Does anybody miss the great leader M.G.R.
Topic started by jegan (@ on Wed May 28 03:28:15 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
tamils living in Sri Lanka loved M.G.R. and the same way he did all what he can do for us. He yielded considerable influence in Delhi and the whole of TN was under his control. During the 83 riots in Sri Lanka, we sri lankans still remember the assistance he gave us. He is the only Tamil leader who has done something for the tamil people and their language. Unfortunatley his successor is going against his policy on this matter. Does anyone agree or disgree with me.
- Old responses
- From: Balakrishnan S Nayakkar (@
on: Thu Aug 7 14:56:06 EDT 2003
MGR is the best politician TamilNadu ever had.
- From: tony (@
on: Thu Aug 7 20:53:45 EDT 2003
Puratchi Talaivar, Mega Shtar, Thiru Dr. Yem See AAR was
1.Most handsome man in the world
2. Best fershnality
3. Looked divine when chasing Dr. Jj around the trees
4. Best sword fighter
5. His sexual prowess is legendary
6. Ruled Tamil Nadu even when he was in Coma
7. made a lot of money as C.M. second only to Kalaignar
8.Could beat Shunt Somu in a fist fight
9. Was kattaboman, nadodi mannan,Madurai Veeran and Ricksa karan all rolled into one.
10. Scared me when I saw him at a distance
- From: raveenraj (@
on: Fri Aug 8 07:07:57 EDT 2003
Mr raj,
In response to your post wherein you had stated "YOU dont have to proof how much intelligent type of questions you could raise...first just hope or think of possibilities for your government to take a reasonable and effective decision over the water dispute with malaysia."
Firstly, I don't see the relevance of Singapore-Malaysian Water dispute to MGR's leadership qualities. Perhaps you can enlighten me on this score.
I am only interested in finding the leadership qualities of MGR that many are enamoured with. Exactly what had he achieved? I am neither prejudiced nor biased nor anit-MGR. After all MGR had existed years before I was born and I have no vested in either denigrating or lauding him.
All I am interested is how does he measure up against other leaders, like the Fuhrer, Chairman Mao, Castro, EVR Periyar, Ambedkar etc. On a scale of 1 to 10 what is his rating against, say Mahathir.
What has MGR done to uplift the social and economic status of those below the poverty line or bring order to a chaotic community? These are the yardsticks of evaluating the qualities of a leader. If MGR had indeed succeeded in wiping out the social inequalities or had inspired the masses towards a more eglatarian society, like what your leader Mr Mahathir is doing, then please let me know.
I am ignorant of the reforms or achievements of MGR and I feel that it is the duty of his supporters to tell the world what a wonderful person MGR was all his wonderful achievements.
Why feel shy of providing ignorant people like me of MGR's achievements. I can be richer intellectualy by your information. I can even broadcast to the world whatever morsels you can give.
- From: whocareswhatitis (@
on: Sat Aug 30 17:49:42 EDT 2003
Tamilnadu state will never improve because of hero worshipers.They all watch movies and think it is real life.First thing for india to prosper movies should be banned.People get fooled into believing it is reality.No wonder movie starts exploit this enter politics and make money.Public will be always fooled.Did any politican promote education he didnt because if people are educated they will never elect anyone.All are corrupt.See kerala state.Always talk of communism because all are educated.MJR came to tamilnadu and made his money.
- From: Ramanan Pillay (@
on: Sat Aug 30 18:07:48 EDT 2003
yes that is right the whole lousy Indian Policy Is corrupted , last time i went to India to give Money to the poor , i HAd to give it to some of my Closes friends , otherwise i know the blood sucking politician will get it , The worst is still happening in TAmil NAdu .
- From: tony azhggan (@
on: Mon Sep 1 00:09:46 EDT 2003
Dr.Raman Pillay:
Are you the same Dr. Raman Pillay who said that Dravidians are the most intelligent and most handsome?
One look at Dr.MGR or DR. Senthil will prove to the world that your words about looks are true. Also if you look at the admission list at Anna University, all 106% are dravidians. No eskimoes or belgians can get admitted.
- From: x (@
on: Mon Sep 1 01:40:41 EDT 2003
I agree that Dravidians are very intelligent.
Formation of Indus vally is the ultimate illustration of this.
But I dont agree that they are the best looking.
- From: . (@
on: Mon Sep 1 01:57:38 EDT 2003
sOME OF My know hardcore tamil fans even look for M.G.R photo on 500 Rs.note replacing Gandhiji?
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