Rise of DMK in North India?
Topic started by Madhu (@ ool-43516546.dyn.optonline.net) on Mon Mar 25 19:56:46 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Utter failure of BJP in Uttarancahl, UP, Punjab elections shows the Brahminist/Aryan BJP party is loosing ground. Both Samajvad(SP) and Bahujan Samajvadi(BSP) Parties gained and they are kind of DMK parties of North India. Few years ago, Mayavathi, then Chief Minsiter of UP celebrated Periyar 125th Birthday. RSS and VHP debacle in Ayodhya issue further deteriorated the Brahminist power in North India. It is about time the Dravidan ideals such as against the caste system and superstition must be spread to other parts of India. What do you think?
- Old responses
- From: Singam (@ adsl-81-46-129.asm.bellsouth.net)
on: Fri Apr 5 16:30:38
Hi Brahmin Slayer:
Please protect whatever is left of your brain. Already the rotten part of it has stunk this site enough. Don't let the remider ooze out.
You want to match wits? Any time buster. My mother tongue? Tamil, pure Tamil and taught by one of the best there ever was. He was also a brahmin.
Let your thick skull understand one thing. We all know profanity and offensive language. Controlling the use shows strength of mind and character. Well, why am I communicating to idiots like you? your learning capacity is so limited that even repeated postings wouldn't make any dent in your cranium.
- From: Singam (@ adsl-81-46-129.asm.bellsouth.net)
on: Fri Apr 5 16:45:14
I don't understand your logic. Supersition is in very part of the world, religeon or not. You are against superstitious brahmins and yet you would like the Dravidians to become Hindus. Don't hindus have supersitions? What about other superstitions such as not walking under a laddre, etc which are not "connected" with any religeon? The question is whether JJ waited because she is a brahmin or because she just belived as an individual that she should wait.
You just waould like to find some excuse to abuse brahmins.
- From: Singam (@ adsl-81-46-129.asm.bellsouth.net)
on: Fri Apr 5 16:51:09
Kanchi mutt did those things because he didn't like the pope just like you don't like brahmins. You are as much a hate monger and whiner as you are a brahmin hater. What would you like Brahmins to say, Hi Tamilian we are all sorry, please forgive us.
Jagjeevan ram is dead and gone, history, kaput, fini, sunnambu Get a life. You are doing more hard than good.
- From: Ashok (@ nat-52.laurelnetworks.com)
on: Fri Apr 5 17:39:13
hmm singam,
If you notice, none of these brahmins haters reply when they know they have lost!!! see if they argue with us then they might end up not hating us, which they cannot accept. Life is a lot simpler when you can blame people isnt it?
- From: tamilian (@ startelcorp.com)
on: Fri Apr 5 17:50:00
Singam/puli whatever,
-- The question is whether JJ waited because she is a brahmin or because she just belived as an individual that she should wait.
You just waould like to find some excuse to abuse brahmins.
Good point indded. My trouble is, she is a brahmin but how come she grabbed the mantle of a dravidian party? (by hook or crrok).
If JJ at the helm do such superstitious things, an illiterate mass WILL STILL BELIEVE IN outdated rituals/superstitions in ANY religion. Periyar and dravidian parties stood for rationalism and JJ is messing it up. I dont care if she does such superstitious things in the privacy of her home, not in public.
Jagjeevan ram is dead and so is the guy who did the purification. But there are no more Jagjjevan rams left, but plenty of purification poojaris active and thats why i am crying foul.
I am not a hate monger. Infact i do keep a photo of bharathiyar in my album. One of my all-time favorite old tamil song (Alagana ponnu thaan, athuketra kannuthan, ennidam irrupathellam than maanam onnuthaaaaan) was composed by a brahmin.).
Hope you get my point, otherwise i'll sing the entire song to get you furiated.
- From: Ashok (@ nat-52.laurelnetworks.com)
on: Fri Apr 5 17:56:03
finally tamilian wrote, buddy read my post from about 6 posts back that would be on the other page. and then read kosus posts, then give me your rebuttals. I am still listening!!
- From: Ashopk (@ nat-52.laurelnetworks.com)
on: Fri Apr 5 18:02:08
you want the caste system out.. then you get pissed that a brahmin joined a dravidian party!!!(I agree she is a bad one, however karunanidhi and the others are no good themselves, do you want me to go into details about that?) Come on man you are looking at everything we do with hate, look at it with an open mind. I think you are pretty smart let go of the hate then you will see the logic..... you will see that in both groups you have bad people and the ratio is about the same however you look at it. so we both have enough mud to throw at eachother.
- From: tamilian (@ startelcorp.com)
on: Fri Apr 5 18:10:42
-- I think you are pretty smart let go of the hate then you will see the logic..... you will see that in both groups you have bad people and the ratio is about the same however you look at it. so we both have enough mud to throw at eachother
Ashok sorry i couldn't reply to your posts earlier.
Its agreeable that both sides have bad people. But one side has 98% of population and the other side only 2%, but had 80% of PM's, total control over secretariat, press (i give credit as well).
