Hinduism: A way of life or Dogmatic Faith
Topic started by critic (@ ss01.ny.us.ibm.com) on Tue Aug 8 11:16:56 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I have seen multiple occurences of the phrase "A way of life" when people refer to Hinduism..
I dont find any argument that substantiate this claim.. How hinduism can be a way of life as opposed to dogmatic faith.. All I know is once in an year go to tirupati or sabarimalai or take a dip in the so-called-pure ganges(why not Cauvery?? Still a puzzle to me) and all my sins are gone.. Is this the way of life.. Or just Dogmatic faith..
How a religion be termed as a way of life or dogmatic faith??
- Old responses
- From: Hemant (@
on: Fri Jan 12 00:17:32 EST 2001
Hello Mr.Ashraf,
Religion followed in Bali is known as,
Or the science of Holy Water.
,The Balinese call their religion Agama Tirta ('Science of the Holy Water'), an interpretation of religious ideas from China, India, and Java. Agama Tirta is much closer to the earth and more animists than Hinduism proper; the two sects are as different from each other as Ethiopian Christianity is from Episcopalian Christianity.
The second para in my posting is from Balinese site.
- From: x (@ cache-bas-hsi.cableinet.co.uk)
on: Fri Jan 12 16:32:39 EST 2001
Hi Stupids,
See these sites.
- From: z (@ ptl-cache6.jaring.my)
on: Fri Jan 12 19:56:05 EST 2001
See what happens to the rationalist!
The epitome of manners!
- From: N.V.K. Ashraf (@
on: Fri Jan 12 22:36:54 EST 2001
Hello Mr. Nagarajan,
You asked: "...... does this mean that it (Buddhism) has become extinct in other areas (of
Please note what I said: "MUCH of Buddhism in India survives in the fringe areas of Northeast". Which means........ ! Please read carefully what I write!
You asked: "Does assimilation mean worshipping Buddha as an avatar?"
Not necessarily. It could itself be a part of the assimilation process or the beginning of it. I didn't mean `worshipping' but mere `recognition' or `acceptance'. Mind you, these are just thoughts ....! I am not standing behind these speculations!
You said: "Every religion claims something direct with the rubber stamp of God. I repeat only
"hindus" believe "Truth is one, wise men call it by many names". "
Yes, I agree with your remarks. Every religion has text or texts. The Hindus (excuse me, Hemant!) already had their own Documents; but they, being the 'Original Stock', didn't have to produce any new document as they were not claiming or trying to prove anything different (like the Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs).
- From: N.V.K. Ashraf (@
on: Fri Jan 12 22:45:21 EST 2001
Dear Mr. X,
I regard Periyar as a rebel as much as I regard Buddha the same way. Both were against Brahminical dominance in THE NAME OF GOD! I consider an atheist (in the sense of belief in God) a strong reminder to theists for their inadequate definition of God etc. All the fightings have been in the name of `religions' with small `r' and not Religion. The wars and the bloodshed have all been POLITICS and not RELIGION (as Vivekananda would say).
If you create nonsense like casteism and exclusivm in the name of religions, we will continue to see the raise more Periyars and Buddhas, just to remind humanity of the wrong path.
- From: Nagarajan (@ dkf-gw.dkf.de)
on: Mon Jan 15 04:20:29 EST 2001
Dear Mr. Ashraf,
I am sorry I did not read your text fully.
my aplologies.
Allow me to understand your thoughts.
If you mean buddhism as worshipping a statue of buddha then the practice is almost extinct in India. But then, did Buddha want others to worship his statue, create numerous sages and worship his teeth, hair etc? Unfortunately this is what happens when a couple of priests or "first-hand-hearers" get control of a great man's words. The great religion degenerates from the high abstract views to crude physical rituals, hideous rules and inevitably atrocities on women and children.
you have hit the nail on the head when you said
didn't have to produce any new document as they were not claiming or trying to prove anything different (like the Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs).
you can see the process even today. There are many sects which rely their foundations on gurus, meditation etc. To show their distinction from other hindus (crude, illiterate, like me), they wear special dresses, badges, head gear etc. Ask them what makes them different, the answer is a compilation/interpretation of the master's words.
- From: N.V.K. Ashraf (@
on: Mon Jan 15 23:16:59 EST 2001
Hello Mr. Nagarajan,
Yes, great religions degenerate from the high abstract views to crude physical rituals. This happend to invariably every religion and because it had happened to every religion, there must be something FACTUAL in it! The fact is that these are the necessitities of the human soul (eg. formal worship). Once these necessities vanish, so also the rituals etc. But mankind has to wait for such a situation to arise. Everybody cannot be made to REALIZE this fact during a given period.
Evolution of a religion is just like the evolution of a political party. First it splits on some key issues (usually personal!) and they go on to establish themselves. History has not seen a religion identifying and succeeding itself without a Scripture to support it.
Most sects remain as cults attached to their Guru or founder (eg. Sai Baba, Rajnish) within the religion. Religious pluralism has got to do a lot with the raise of sects or cults. This is one reason why there are a number of sects or cults within Hinduism. But for the absorbing capacity of Hinduism, India might have seen the birth of more religions.
- From: Nagarajan (@ dkf-gw.dkf.de)
on: Tue Jan 16 04:23:00 EST 2001
Hello Mr.Ashraf,
>But for the absorbing capacity of Hinduism,
better to be absorbing than eliminating. Rather, Hinduism "accepts" other religion rather than "tolerating" them. so the term "accepting hinduism" would be apt. Even the most fanatic RSS or VHP activist will tell that all religions are equal.
>India might have seen the birth of more religions
India has nourished "born" as well as "imported" religions.Example refuge to the Jews escaping from the wailing wall, refuge to the parsis fleeing from Iran. refuge to the Bahai followers. Dalai Lama from Tibet..
