Why does this Tamil History section discuss Brahmins all the time?
Topic started by iyengar (@ ip-129-15-113-192.coe.ou.edu) on Sat Jul 12 18:21:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I have never understood why this section discusses Brahmins all the time when it it's title says Tamil History.Or does Tamil History consist of analysing Brahmins alone.Why do people abuse each other all the time.To be fair,I too have done when I used to post here.Why cant you guys discuss the Cholas,their art etc or the latest findings about the temples of Mahabalipuram?Else start a caste thread and let off some steam.
- Old responses
- From: charming brahmin (@ pd9ff80d5.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Thu Nov 18 07:46:20 EST 2004
"i saw one picture of a brahmin in yahoo profiles."
Only one picture? Where are all the other brahmins? Better to have less pollution in yahoo than a polluted Hindia!
- From: davie (@ laptop1)
on: Thu Nov 18 08:57:30 EST 2004
and @ truth why did u say that
Who will call these Dravidians, Sudras??
in the forum http://forumhub.com/tnhistory/2273.16.38.28.html#last
lol. if u want u can call us shudras are harvard business school graduates coz shudra means common people
who do business.
u say one one thing at each and every time.
ur not fit to teach or preach. so ur not fit to be a guru ( or a brahmin) . ur like the american
presidential candidate kerry who was a sore loser who always said one onethings at each and every time
lol. So i remove you from your brahmin position. So right now ur a common man or a shudra.
- From: davie (@ laptop1)
on: Thu Nov 18 08:58:46 EST 2004
if u come to tamilnadu or go to some matrimonial website and and see the brahmins faces u will find that
more than half of these brahmins look dark + uglier than other non brahmins. many are short and look like
chinese, only very small fraction have good features.
- From: Please use your brain (@ 130-127-119-162.generic.clemson.edu)
on: Thu Nov 18 20:13:37 EST 2004
Watch exposes of Saibaba - video clips and judge for yourself. Dont be fooled by such greedy cheats
- From: truth (@ dsl-chn-
on: Sat Nov 20 07:34:04 EST 2004
The real Brahmin in me cannot be understood by u coz u r Sudra.
Dont tell Good things to bad people.
It will lose its sanctity.
So "Avuthupotta Sudran kitta Komanam kattina sirippan"
So be like him.
No Brahmin ever needed Sudras certificate.
Probably u need it from Brahmins.
Actually Brahmins r not interested in that too.
- From: davie (@ tandon-lpt)
on: Sat Nov 20 10:09:19 EST 2004
Coz, u know that brahmin lady surpanaka (sister of brahmin ravana) just wanted to marry rama and rama said no because she was ugly and also he had alreay married sita.
So ramas brother cut surpanaka (brahmins ladys) nose.
only because of this ravana the brahmin king just abducted sita.lol.
U BRAHMINS ARE SO STUPID THAT U DESERVE TO BE KILLED. U ARE THE DEMONS. The brahmins posting some nuisance in this forum are just the desciples or offsprings of evil ravana the evil brahmin king
rama was a kshatria. Well as i gave u all a rigorous proof about who is a kshatria in india (especially north and south). I dont know about north, but in south we (non brahmins) are were the kshatrias. Gods and idols are dark in south india.
brahmins worship rama and oppose the devil (the brahmin ravana).
Why dont u (brahmins) all stop being like ravana and just worship us (non brahmins like rama)???
- From: davie (@ tandon-lpt)
on: Sat Nov 20 10:10:41 EST 2004
brahmins should worship us (we non brahmins)
- From: davie (@ e228-013.ecc.utep.edu)
on: Sat Nov 20 10:12:27 EST 2004
and it its true that most of the brahmins say in TN look darker/uglier than other non-brahmins. So what now.
- From: davie (@ e228-013.ecc.utep.edu)
on: Sat Nov 20 10:13:03 EST 2004
u should stop crying like a lady and accept that ur an asura
- From: davie (@ e228-013.ecc.utep.edu)
on: Sat Nov 20 10:14:17 EST 2004
Shudras are business men
Brahmins are priests
Khastrias are warriors
vaishyas are business men
caste was not based on color
south indian kings respected sanskrit and tamil equally
different castes in india represent different groups.
So called SC STs and categorization of castes was done while framing indian costitution. Brahmi9ns should not be rated as FC. They are not superior. Similarly vanniars should not be classified as SC. coz vanniars are just like any other caste in TN. These are errors while framing new indian constitution
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