Manu Smriti and Christianity
Topic started by Dallas (@ on Sun Jun 1 11:59:08 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Which is better? Let us ask Freiderich Nietzsche - the best ever Western (German) Philosopher of the 19th Century.
"Christianity's [purposes are]...bad ends; the poisoning , slandering, denying of life, contempt for the body, the denigration and self violation of man through the concept of sin - consequently its means too are bad. It is with an opposite feeling that I read the Law-book of Manu, an incomparably spiritual and superior work, so much as to name which in the same breath as the Bible would be a sin against the spirit. One sees immediately that is has a real philosophy behind it, in it, not merely an ill-smelling Jewish acidity compounded of rabbinisim and superstition...All the things upon which Christianity vents its abysmal vulgarity, procreation, for example, woman, marriage, are here treated seriously, with reverance, with love and trust." - Freidrich Nietzsche, "The Antichrist", translation by R K Hollingdale, p 175
- Old responses
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Tue Jun 8 13:31:32 EDT 2004
They now claim that Thamizhans are HINDUS shadowing the Thamizh Philosophies like Sivaniyam and Maliyam which was originated as Thamizh Philosophies and worked hard for Thamizhans and Thamizh as matter of fact Nayanmars and Aalvars gained support by showing their tru patriotism toward Thamizh and Thamizhan and said that Buddhist and Jains and Vaithikars and others didn't care more than converting Thamizhans into their foreign-belief.
When a Thamizhan say Thamizhans aren't Hindus, they blame that Thamizhan and say he is a Christian or a Muslim and not a Thamizhan and start a war in between Thamizhans with different beliefs!
Finally as one of the Thamizh Actor said, 'Good looking' brahmins enter Cinema while the others loot Thamizhans money, for instance in Thamizh Temples using foreign language.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Tue Jun 8 13:39:56 EDT 2004
//And,maan, your english is really getting worse. I mean it. Just look at what U have written. //
look at you saying 'maan' instead of man...nm it anyway we all make spelling error in hurry like I spelled 'tru' instead of 'true' above.
I accept Mr. Mocking Periyar Devotee you are truly well literated in English, but that doesn't make you any better than me. As far as I know, my mother tonghue is the ancient language and 'English' wouldn't exist otherwise, you don't need to feel pity for me:d, It's not my dream to be well through in English but it is necessary when you are living in an English country and I'm aware of that, Thank you.
Last but not least: I shall go home and cry because I don't know English, Oh no I can't speak...English is the language and it is the only language..oh save me Mr.Mocking Periyar Devotee..what should I do?
- From: mannanng katty (@
on: Tue Jun 8 19:59:01 EDT 2004
You are neither TAMIL nor HINDU. What is your problem with majority Tamils?
You can work for POPE but not at the expense of TAMIL. You soon tell TAMILS are Christians and not HINDUS because Portugeuse told the same when they were in Jaffna!
- From: Fuck The RSS (@
on: Wed Jun 9 04:14:57 EDT 2004
As long as you don't claim all Christians are Tamils I am satisfied. Thamizh has no castes but Hinduism! As long as you superior caste "Thamizhar" divide the society we will lick the ASSS of POPE and LTTE!
- From: periyardasan (@
on: Wed Jun 9 05:32:44 EDT 2004
The reasons given by U for hating brahmins are absurd, to sa the least. U are in the 21st century. Don't live in the past. Have U not read the rcxent studies which say that the ASryan invasion theory is a myth?
"Nayanmars and Aalvars gained support by showing their true patriotism toward Thamizh and Thamizhan" - Good joke.
- From: periyardasan (@
on: Wed Jun 9 05:41:18 EDT 2004
In mosques, prayers are recited in arabic & in churches, in english. U never opppose them, why? That is why we say that periyarists have the guts ONLY to criticize Hindusim & NEVER any other religion. That is because Hinduism is the most tolerant of all the religions. U are merely taking advantage of it.
Finally as one of the Thamizh Actor said, 'Good looking' brahmins enter Cinema while the others loot Thamizhans money, for instance in Thamizh Temples using foreign language".
Dear nedunchezhiya, the money in temples is being looted by NBs who are the trustees & not the brahmin. Get the facts right. Also, U are quoting an actor (of all persons). Periyar would be turning in his grave. Did your thalaivar not say that "cinema fellows are koothadi pasanga?
Periyarists are quoting from "koothadigals" to prove their point.What a let down!
- From: periyardasan (@
on: Wed Jun 9 06:05:28 EDT 2004
The reasons given by U for hating brahmins are absurd, to say the least. U are in the 21st century. Don't live in the past. Have U not read the recent studies which say that the Aryan invasion theory is a myth?
Have U started a "Anti-brahmin cum Tamil protection movement" in Canada? Doing "pious" acts like cutting sacred thread & licking naamams? Are there any takers? Atleast there.
Inga poraadhunnu Canadavala vera poyi endaa naaradhikiringa?
By the way, U guys say "Periyar Vaazhga". He is dead, isn't he? Oh, that is Pagutharivu????
Tamizh (i.e., "kaattumirandi" periyar tamizh) kaavalar nedunchezhiyan vaazhga!
Religion (Hinduism only) hater nedunchezhiyan vaazhga!!
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed Jun 9 14:32:01 EDT 2004
//"Nayanmars and Aalvars gained support by showing their true patriotism toward Thamizh and Thamizhan" - Good joke. //
Yes on your brahmin Sony TV it is a big joke.
Hinduism was enforced into Thamizhans as well as other foreign things. Praying in Arabic in the mosques or in Latin and Greek in Church shows what kind of culture the so called 'religions' affect. Temple or Mosque or a Church or a Buddhist pagoda w/e it is, if you aren't praying in Thamizh, you better get out of Thamizh land! Oh and don't bark here as if Hinduism and Brahmins should be throned in TN or any others! As I told you before; you do it in Thamizh in Thamizh land, otherwise you move out. I don't know but if I have the power I'll do that first.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@
on: Wed Jun 9 14:32:45 EDT 2004
Oh and people I don't care whoever you are WOULD YOU STOP USING ABUSIVE, IMPROPER WORDS!! It's beginning to annoy me! I would appreciate it.
- From: periyardasan (@
on: Thu Jun 10 02:09:20 EDT 2004
U are annoyed that I use abusive language? C'mon man, U started it. I was only responding in kind.
Many of the hindu rituals & prayers in temples are in tamil. Do not be so ignorant. As I said, U only question hindus, why not other religions? Your opposition must be uniform.
I should get out of TN if I do not pray in tamil? Is it? Strange? if that were the case, then there would be hardly anybody left in TN.
By the way, why did U "desert" TN & go to Canada? Of course, this is purely your personal matter, but the reason I am asking this Q is that U seem to be so concernd about saving TN & the tamil language.
Should U not have stayed back to protect tamilians from the onslaught of Hinduism.
U see, nedunchezhiya, U are the sole protector of tamil. So, pl. return & rescue tamil.
Your services to the cause of (periyar kaattumirandhi) tamizh are needed urgently.
Hurry up!
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