If there were no polticians and organized propogation of religion, India would be the most peaceful harmony of religions.
- From: Rakhi (@ cr577154-a.lndn1.on.wave.home.com)
on: Sat Jan 20 10:39:19
You guys disgust me. Honestly. If you have something against another religion, keep it to yourself, because probably that religion (eg. Hinduism) doesn't believe in your religion. However I would like you know this. OUr religion, the oldest and most sacred, Hinduism, preches that "Belive what you want. Switch religion, it is not a sin. Believe in what you want, however make sure you can proove to yourself what you believe in, is true." Our religion does not have borders. It simply says, find what you believe in, if you believe that the Cobra is God, or that the chair your sitting is, is God. Then by all means go ahead and believe that. "AS long as you believe in somthing, then you have full-filled your destiny." What is God? Who created whom? Man created God? Or did God create Man? Tell me this. Now, God is simply just part of your conscience, we all need someone to confide in. he's not physical. So does it matter whom we pray to? We all pray to the same person, just in DIFFERENT and unique ways. So do NOT and I repeat DO NOT critize other's religions. You don't have the right, and you guys are all wasting your time trying to turn the mind of such an ignorant person.
Get on with your lives!!!
- From: N.V.K. Ashraf (@
on: Sun Jan 21 22:27:13
Who is criticising what? I don't see any one here trying to criticise other's religion. We are all mere seeker's of Truth and our discussion is only to learn from others. As Valluvar said "Let the learned learn from you, and you from one more learned" (Kural).
I don't think any one in this forum is believing in what he follows without any reasoning. We are just trying to uderstand each others' reasonings. We are not arguing but discussing!
- From: Nagarajan (@ dkf-gw.dkf.de)
on: Tue Jan 23 04:19:21
Well said, better to discuss and know the
great features of each religion and remove
the prejudices.
- From: suresh krishna (@
on: Sat Feb 3 04:59:12
Have you ever come across a Mahan,if no it is an god sent oppurtunity for you to come talk,move with him as free as your brother or a friend.He is none other than Avatar Sidda yogi Sivasankar Baba.One should not form any opinions before meeting this universal Mahan who preaches,only love, and love only.There are instances in epics like Ramayanam,Mahabaratham,that lord krishna,lord Rama fought injustice,so as Sivasankarbaba has begun to fight the evil forces polluting the spritual scenario.more to come
- From: Nagarajan (@ dkf-gw.dkf.de)
on: Sat Feb 3 06:01:20
From the lofty heights of the Vedanta and Gita to Sai baba, Yahava and Sivsankar Baba! Like
Veerappan teaching tamil brotherhood, we have
now have lunatics and magicians teaching vedanta.
When Hinduism can tolerate guys like these why
can't a SC/ST candidate become a Sankaracharya?
What is the Chinna var in Kanchi when compared
to Sai Baba? Can he bring vibhuti or materialize
rings and watches? Can he vomit Lingams on
Shivratri? Speaking of caste what caste does
the Baba belong to?
Dont tell me that Baba has transcended these
wordly things :-)
- From: Mani M. Manivannan (@ cpe-24-221-181-57.ca.sprintbbd.net)
on: Sat Feb 3 09:31:50
Are you implying that as non-brahmins not initiated into the priesthood and not trained by orthodox vedic schools, Sivasankar Baba, Sai Baba or Yahava have no right to teach vedanta?
What do their castes have to do with anything?
If you or others don't know Baba's caste and you have to look for the "rishi moolam", then is your question on whether the Baba has transcended caste relevant?
- From: Nagarajan (@ dkf-gw.dkf.de)
on: Sat Feb 3 10:18:22
Dear Manivannan,
I never said that non-brahmins should not teach
vedanta. I am neither a brahmin and neither was
I initiated into any orthodox school. I read
the upanishads from the Connemara library. The
vedas are now printed in cheap paperbacks along
with translations. The Gita is available with
excellent commentaries from the Ramakrishna
And now with the global reach of the net, I can
read any sanskrit treatise.
The issue of the tolerance of Hinduism has been
associated with casteism as the initial post
of this thread shows.
I am an ignormas when it comes to the intricacies
of the caste network. Forgive me but I dont know
what rishi moolam, panchangam, nadi joshiyam,
sani payirchi etc mean. This is one area where
I can say ignorance is bliss :-)
- From: Nagarajan (@ dkf-gw.dkf.de)
on: Sat Feb 3 10:34:33
pl ignore
The issue of the tolerance of Hinduism has been
associated with casteism as the initial post
of this thread shows
The thread referred is
- From: R,Sudheendran (@ )
on: Wed Mar 5 23:38:41
Dear friends,
Mahans and siddha purushas do exits right from the yoga started.Based on your Karmic effect you will know him.Even Lord krishna showed his full form to Duriyodhana and he thought it is a magical effect and till end he never accepted krishna as god.Because he ordiained in such a manner not to understand god and come to earth for three births.So it is difficult for you guys to understand either saibaba or sivashankar baba.unless you ordained to meet and expereince.
- From: Sadhan (@
on: Thu Mar 6 02:05:34
Sivashankar Baba oru fraud, thannaiye kadavuLnu sollikittu thirunjukittirukkaan
- From: kan (@ aworklan004191.netvigator.com)
on: Fri Mar 7 00:12:52
I saw lonely plant yesterday and it was sponsored by India tourism. What struck me most that there was this sex guru and his ashram is at Pune is it true or is it just a cult or hoax and man they had a lot of followers and yes they have to take a AIDS test before they enter.
If anyone living pune confirm this to me .
Thanks a lot.
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