Graham Staines violated Law
Topic started by Karuvayan (@ on Fri May 9 03:20:26 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Graham Staines violated law by converting people. As Graham staines is an Austrialian National, the rules of the indian constitution do not apply to him. Clearly, as the report suggests below, he was in violation of International Law.
What is more, the CBI has cleared the Bajrang Dal. The Bajrang Dal was not responsible for the murder of Graham staines.
1. )
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Fri May 9 03:27:51 EDT 2003
Now, his wife and daughter who are still there in orissa - are also in violation of law. The freedom to preach does not apply to non-indian nationals while they stay in india.
Legally, Gladys and her daughter must be deported.
- From: tamilan-1 (@
on: Fri May 9 14:07:11 EDT 2003
>> The freedom to preach does not apply to non-indian nationals while they stay in india. Legally, Gladys and her daughter must be deported
So, all hindu priests in USA and any one helping them could be legally deported as per your suggestion. Be carefule what u wish for naaya!
- From: tamilan-1 (@
on: Fri May 9 14:09:30 EDT 2003
>> Graham Staines violated law by converting people
So, who gave the right to burn him alive. Indians violate lot of laws in US. You could be staying in US illeagally. I bet your student visa expired already. Can americans burn you alive?
- From: frooti (@
on: Fri May 9 16:23:18 EDT 2003
Then who killed Graham Steines?? Some ghost isnt it???
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Fri May 9 17:02:36 EDT 2003
See the Wadhwa Commission Report:
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Fri May 9 17:05:17 EDT 2003
//all hindu priests in USA and any one helping them//
Dear Dr Tamilan-1, all the people in USA (americans who converted) are illiterate, do not get food daily. Our hindu priests are very rich, and have a very bright skin colour which attracts the white americans to convert.
Now, George Bush, fearing that the highly educated hindu priests from IIT - Iyer Iyengar Technology - will convert the highly educated american public by fraud and allurement.
- From: tamilan-1 (@
on: Fri May 9 18:21:47 EDT 2003
Karu iyerae,
>> Our hindu priests are very rich, and have a very bright skin colour which attracts the white americans to convert.
Same could be told for Graham Staines skin color too. If you support his killers, his blood will be on you. So watch out sir!
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Fri May 9 19:51:05 EDT 2003
//Same could be told for Graham Staines skin color too//
So you agree you ancestors ran behind white skin.
- From: Al (@
on: Fri May 9 20:14:40 EDT 2003
Please see my message in the roll of honor thread.
Please ignore ALL posts by SoriNaayan. Do not respond. We need everyone's cooperation in this, because without a group effort we cannot win this.
- From: tamilan-1 (@
on: Fri May 9 20:33:00 EDT 2003
One reason why i argue with this karunaayan is that, he exposes the mind set of RSS. Good hindus should see how the RSS brain washes its cadres. I tend to rebut if these guys distort truth. For example, RSS and its offshoots inspired the burning alive of Graham staines. DK organized a human-chain event to condemn Grahham and his son's brutal killing. DK does not believe in God, while RSS does. Its the bas$tards that believe in God that does more harm to humanity.
Exposing RSS should be done at all times. Siddarth and Karuvaayan fall into my trap and i thank them. Rest assured i wont respond to their silly and childish arguments.
- From: Al (@
on: Fri May 9 21:51:09 EDT 2003
People are either decent or indecent.
Decent Hindus will never fall into the trap of the RSS. There is a little thing called "conscience" which will not allow them to do heinous crimes against humanity.
On the other hand, Immoral Hindus will love immoral things like the killing of Rev Staines and his two little children, and will join the RSS/BJP. These are pure animals with no humanity left in them and will never find peace until 99% of humanity is obliterated. In fact it is an injustice to call them "animals" because real animals are not psychopathic like these creatures of darkness.
Whatever we say or do will not sway the rotten apples.
Everyone knows pretty well what kind of creatures SoriNaayan and his ilk are.
There is no need for us to highlight that fact. Let it go. Let's have some peace.
- From: Al (@
on: Fri May 9 21:55:57 EDT 2003
here's an interesting article:
- From: Tony (@
on: Fri May 9 22:14:23 EDT 2003
Dr.AL Dorai has spoken so has Thiru Dr. Tamilian 1.
King Solomon could not have said it better. Except Dara Singh who killed Staines was neither a member of RSS, VHP or BJP. This was proven in court but a propaganda was launched by divine Goddess Sonia . Who is going to refute her.After all Quattrochi is her guru. Not me a simple non backward Hindu who does not count anyway. Dr. Al Dorai and Dr. Tamilian one have seen 'Anbe Magal 36 times and with that amount of knowledge they have to be right. I also hear that BJP are really controlled by AL Queda .Read Tamil Ninja in Tamil Tribune and listen to Rev. Appa Dorai on Sunday. Rev. Appa Dorai also has predicted that the British will come back one day . everyone in India will be saved by becoming anglicans.In India it will be CSI . So Graham Staines murder will be avenged. If Dara Singh got converted then he would be saved because JC died fior his sins.
- From: geno (@ )
on: Fri Apr 2 17:15:42
>> The freedom to preach does not apply to non- nationals
black dog sinhalese double-agent thus spake!!!
So - all the green-card holding aryan vedic dogs in the UScan be and would be roasted alive by the KKK and the dot-busters..aint it doggie???
dont worry - the christian right-wingers in USalready know about these thuggie conspiracies of the aryan brahmanical stooges like u and ur ilk - they would take care of dumping you into meditteranean sea - where u guys anyway - belong!!!
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Fri Apr 2 18:23:09 EST 2004
Dr Geno, don't forget the fact that we aryans and you dravidians were neighbours in the meditteranean and africa. We have to be good neighbours. We will take you to africa where you all belong.
- From: Prakash (@
on: Thu Apr 15 21:25:16
In India it is against the law to make someone convert but is it against the law to show people love. That is exactly what the Staines family does. They are in India to help people. If people want to know why they help people then it is ok for them to tell them why. They help people because it is a command from Jesus. They are only following their God. When Hindus convert they are not doing it because a white person makes them convert, it is their own choice. So don't blame the Staines they are just doing as the hindus are doing, living out their faith.
- From: tony azggan (@
on: Fri Apr 16 00:22:23 EDT 2004
Dr.Tamilian 1:
I have fallen in your backward trap. Please release me. I am not a member of Rss but a kusboite. I see Tamil movies and am `with Dr. Hero who is trying to get reservations in Nobel Prizes, NFL,Cricket teams,Harvard faculty, Senate of U.S. Scientists all over the world.
I have not reached your level but I am trying to.
Once my brain is destroyed, I hope you will accept me. Please do not claim now that you are not backward and you have brains as that will destroy my faith completely.
Do not forget to relese me.
- From: Ramana Raju. (@
on: Sat Apr 24 13:09:38 EDT 2004
Imagine, no one ever came to India, including the purest Aryans, what will the nature of our India. We all will be linged to our natural (ancient stone) worship, not hinduism. Mother Teresa was accepted, because of the money she poured into, but the Stains... May be the people like Dharasingh did not get a big benefit. The Brahmins are against any effort to develop the poor, illiterate and backward sections of our country. Since it is by this they can continue to rule it with their invention of 'Caste' system.
TIME is changing...And people are able to view the reality.
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