-- then you get pissed that a brahmin joined a dravidian party
1. JJ joined dravidian party? hmmmmmm. Do you remember who owned the party after MGR, it was his wife Janaki. How did JJ got the controls. i dont know.
2. Who forced the fall of DMK govt that gave the power to JJ. It was none other than R.Venkataraman, ex-prez. Do you see the connection at the upper helm.
There were great brahmins who i dont glamorize and thats not my fault. if you wish you can do that, with an exception of bharathiyar who was a great humanitarian.
Cheers buddy!
- From: AShok (@ nat-52.laurelnetworks.com)
on: Fri Apr 5 20:07:19
well how does it matter how she got in? I know she is bad. do you want me to name all the SCST who got into BJP or rss through their channels? do you want me to name kamraj (though I think he was a great guy) who got into the congress and was controlling the congress before indira gandhi? infact the regime was supposed to be a puppet regime, while indira took control of it, surprising everyone. I am not saying that kamraj was a horrible man, but how did he get to the powerful status? huh? now even in DMK there are people who got into it, who were high in status through the worng channels why dont you bring them up. why are you fixated with a brahmin? if you do not want to think about cast, then you would not be mentioning these things.
- From: Singam (@ adsl-81-44-23.asm.bellsouth.net)
on: Fri Apr 5 20:25:33
When Kamaraj and Bakthavatsalam were cheif ministers of Madras, it was great. There was very little talk of corruption (although I remember the slogan, Bakthavatsala annachi, pathu laksham ennachi?). Tamil Nadu was the envy of rest of India. C. Subramanyam was a great finance minister and businessmen like Muthiah ruled the business community. Adyar, Mambalam, Mylapore were lined with beautiful bangalows and avenues. You could hear birds every where.
Now common sparrow is gone from Chennai. Next, may be the crow, parrot, and sqirrel.
- From: Ashok (@ ac902fa4.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Apr 6 02:38:40
hey tamilian,
well here is another point.
---Its agreeable that both sides have bad people. But one side has 98% of population and the other side only 2%, but had 80% of PM's, total control over secretariat, press (i give credit as well).
ok man there is a eminent flaw in what you just said. you cannot compute the stats in this fashion. first not all 98% of the non brahmins are educated. While most of the brahmins are. so you will have to find that number first. I dont know it off hand, will search for it though. Then you have to find another point out, out of these people how many are interested in politics, and want to get into it and have the means for it. then you have to find out if brahmins have a bigger predisposition to be politicians. you cannot compare cats to dogs here, cats can climb trees, while dogs cannot. then you come to a point where you can compare apples to apples. then you have to find out if there are brahmins who are bad, are there brahmins who are not, and what percentage of brahmins politicians who are not. I can name plenty. ofcourse I can name a few who are horrible. then you have to see if the nin brahmins are anny better. SO out of all the politicians how many are bad and how many are not.. so there are way too many variables to consider. the result is not as simplistic as you put it.
well I will let you ponder for now
(stream if consiousness so if you do not understand any of the points (which is possible because I am sure I did not write this message with regards to grammer) ask me I will explain..
- From: kats (@
on: Tue Apr 30 09:52:34
Hey All
What the hell,all politicians are super opportunists. The hell they care about any thing other than just power. Why would Mayawathi agree to support the BJP or Paswan agree to be in the NDA for so long if he really meant the words said by him in his election rallies.
The early Dravidian leaders had a fresh cause on their hands to climb to the seat of power. If they really cared for the dravidians I think 50 years is long enough to show improvement. But no, it serves their cause to keep the dravidians backward and oppressed so that they can stay in power. They keep kindling the hatered, and make generations of dravidians belive that the brahmins are the cause for their misries. While the politicians keep increasing their own net worth and that of the sycophants around them. What is happening now? Are the so called backward classes not enjoying all concessions, scholarships and jobs? Then why the hell blame the brahmins?
Who is falling at the feet of JJ? Are they falling at her feet because she is a brahmin? Or does the fact that she is a brahmin prevent them from doing so? Its time we cut the crap.
- From: visu (@
on: Wed May 15 11:45:43
all politicians(any caste/relegion) are swindling public money.we dont bother about it. but bothering whether the politician belongs to which caste/religion/linguistic.
- From: siddharth (@ user-2iveci3.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Thu May 16 01:11:58
DMK is rising all over the world why just North India.Dr. Kalaignar said so. I see that a lot of Forum hubbers are criticizing corruption, filth, hatred and foul language. Those who criticize those qualities criticize the essence of DMK culture. In DMK culture Foul Language, filth and corruption and idiocy are vitues. It is obvious that many people are out of step with the mainstream in Tamil Nadu except ofcourse such stalwarts as Drs BS, Protam , visu and the leader Hero. I admire B.S 's language and have been trying to say it out loud when I am alone. I have such inhibitions that I am not able to do it. That is the greatness of BS that these four letter words flow so easily from his mouth.
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