because ignomaniacs are the only ones allowed on your side.. ;) LOL
- From: kRISHNA (@
on: Thu Jan 23 07:16:38
- From: rk (@
on: Thu Jan 23 07:32:35
hi tamil pasangale,
adiyen is new to this group. Why we have been thinking that we are Dravidans or Aryans, before thinking that we are human beings ?
Keep off this thought and think of diviness of Tamil people, so many temples, so many Architectures which we will never be able to construct , tamilian foods, cultures, values etc.
We should be proud on this part man, not just dravidan or aryan. If some one else is thinking so,let us change and change others. Without we changing ourselves, we cannot change world ! This is the secret of our Tamizh culture !
That is why Indians, especially Tamil spirituality is the Greatest in this Universe. That is why , I think, even Lord Shiva Himself is in the form of Linga in ThiruAnnamalai, Tamizh nadu ! What a blessings to Tamizh people ? Those who landed in this Dheiva Tamizh nadu will never felt wrong about Tamizh people. but people from Tamizhnadu always felt wrong on our own community and never came out this misconception . It is a pity and foolishness. Instead of doing some constructive thing, Tamil people dig graveyard for themselves and never united themselves for achieving something great !
See our counterparts, Malayalees from kerala, they have united and they have supported their brethern and occupied all top to bottom posts in Gulf countries doing their state and country proud. Where are we ? We even donot spread Tamil language to the people who are living out of India and never felt proud in talking Tamizh language ( more shame is some of our own people cannot spelt even "zha" properly !!!)
Those who have created communities for Dravidian and Aryans should understand first this, let these "Dravidians" first teach their own bretherns to talk tamizh accents properly then it is shameful for our community -even Malayalee criticizes this !
Let us unite together and spread our cultures and most importantly the greatness of Tamizh language to Tamizh people who are living abroad !
Let us do this constructive work, instead of just chatting , commenting as Dravidians or Aryans !
Last but not least, if Dravidian were there, why there was no dictionary available, why Veerama Munivar has to do that job ? If dravidians are proud of Tamizh , I am sure in rural area of Tamizhnadu, tamizh language is not spoken with proud instead it is being spoiled there because there is no educational system and attitude of prideness on speaking this language.
See our Malayali counterparts, go to rural village they are proud of their language, not only kerala, go to even rural parts of Maharashtra or Gujarath. they are proud, we donot have this attitude ! We speak this divine language , because we have to speak ! Otherwise, no one takes pride, instead they add or speak ENGLISH at the cost of Tamizh !
That is why I have started with pasangale, because we are immatured with our culture rather knowing the importance and feeling of pride with our culture and values !!!
Keep the above comments in your diary ! Think after reading and act accordingly !
To all of you, I have been taking pride on my own language, and known for talking good Tamizh ( without much influence of English ) although I have worked all important parts in India !!!
I would have taken more pride, if these comments were mailed to you in Tamizh , but you all will again not take "pride" !
Change the attitude, otherwise, our next generation will curse us for not developing our own mother tongue !
Kindly comment,
- From: Krishna (@
on: Thu Jan 23 23:05:55
Why so much hatred or jealous about Keralites...
They are the true Drvidian and have the pure tamil with them...Most of the old tamil literatures were authored by Keralites like Silapathikarum, Mainmegalai and the list goes on...Keralites must be the proud Dravidians and never bothered about brahmins .. they adopted quickly to ideas and developed rather than waiting for the brahminical superstitions..
What tamil people must realise is the brahminical maya must disappear from their day to day life...then they can progress...
Hindusim and Tamil devoid of Brahminism is the best way to progress..
- From: Krishna (@
on: Fri Jan 24 21:01:08
"..Malayalees from kerala, they have united and they have supported their brethern and occupied all top to bottom posts in Gulf countries.."
Malayalees are the highly literate society and they would have learnt this trick from Brahmins who overwhelmingly have united and they have supported their brahmins brethern and occupied all top to bottom posts in Banking, Insurance and most public sector. Why jealous when others practice what you did for generations. Do what I say but do not do what I did!!! what a wonderul logic!!!
""Let us unite together and spread our cultures and most importantly the greatness of Tamizh language to Tamizh people who are living abroad ! ""
Yeap lets unite together until we meet another set of brahmins then we will desert the tamils even if they are honest and friendly.. and form a brahmanasamajam...Practice is better than preaching!!!
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